2021 - 2022
International Women's Day 2022
On 8th March 2022, we celebrated International Women’s Day across the school. In Year 6, we wrote about what we had enjoyed learning.
FREE Holiday Activity Programme at Co-op Academy Manchester
Co-Op Academy Manchester are excited to be running a FREE holiday activity programme during the Easter break, in association with Manchester Schools PE Association. The programme will run from Monday 4 to Thursday 7 April, 10am - 2pm.
Attendees will take part in 3 one-hour-long sessions each day, including a variety of sports, art and drama. A healthy mid-morning snack and a hot lunch will be provided, free of charge.
The programme is open to children in Years 4, 5 and 6. There are only 60 places available, so families should register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!
Registration can be completed digitally using the Google Form or alternatively using the printable application.
- https://forms.gle/
Registration forms must be submitted no later than Sunday 27 March.
Benjamin from Team 15 kindly brought in his great-grandfather's medals, photographs, diary and lots of other amazing artefacts for year 6 to enjoy. You can also see photographs from a World War Two Zoom meeting that Year 6 attended.
We built up our throwing, catching, shooting, dribbling and defending skills in basketball and ended our final session with a competitive game. Our sports stars were Seth and Justina.
Self Portraits - Frida Kahlo Style
We studied Frida Kahlo and created a self portrait inspired by her work. The background of our portraits are filled with our favourite things - can you spot what they are?