Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 01.06.20

Friday 5th June 2020


Like you did yesterday, log onto Oxford Reading and click on ‘My class login’. Enter your login details (which are the same as the school Mymaths login). Once you have logged in, click on ‘My Bookshelf’ and search for the book ‘Dragon tales’. As you have already read chapter 1, you can go straight to page 30 to carry on reading chapters 2&3. When you are done, answer the following questions.

  1. Why did Ai-li not reply to Tchang?.
  2. Write two things that made the dragon so special?
  3. Was the Great Wizard a polite man? Find evidence in the text to explain your answer.
  4. What made the dragon’s wings grow bigger?
  5. Why could Ai-li speak all of a sudden?
  6. How do you think Tchang felt when his mother could see again?


Log on to Mymaths.com and finish your weekly tasks. Today is your last day to complete these tasks. Learning Links


Watch this clip called ‘Ruckus’, a short animation film about two bandit brothers. Then, you can choose between these two writing ideas. You can either write a setting description of the desert or write a dialogue between the two brothers.

Setting description of the desert:

Activity one: click on this link and write down some of the words that would be good to use in a desert setting description.

Activity two: Use these images to write a setting description of the desert. Think about the five senses:

  • What would you see?
  • What would you hear?
  • What would you smell?
  • What would you touch?

Dialogue between the two brothers:

Activity one: The clip has no speech. Imagine that the brothers were talking to each other throughout the ruckus – what do you think they would say? Write the conversation between them as they chase each other for the diamond.

Activity two: Next, remembering the rules for writing dialogue, use the speech bubbles you completed on the previous page to write a dialogue between the brothers. Click here to see a WAGOLL.


In French this half-term we will learn about the weather. You may have noticed that the weather changes a lot during Spring! After this lesson, you will be able to describe the weather in French and could even teach your family.

First, go through the ‘weather phrases’ Power Point. Remember to click on the audio buttons and repeat after it. If you want to test your memory, do this two or three times, or until you remember how to say it! 

Next, complete these ‘match it’ tasks. You can choose the bronze challenge, or the silver challenge. Don’t look at the answers until you are done to test your knowledge.

Gold challenge: write all the different types of weather you have learnt in French and draw a matching image next to it.

Remember that Mrs Livesey sets extra French lesson on her page. Head there to become a super French learner!

Daily exercise

Warm up with this dance on GoNoodle to celebrate it is Friday! 

Work out with Ryan Kerrigan who will teach how to turn your daily movement into exercises. 

Finally, use this calming video to help you find peace any time you need it.

We know lots of you are missing school and we are missing you too so much! Remember that storms don’t last forever and this too shall pass. Sending you a big hug from our end of the internet to yours.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x

Thursday 4th June 2020


Log in to Oxford Reading Owl by clicking on Oxford Owl for School and using the whole school MyMaths log in. Once you have logged in, click on ‘My Bookshelf’ and search for the book ‘Dragon Tales’. Read chapter one of Tchang and the Pearl Dragon and answer the questions:

  1. How did Tchang feel after sitting for so long and not catching any fish?
  2. What did the dragon look like?
  3. Why did the dragon follow him?
  4. Where did Tchang’s mother tell him to go?
  5. Do you think it is a good idea for Tchang to set off on this adventure? Why/why not? 


If you have completed your MyMaths activities, it’s time to head over to the White Rose Home Learning page and complete lesson 2 ‘Subtract fractions’ from this week. Don’t forget to pause the video when it says to answer the questions! 


Today’s SPAG activity is using apostrophes to show plural possession. This is when something belongs to more than one person. Click here to complete the questions.

Your creative activity is to design a brand new toy. It must be for children aged 5-9 and you need to create a poster which makes people want to buy it! Click here to see more details and find the template.


Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics as a formal writing system. It included pictures of living creatures, objects used in daily life or symbols. The Egyptians believed there was great power in a name. If someone’s name was remembered then he or she would survive in the afterlife. That’s why pharaohs’ names were written in hieroglyphics in their tombs! You can read more about them here

We would like you to design a banner with your name written in hieroglyphics. Here is the alphabet you will need to use. You could use paint, felt tips, colouring pencils - whatever is in your home!

Daily exercise 

Have a go at the Circuit workout - will someone from your house join in with you? 

Have a fantastic day everyone. We miss you all so much and love seeing your work so don’t forget to send it in to us! Here is our email.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x


Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Read the first chapter of ‘Some Places More Than Others’ by Renée Watson and answer the following questions:

  1. What does the family like to do during the weekends?
  2. Why did Amara want to go to New York City?
  3. What is her father’s job?
  4. On page 5, find and copy one thing that irritates Amara.
  5. How would you describe Amara’s personality?
  6. What came as a surprise at the end of the chapter?


Log on to Mymaths.com and carry on with your weekly tasks. Remember, you need to log onto your personal portal to access these tasks. Do not hesitate to email us if you need any help with this.  Y4@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk 


Complete this lesson on BBC Bitesize about how to use brackets. Brackets are useful when adding extra information to your writing. Complete the different tasks to learn how to do this properly. This lesson includes:

  • One short clip with examples
  • One video about how and when to use brackets
  • One video about a Viking story
  • Three activities to complete


You already know a lot about Ancient Egypt! But what remains of Ancient Egypt? We know about the ancient Egyptians from the discovery of lots of buildings, monuments, objects and mummies. Watch this video on BBC Bitesize to learn more about it.

Then, follow along the lesson and take a tour around some ancient Egyptian ruins. When you are done with that, click on the map to find an exhibition of ancient Egyptian artefacts in the UK!

Have you seen how many museums and galleries have ancient Egyptian artefacts in the UK? There are so many! Now click on this link and teleport to the British Museum where you will find lots of Egyptian sculptures and artefacts. Find one that you like best and draw it in your book or on a piece of paper.

Daily exercise

Follow along as Sophia Khan leads a fun and family-friendly yoga class. You’ll get to warm up, practise breathing and poses, and relax into a power down.


We hope you have a great day! Enjoy the nice weather, maybe take a walk to stretch your legs or read your favourite book in the garden. Don’t forget to wear sun cream and drink lots of water.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x

Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Listen to the story ‘The Bad Seed’ written by Jory John and answer the following questions:

  1. What bad things does the bad seed do?
  2. Where was the bad seed born?
  3. What happened to the bad seed’s family?
  4. Why do you think the seed turned from good to bad?
  5. How is the bad seed trying to become good again?


Time to re-cap our fraction knowledge! Head over to the White Rose Home Learning page and complete lesson 1 ‘Add 2 or more fractions’ from this week. Don’t forget to pause the video when it says to answer the questions!


Did you see the incredible Space X rocket blast off on Saturday? You are going to put yourself in the astronaut’s shoes as you complete the Pobble lesson ‘Explorers’. Your task will be to write 3 short diary entries from your mission to space.


This half term, one of the things we will learn about is our teeth. There are different types of teeth in our mouths and they all have different functions. To get started, watch the video about different types of teeth. After watching it, you need to head over to Purple Mash and complete the 2do ‘Healthy Teeth’ where you can show off your knowledge about teeth.

Daily exercise

Have a go at the Supermovers Space Invaders workout - can you make it all the way to the end?


Have a lovely day everyone - take a moment to get outside and enjoy some sunshine but don’t forget your sun cream!  Did you know that being exposed to just 10 minutes a day of sunlight can boost your mood?!

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x


Monday 1st June 2020

We hope you had a great half-term and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Let’s start the week with some happy news.


Listen to ‘Trombone Shorty’ written by Troy Andrews and read by Angela Bassett. 

  1. What instrument did James play?
  2. Write three things that can be seen during the ‘Mardi Gras’ parade.
  3. What was the boy’s nickname ‘Trombone Shorty’?
  4. How do you think Trombone Shorty felt when he got on stage with Bo Diddley?


Log on to Mymaths.com (you will need the school login details as well as your personal ones). On the website, you will find a few tasks for you to complete during the week. Make sure they are done by Friday!


Complete this lesson on Pobble and write a superhero story!


Songs can make you feel different emotions. Some songs make you feel happy or excited, while others make you feel sad or scared. These feelings come from how the song is composed, the instruments used and how performers play them.

Watch this video about ‘How does music make you feel?’ on BBC Bitesize.

Then, click on the links and write down how the following songs make you feel. Explain why using the following key words: instruments, rhythm, melody.

Rain On Me – Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande

Everything I wanted – Billie Eillish 

Blinding Lights – The Weeknd 

Death bed – Powfu 

Daily exercise

Get ready for a hero-themed fitness adventure for the whole family. Spring into action like the Incredibles, break a sweat, and defeat the bad guys during the episode of “Get Moving with Disney Family”.


Don’t forget to send us your favourite piece of work Y4@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk. Keep working hard Year 4! You are doing great!

We miss you!

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 01.06.20

Friday 5th June 2020


Like you did yesterday, log onto Oxford Reading and click on ‘My class login’. Enter your login details (which are the same as the school Mymaths login). Once you have logged in, click on ‘My Bookshelf’ and search for the book ‘Dragon tales’. As you have already read chapter 1, you can go straight to page 30 to carry on reading chapters 2&3. When you are done, answer the following questions.

  1. Why did Ai-li not reply to Tchang?.
  2. Write two things that made the dragon so special?
  3. Was the Great Wizard a polite man? Find evidence in the text to explain your answer.
  4. What made the dragon’s wings grow bigger?
  5. Why could Ai-li speak all of a sudden?
  6. How do you think Tchang felt when his mother could see again?


Log on to Mymaths.com and finish your weekly tasks. Today is your last day to complete these tasks. Learning Links


Watch this clip called ‘Ruckus’, a short animation film about two bandit brothers. Then, you can choose between these two writing ideas. You can either write a setting description of the desert or write a dialogue between the two brothers.

Setting description of the desert:

Activity one: click on this link and write down some of the words that would be good to use in a desert setting description.

Activity two: Use these images to write a setting description of the desert. Think about the five senses:

  • What would you see?
  • What would you hear?
  • What would you smell?
  • What would you touch?

Dialogue between the two brothers:

Activity one: The clip has no speech. Imagine that the brothers were talking to each other throughout the ruckus – what do you think they would say? Write the conversation between them as they chase each other for the diamond.

Activity two: Next, remembering the rules for writing dialogue, use the speech bubbles you completed on the previous page to write a dialogue between the brothers. Click here to see a WAGOLL.


In French this half-term we will learn about the weather. You may have noticed that the weather changes a lot during Spring! After this lesson, you will be able to describe the weather in French and could even teach your family.

First, go through the ‘weather phrases’ Power Point. Remember to click on the audio buttons and repeat after it. If you want to test your memory, do this two or three times, or until you remember how to say it! 

Next, complete these ‘match it’ tasks. You can choose the bronze challenge, or the silver challenge. Don’t look at the answers until you are done to test your knowledge.

Gold challenge: write all the different types of weather you have learnt in French and draw a matching image next to it.

Remember that Mrs Livesey sets extra French lesson on her page. Head there to become a super French learner!

Daily exercise

Warm up with this dance on GoNoodle to celebrate it is Friday! 

Work out with Ryan Kerrigan who will teach how to turn your daily movement into exercises. 

Finally, use this calming video to help you find peace any time you need it.

We know lots of you are missing school and we are missing you too so much! Remember that storms don’t last forever and this too shall pass. Sending you a big hug from our end of the internet to yours.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x

Thursday 4th June 2020


Log in to Oxford Reading Owl by clicking on Oxford Owl for School and using the whole school MyMaths log in. Once you have logged in, click on ‘My Bookshelf’ and search for the book ‘Dragon Tales’. Read chapter one of Tchang and the Pearl Dragon and answer the questions:

  1. How did Tchang feel after sitting for so long and not catching any fish?
  2. What did the dragon look like?
  3. Why did the dragon follow him?
  4. Where did Tchang’s mother tell him to go?
  5. Do you think it is a good idea for Tchang to set off on this adventure? Why/why not? 


If you have completed your MyMaths activities, it’s time to head over to the White Rose Home Learning page and complete lesson 2 ‘Subtract fractions’ from this week. Don’t forget to pause the video when it says to answer the questions! 


Today’s SPAG activity is using apostrophes to show plural possession. This is when something belongs to more than one person. Click here to complete the questions.

Your creative activity is to design a brand new toy. It must be for children aged 5-9 and you need to create a poster which makes people want to buy it! Click here to see more details and find the template.


Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics as a formal writing system. It included pictures of living creatures, objects used in daily life or symbols. The Egyptians believed there was great power in a name. If someone’s name was remembered then he or she would survive in the afterlife. That’s why pharaohs’ names were written in hieroglyphics in their tombs! You can read more about them here

We would like you to design a banner with your name written in hieroglyphics. Here is the alphabet you will need to use. You could use paint, felt tips, colouring pencils - whatever is in your home!

Daily exercise 

Have a go at the Circuit workout - will someone from your house join in with you? 

Have a fantastic day everyone. We miss you all so much and love seeing your work so don’t forget to send it in to us! Here is our email.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x


Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Read the first chapter of ‘Some Places More Than Others’ by Renée Watson and answer the following questions:

  1. What does the family like to do during the weekends?
  2. Why did Amara want to go to New York City?
  3. What is her father’s job?
  4. On page 5, find and copy one thing that irritates Amara.
  5. How would you describe Amara’s personality?
  6. What came as a surprise at the end of the chapter?


Log on to Mymaths.com and carry on with your weekly tasks. Remember, you need to log onto your personal portal to access these tasks. Do not hesitate to email us if you need any help with this.  Y4@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk 


Complete this lesson on BBC Bitesize about how to use brackets. Brackets are useful when adding extra information to your writing. Complete the different tasks to learn how to do this properly. This lesson includes:

  • One short clip with examples
  • One video about how and when to use brackets
  • One video about a Viking story
  • Three activities to complete


You already know a lot about Ancient Egypt! But what remains of Ancient Egypt? We know about the ancient Egyptians from the discovery of lots of buildings, monuments, objects and mummies. Watch this video on BBC Bitesize to learn more about it.

Then, follow along the lesson and take a tour around some ancient Egyptian ruins. When you are done with that, click on the map to find an exhibition of ancient Egyptian artefacts in the UK!

Have you seen how many museums and galleries have ancient Egyptian artefacts in the UK? There are so many! Now click on this link and teleport to the British Museum where you will find lots of Egyptian sculptures and artefacts. Find one that you like best and draw it in your book or on a piece of paper.

Daily exercise

Follow along as Sophia Khan leads a fun and family-friendly yoga class. You’ll get to warm up, practise breathing and poses, and relax into a power down.


We hope you have a great day! Enjoy the nice weather, maybe take a walk to stretch your legs or read your favourite book in the garden. Don’t forget to wear sun cream and drink lots of water.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x

Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Listen to the story ‘The Bad Seed’ written by Jory John and answer the following questions:

  1. What bad things does the bad seed do?
  2. Where was the bad seed born?
  3. What happened to the bad seed’s family?
  4. Why do you think the seed turned from good to bad?
  5. How is the bad seed trying to become good again?


Time to re-cap our fraction knowledge! Head over to the White Rose Home Learning page and complete lesson 1 ‘Add 2 or more fractions’ from this week. Don’t forget to pause the video when it says to answer the questions!


Did you see the incredible Space X rocket blast off on Saturday? You are going to put yourself in the astronaut’s shoes as you complete the Pobble lesson ‘Explorers’. Your task will be to write 3 short diary entries from your mission to space.


This half term, one of the things we will learn about is our teeth. There are different types of teeth in our mouths and they all have different functions. To get started, watch the video about different types of teeth. After watching it, you need to head over to Purple Mash and complete the 2do ‘Healthy Teeth’ where you can show off your knowledge about teeth.

Daily exercise

Have a go at the Supermovers Space Invaders workout - can you make it all the way to the end?


Have a lovely day everyone - take a moment to get outside and enjoy some sunshine but don’t forget your sun cream!  Did you know that being exposed to just 10 minutes a day of sunlight can boost your mood?!

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x


Monday 1st June 2020

We hope you had a great half-term and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Let’s start the week with some happy news.


Listen to ‘Trombone Shorty’ written by Troy Andrews and read by Angela Bassett. 

  1. What instrument did James play?
  2. Write three things that can be seen during the ‘Mardi Gras’ parade.
  3. What was the boy’s nickname ‘Trombone Shorty’?
  4. How do you think Trombone Shorty felt when he got on stage with Bo Diddley?


Log on to Mymaths.com (you will need the school login details as well as your personal ones). On the website, you will find a few tasks for you to complete during the week. Make sure they are done by Friday!


Complete this lesson on Pobble and write a superhero story!


Songs can make you feel different emotions. Some songs make you feel happy or excited, while others make you feel sad or scared. These feelings come from how the song is composed, the instruments used and how performers play them.

Watch this video about ‘How does music make you feel?’ on BBC Bitesize.

Then, click on the links and write down how the following songs make you feel. Explain why using the following key words: instruments, rhythm, melody.

Rain On Me – Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande

Everything I wanted – Billie Eillish 

Blinding Lights – The Weeknd 

Death bed – Powfu 

Daily exercise

Get ready for a hero-themed fitness adventure for the whole family. Spring into action like the Incredibles, break a sweat, and defeat the bad guys during the episode of “Get Moving with Disney Family”.


Don’t forget to send us your favourite piece of work Y4@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk. Keep working hard Year 4! You are doing great!

We miss you!

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 01.06.20

Friday 5th June 2020


Like you did yesterday, log onto Oxford Reading and click on ‘My class login’. Enter your login details (which are the same as the school Mymaths login). Once you have logged in, click on ‘My Bookshelf’ and search for the book ‘Dragon tales’. As you have already read chapter 1, you can go straight to page 30 to carry on reading chapters 2&3. When you are done, answer the following questions.

  1. Why did Ai-li not reply to Tchang?.
  2. Write two things that made the dragon so special?
  3. Was the Great Wizard a polite man? Find evidence in the text to explain your answer.
  4. What made the dragon’s wings grow bigger?
  5. Why could Ai-li speak all of a sudden?
  6. How do you think Tchang felt when his mother could see again?


Log on to Mymaths.com and finish your weekly tasks. Today is your last day to complete these tasks. Learning Links


Watch this clip called ‘Ruckus’, a short animation film about two bandit brothers. Then, you can choose between these two writing ideas. You can either write a setting description of the desert or write a dialogue between the two brothers.

Setting description of the desert:

Activity one: click on this link and write down some of the words that would be good to use in a desert setting description.

Activity two: Use these images to write a setting description of the desert. Think about the five senses:

  • What would you see?
  • What would you hear?
  • What would you smell?
  • What would you touch?

Dialogue between the two brothers:

Activity one: The clip has no speech. Imagine that the brothers were talking to each other throughout the ruckus – what do you think they would say? Write the conversation between them as they chase each other for the diamond.

Activity two: Next, remembering the rules for writing dialogue, use the speech bubbles you completed on the previous page to write a dialogue between the brothers. Click here to see a WAGOLL.


In French this half-term we will learn about the weather. You may have noticed that the weather changes a lot during Spring! After this lesson, you will be able to describe the weather in French and could even teach your family.

First, go through the ‘weather phrases’ Power Point. Remember to click on the audio buttons and repeat after it. If you want to test your memory, do this two or three times, or until you remember how to say it! 

Next, complete these ‘match it’ tasks. You can choose the bronze challenge, or the silver challenge. Don’t look at the answers until you are done to test your knowledge.

Gold challenge: write all the different types of weather you have learnt in French and draw a matching image next to it.

Remember that Mrs Livesey sets extra French lesson on her page. Head there to become a super French learner!

Daily exercise

Warm up with this dance on GoNoodle to celebrate it is Friday! 

Work out with Ryan Kerrigan who will teach how to turn your daily movement into exercises. 

Finally, use this calming video to help you find peace any time you need it.

We know lots of you are missing school and we are missing you too so much! Remember that storms don’t last forever and this too shall pass. Sending you a big hug from our end of the internet to yours.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x

Thursday 4th June 2020


Log in to Oxford Reading Owl by clicking on Oxford Owl for School and using the whole school MyMaths log in. Once you have logged in, click on ‘My Bookshelf’ and search for the book ‘Dragon Tales’. Read chapter one of Tchang and the Pearl Dragon and answer the questions:

  1. How did Tchang feel after sitting for so long and not catching any fish?
  2. What did the dragon look like?
  3. Why did the dragon follow him?
  4. Where did Tchang’s mother tell him to go?
  5. Do you think it is a good idea for Tchang to set off on this adventure? Why/why not? 


If you have completed your MyMaths activities, it’s time to head over to the White Rose Home Learning page and complete lesson 2 ‘Subtract fractions’ from this week. Don’t forget to pause the video when it says to answer the questions! 


Today’s SPAG activity is using apostrophes to show plural possession. This is when something belongs to more than one person. Click here to complete the questions.

Your creative activity is to design a brand new toy. It must be for children aged 5-9 and you need to create a poster which makes people want to buy it! Click here to see more details and find the template.


Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics as a formal writing system. It included pictures of living creatures, objects used in daily life or symbols. The Egyptians believed there was great power in a name. If someone’s name was remembered then he or she would survive in the afterlife. That’s why pharaohs’ names were written in hieroglyphics in their tombs! You can read more about them here

We would like you to design a banner with your name written in hieroglyphics. Here is the alphabet you will need to use. You could use paint, felt tips, colouring pencils - whatever is in your home!

Daily exercise 

Have a go at the Circuit workout - will someone from your house join in with you? 

Have a fantastic day everyone. We miss you all so much and love seeing your work so don’t forget to send it in to us! Here is our email.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x


Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Read the first chapter of ‘Some Places More Than Others’ by Renée Watson and answer the following questions:

  1. What does the family like to do during the weekends?
  2. Why did Amara want to go to New York City?
  3. What is her father’s job?
  4. On page 5, find and copy one thing that irritates Amara.
  5. How would you describe Amara’s personality?
  6. What came as a surprise at the end of the chapter?


Log on to Mymaths.com and carry on with your weekly tasks. Remember, you need to log onto your personal portal to access these tasks. Do not hesitate to email us if you need any help with this.  Y4@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk 


Complete this lesson on BBC Bitesize about how to use brackets. Brackets are useful when adding extra information to your writing. Complete the different tasks to learn how to do this properly. This lesson includes:

  • One short clip with examples
  • One video about how and when to use brackets
  • One video about a Viking story
  • Three activities to complete


You already know a lot about Ancient Egypt! But what remains of Ancient Egypt? We know about the ancient Egyptians from the discovery of lots of buildings, monuments, objects and mummies. Watch this video on BBC Bitesize to learn more about it.

Then, follow along the lesson and take a tour around some ancient Egyptian ruins. When you are done with that, click on the map to find an exhibition of ancient Egyptian artefacts in the UK!

Have you seen how many museums and galleries have ancient Egyptian artefacts in the UK? There are so many! Now click on this link and teleport to the British Museum where you will find lots of Egyptian sculptures and artefacts. Find one that you like best and draw it in your book or on a piece of paper.

Daily exercise

Follow along as Sophia Khan leads a fun and family-friendly yoga class. You’ll get to warm up, practise breathing and poses, and relax into a power down.


We hope you have a great day! Enjoy the nice weather, maybe take a walk to stretch your legs or read your favourite book in the garden. Don’t forget to wear sun cream and drink lots of water.

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x

Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Listen to the story ‘The Bad Seed’ written by Jory John and answer the following questions:

  1. What bad things does the bad seed do?
  2. Where was the bad seed born?
  3. What happened to the bad seed’s family?
  4. Why do you think the seed turned from good to bad?
  5. How is the bad seed trying to become good again?


Time to re-cap our fraction knowledge! Head over to the White Rose Home Learning page and complete lesson 1 ‘Add 2 or more fractions’ from this week. Don’t forget to pause the video when it says to answer the questions!


Did you see the incredible Space X rocket blast off on Saturday? You are going to put yourself in the astronaut’s shoes as you complete the Pobble lesson ‘Explorers’. Your task will be to write 3 short diary entries from your mission to space.


This half term, one of the things we will learn about is our teeth. There are different types of teeth in our mouths and they all have different functions. To get started, watch the video about different types of teeth. After watching it, you need to head over to Purple Mash and complete the 2do ‘Healthy Teeth’ where you can show off your knowledge about teeth.

Daily exercise

Have a go at the Supermovers Space Invaders workout - can you make it all the way to the end?


Have a lovely day everyone - take a moment to get outside and enjoy some sunshine but don’t forget your sun cream!  Did you know that being exposed to just 10 minutes a day of sunlight can boost your mood?!

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x


Monday 1st June 2020

We hope you had a great half-term and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Let’s start the week with some happy news.


Listen to ‘Trombone Shorty’ written by Troy Andrews and read by Angela Bassett. 

  1. What instrument did James play?
  2. Write three things that can be seen during the ‘Mardi Gras’ parade.
  3. What was the boy’s nickname ‘Trombone Shorty’?
  4. How do you think Trombone Shorty felt when he got on stage with Bo Diddley?


Log on to Mymaths.com (you will need the school login details as well as your personal ones). On the website, you will find a few tasks for you to complete during the week. Make sure they are done by Friday!


Complete this lesson on Pobble and write a superhero story!


Songs can make you feel different emotions. Some songs make you feel happy or excited, while others make you feel sad or scared. These feelings come from how the song is composed, the instruments used and how performers play them.

Watch this video about ‘How does music make you feel?’ on BBC Bitesize.

Then, click on the links and write down how the following songs make you feel. Explain why using the following key words: instruments, rhythm, melody.

Rain On Me – Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande

Everything I wanted – Billie Eillish 

Blinding Lights – The Weeknd 

Death bed – Powfu 

Daily exercise

Get ready for a hero-themed fitness adventure for the whole family. Spring into action like the Incredibles, break a sweat, and defeat the bad guys during the episode of “Get Moving with Disney Family”.


Don’t forget to send us your favourite piece of work Y4@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk. Keep working hard Year 4! You are doing great!

We miss you!

Miss Redpath and Miss Fuentes :) x