Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Previous Years Work



In History, we have continued to learn about prehistoric times. We have learnt about the Iron Age and the Bronze Age and even made our own hillforts! Here are some examples...






We celebrated Christmas with Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children and Christmas team parties! We had so much fun!





Autumn 1

Year 3 have had a fantastic start to the school year. Read on to find out what we've been doing...


We started each morning with a 'Compliment Parade'! We each had a day that was all about us and how special we are to our team.




We have learnt about the artist William Morris and designed wallpaper in the same style. 




We have been learning about Rocks in Science. We've done some fun experiments and learned about different types of rocks, fossils and soils. 




In History, we've been learning about the Stone Age. We have done lots of research and learnt lots of interesting facts. Here we are doing a 'fact hunt' around our classroom...




 We have been enjoying Musical Mondays again this year! We have learnt how to beatbox! Check us out...





As part of a whole school STEM day, Year 3 took on the challenge of designing, building and testing a marble run. You can see our hard work below!


Collaborative Writing

Year 6 came down to take a look at Year 3's fantastic writing. They loved the double page spreads we had created and used them as their WAGOLLS!


Shield Making

Team 7 made some fantastic Roman shields - take a look!


DT Project - Greenhouses

Year 3 completed their project to make miniature greenhouses. They used cardboard, paper straws, sellotape and clingfilm! You can see them below.



Royal Armouries 'Romans' Live Stream 2022

Year 3 were able to speak to a real Roman via Zoom - they practised marching like a Roman and asked lots of questions!



Gladiator Speeches

Both Team 7 and 8 imagined that they were Gladiators and wrote some terrifying battle speeches to their chosen opponent from the other class. They performed their speeches to each other so confidently that you would believe they were real Gladiators!




We have been learning how to perform balances and hold them for five seconds using all of the gymnastics equipment this half term. Have a look at our fantastic balances below!



Science Week 2022

The theme for this year was 'Growth' and in Year 3 we focused on the growth of humans and animals. We studied the lifecycle of a frog and created these fantastic 3D rings. 


World Book Day 2022

Take a look at our fantastic costumes for World Book Day!



Dress to Express Yourself 2022

Team 7 and 8 wore their own clothes to express themselves. Have a look at their fantastic outfits below!



Moving Hand Models

In Science, we have been learning all about skeletons, bones and muscles. Following a lesson on how muscles work, we completed a STEM project making these amazing moving hands. It shows how the muscles allow the fingers to move.



Children's Mental Health Week 2022

The theme this year was 'Growing Together' and Year 3 thought about one personal goal they would like to achieve this year.



North City Library Trip

We visited our local library to learn more about Hough Hall (our local history topic). We looked at old photos of Moston, searched in the telephone directory and even got to use a green screen!




As part of our Jigsaw puzzle, we have been learning about dreams, goals and challenges. We discussed different challenges that people face and then set ourselves some goals for the future.



Fruit Smoothies

We designed a brand new fruit smoothie and wrote an advertisement persuading people to buy it. We performed our advertisements in groups and, as part of our DT lessons, we actually got to make our fruit smoothies!



Christmas Jumper Day

Take a look at Team 7 and 8 showing off their amazing Christmas jumpers!


Moving Woolly Mammoths

We designed and made our own woolly mammoths and included a pneumatic system to make the mouth open and close in our DT lessons this half term. You can see some of the mammoths and the way they move below!


Stone Age Cave Paintings

We have been learning about the cave paintings that were produced in the Stone Age. Below you can see some of our fantastic sketchbook work.


Odd Socks Day 2021

We wore our odd socks in Year 3 to support Anti-Bullying Week!


Writing Across the Curriculum

Take a look at some of our fantastic writing! We wrote instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth after learning about the Stone Age and we also wrote a biography about Marcus Rashford linked to Black History Month.



Black History Month

In Year 3, we looked at Lakwena Maciver's artwork. Inspired by her designs, we created our own piece of art about Black History Month and put it all together to make a Black History Month mural.



Self Portraits - Reality vs Abstract

Year 3 completed portraits showing half a realistic side and half an abstract side. You can see some of their fantastic work below!