Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing at Moston Lane

At Moston Lane it is our vision that all pupils are socially, emotionally and mentally healthy.  The school aims to support pupils to grow in resilience to be able to fully participate, with confidence, in the wider community.

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to their community.” (World Health Organisation, 2014).

At Moston Lane, we aim to promote the positive mental health of every child, parent/carer and staff member. However, the school also aims to recognise and respond to mental ill health.

Current statistics show that around three children in every class suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder (Young Minds) and that their emotional health and wellbeing significantly impacts their cognitive development and learning. The school recognises that by developing and implementing practical, relevant and effective mental health procedures we can promote a safe and stable environment for children affected both directly, and indirectly by mental ill health.

At Moston Lane, we believe that teaching about mental health and emotional wellbeing as part of comprehensive curriculum is vital.  We aim to promote pupils’ wellbeing through an understanding of their own and others’ emotions and the development of health coping strategies.  We include World Mental Health Day and Mental Health Awareness Week in the school’s calendar and plan activities for the whole school.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy


Wellbeing Approaches for Pupils, Staff and Parents and Pupils

  Approaches  Intervention Outcome
Whole School Approach 
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing focus on wider curriculum 
  • All staff ACES trained
  • Staff training (Mind Ed)
  • Mindfulness sessions
  • Behaviour Lead support
  • Celebration assemblies
  • Buddy Systems


  • Each term starts with a whole school emotional literacy lessons 
  • Jigsaw (PSHE scheme of work)
  • Whole school mindfulness 
  • Classroom as a safe base 

  • Children feel valued, supported and safe 
  • Children are emotionally articulate and resilient 
  • Children who are engaged in learning and achieving successfully 
  • Children have a say in what happens in school 
  • Fewer disaffected children, disengaged from learning 
  • Children who are attending daily and on time 
  • Children who have a positive relational experiences 
  • Children who experience less bullying 
  • Raised attainment and achievement 
Targeted Support
  • Boxall Profile Interventions 
  • Oasis Room
  • Holistic multi-agency approach (Individual Wellbeing Plans)
  • Place2Be
  • Nurture Space
  • School Nurse
  • 1:1 play therapy (school oasis room)
  • 1:1 counselling (Place2Be)
  • Purr-fect skills
  • Nurture Room (12 week session)
  • Wellbeing Plans



  Approaches Interventions  Outcomes 
Whole School Approach
  • Senior Leadership Team committed to providing all staff with support in relation to emotional wellbeing
  • Appraisal focuses on emotional wellbeing 
  • Staff CPD 
  • LA counselling services 
  • Return to work interviews 
  • Open door policy 
  • Information sharing from lead practitioners 
  • ACES training 
  • Signposting to addition CPD courses 
  • Access to Emotional Wellbeing information support file 
  • Wellbeing team 
  • Staff who are reflective practitioners 
  • Staff who can easily identify children's differing emotional needs
  • Staff that feel confident at understanding and managing children's behaviour 
  • Staff who can access a system of support to manage behaviour and develop their pupil's emotional health 
  • Staff who feel listened to and emotionally supported 
  • Staff who are better equipped and feel more confident at responding to needs 
  • A system that highlights differentiated needs and subsequent provision and support 
Targeted Support 
  • Place2Be support for staff 



  Approaches/Interventions  Outcome
Whole School Approach
  • Access to a highly supportive, responsive and proactive Family Worker
  • Access to a SEND caseworker
  • Practical, emotional support to access outside agencies, i.e CAMHS 
  • Parents Evening 
  • School nurse 
  • Attendance team work 
  • Signposting through website 
  • Parents feel included and supported 
  • Parents who are confident to approach staff 
  • Parents who are better equipped to understand and manage their children's behaviour 
  • Parents who are confident to emotionally support their children 
  • Parents who are more willing to engage in school life

Targeted Support
  • Home visits 
  • Access to a range of professionals through school
Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing at Moston Lane

At Moston Lane it is our vision that all pupils are socially, emotionally and mentally healthy.  The school aims to support pupils to grow in resilience to be able to fully participate, with confidence, in the wider community.

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to their community.” (World Health Organisation, 2014).

At Moston Lane, we aim to promote the positive mental health of every child, parent/carer and staff member. However, the school also aims to recognise and respond to mental ill health.

Current statistics show that around three children in every class suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder (Young Minds) and that their emotional health and wellbeing significantly impacts their cognitive development and learning. The school recognises that by developing and implementing practical, relevant and effective mental health procedures we can promote a safe and stable environment for children affected both directly, and indirectly by mental ill health.

At Moston Lane, we believe that teaching about mental health and emotional wellbeing as part of comprehensive curriculum is vital.  We aim to promote pupils’ wellbeing through an understanding of their own and others’ emotions and the development of health coping strategies.  We include World Mental Health Day and Mental Health Awareness Week in the school’s calendar and plan activities for the whole school.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy


Wellbeing Approaches for Pupils, Staff and Parents and Pupils

  Approaches  Intervention Outcome
Whole School Approach 
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing focus on wider curriculum 
  • All staff ACES trained
  • Staff training (Mind Ed)
  • Mindfulness sessions
  • Behaviour Lead support
  • Celebration assemblies
  • Buddy Systems


  • Each term starts with a whole school emotional literacy lessons 
  • Jigsaw (PSHE scheme of work)
  • Whole school mindfulness 
  • Classroom as a safe base 

  • Children feel valued, supported and safe 
  • Children are emotionally articulate and resilient 
  • Children who are engaged in learning and achieving successfully 
  • Children have a say in what happens in school 
  • Fewer disaffected children, disengaged from learning 
  • Children who are attending daily and on time 
  • Children who have a positive relational experiences 
  • Children who experience less bullying 
  • Raised attainment and achievement 
Targeted Support
  • Boxall Profile Interventions 
  • Oasis Room
  • Holistic multi-agency approach (Individual Wellbeing Plans)
  • Place2Be
  • Nurture Space
  • School Nurse
  • 1:1 play therapy (school oasis room)
  • 1:1 counselling (Place2Be)
  • Purr-fect skills
  • Nurture Room (12 week session)
  • Wellbeing Plans



  Approaches Interventions  Outcomes 
Whole School Approach
  • Senior Leadership Team committed to providing all staff with support in relation to emotional wellbeing
  • Appraisal focuses on emotional wellbeing 
  • Staff CPD 
  • LA counselling services 
  • Return to work interviews 
  • Open door policy 
  • Information sharing from lead practitioners 
  • ACES training 
  • Signposting to addition CPD courses 
  • Access to Emotional Wellbeing information support file 
  • Wellbeing team 
  • Staff who are reflective practitioners 
  • Staff who can easily identify children's differing emotional needs
  • Staff that feel confident at understanding and managing children's behaviour 
  • Staff who can access a system of support to manage behaviour and develop their pupil's emotional health 
  • Staff who feel listened to and emotionally supported 
  • Staff who are better equipped and feel more confident at responding to needs 
  • A system that highlights differentiated needs and subsequent provision and support 
Targeted Support 
  • Place2Be support for staff 



  Approaches/Interventions  Outcome
Whole School Approach
  • Access to a highly supportive, responsive and proactive Family Worker
  • Access to a SEND caseworker
  • Practical, emotional support to access outside agencies, i.e CAMHS 
  • Parents Evening 
  • School nurse 
  • Attendance team work 
  • Signposting through website 
  • Parents feel included and supported 
  • Parents who are confident to approach staff 
  • Parents who are better equipped to understand and manage their children's behaviour 
  • Parents who are confident to emotionally support their children 
  • Parents who are more willing to engage in school life

Targeted Support
  • Home visits 
  • Access to a range of professionals through school