Developing a love of reading is very important to us and we want all children to be excited about books. Your child will bring a reading book home in their book bag every night. Please read with them as often as you can. If your child reads at least 3 times a week, they will achieve the ‘Reading Challenge’ and if they get their reading challenge stamp every week for a half term they will get a reward in the last week! To achieve the reading challenge the children can read their school reading book, or any book of choice! If your child has really enjoyed a particular book at home we would love for them to bring this book into school and share it with their friends during ‘Story Tree’.
We also love going to the library and all children take part in library visits where they will choose a library book to read during special reading times in school! The children enjoy going to the library and all know what to do when they get there, so we encourage them to go in their own time as well and to take their parent/carer with them and show them what we do in the library! Our local library is North City Library located in Manchester City College at Harpurhey.
In Early Years there is a big focus on phonics and the children have daily phonics sessions, which help them to learn to read and write. In phonics, the children learn the sound each letter makes and then practise blending these sounds together to read words. Please see the videos below of the Moston Lane children demonstrating the sounds they know and how they begin to read words.
Our Library Visits: