Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Online Safety


At Moston Lane we embrace new technology to enhance your child’s learning. The school is dedicated to ensure your child is safe when using technology online and e-safety is embedded in the children’s education. We want our parents and children to improve their own understanding of e-safety issues so they can learn to use the internet safely and responsibly.  


Below you will find our school's E-Safety policy and links to support information which parents and carers may find useful if they are concerned about their child's online activity at home.   You will also find our Data Privacy Policy for pupils.

If any parents/carers are worried about their child's online activity in school they should contact Miss Buckley (Computing co-ordinator) or Miss Adams (Designated Safeguarding Lead).

E - Safety Policy

KS1 E-Safety Policy

KS2 E-Safety Policy

Data Privacy Policy - Pupils

Child Online Safety Acceptable Use Policy


Throughout the school year, each year group will use ProjectEVOLVE resources to continue to develop their understanding of the importance of Online Safety. Children will also have opportunity to revisit this learning throughout the RSE curriculum. Please find the Online Safety Curriculum Overview below which will detail the learning for all children across the year.


Online Safety Curriculum Overview

Safer Internet Day 2021 

On Tuesday 9th February, Moston Lane celebrated Safer Internet Day 2021. This year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explored reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online but how do we separate fact from fiction?
Please use the resources below to talk to your child about online safety. You will find activities to complete with all of the family, conversation starters and information to help parents and carers to talk to their children about how to navigate the issue of reliability of information online in a safe and responsible way!

E-Safety Competition Winners

 A huge well done to everyone who entered the E-Safety poster competition. There were so many fantastic entries and the lucky winners will have their posters displayed around school to encourage us to stay safe online. Our winners are listed below - take a look at their fantastic posters!

Mariame - Team 5    Dena - Team 8    Kelvin - Team 13     Angel - Team 15 

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Class 12 share their E-safety top tips

Online Safety Activities

Click on the links below to access some Online Safety activities that you could do with your children at home. 

E-Safety Activities - EYFS

E-Safety Activities - KS1 

E-Safety Activities - KS2

Parent Resources

There are a number of organisations that provide advice and guidance for parents and carers on using technology safely in the home.


Childnet International’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.


Think You Know Now works alongside CEOP.org to provide child and parent friendly resources aimed at preventing children from online abuse. The website provides educational resources, including films, cartoons and lesson plans, to help parents raise young people’s awareness of online safety.


Protect yourself from identity thieves, viruses, phishing and other internet threats with expert advice. The British government, the Serious and Organised Crime Agency and industry specialists will help you guard against online dangers. At home or at work, you can cut the risk of a nasty surprise just by sticking to a few sensible 'Do's and Don'ts'.


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works across the UK tackling child abuse and providing advice for parents, young people and children about internet safety and online safety.


The UK Safer Internet centre has a wealth of resources and practical ‘how to’ guides to help keep your child safe online. We also encourage parents to set up filtering on their home internet. To learn how to do this for the major providers of internet please click the text below.


Concerned about what you child is doing online? Need advice on how to protect your child? Not sure who to contact? Visit Parent Zone, a fantastic website devoted to providing expert information to families and schools. They find, curate and check the best available information on all of the issues when using the internet. You can find free guides from how to change privacy settings on social media apps to parental controls on your TV. Click on the image below to visit the website.


Childnet International

If you are concerned abut your child's safety online, then please see the information and advice for parents and carers provided by Childnet below. 
Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Online Safety


At Moston Lane we embrace new technology to enhance your child’s learning. The school is dedicated to ensure your child is safe when using technology online and e-safety is embedded in the children’s education. We want our parents and children to improve their own understanding of e-safety issues so they can learn to use the internet safely and responsibly.  


Below you will find our school's E-Safety policy and links to support information which parents and carers may find useful if they are concerned about their child's online activity at home.   You will also find our Data Privacy Policy for pupils.

If any parents/carers are worried about their child's online activity in school they should contact Miss Buckley (Computing co-ordinator) or Miss Adams (Designated Safeguarding Lead).

E - Safety Policy

KS1 E-Safety Policy

KS2 E-Safety Policy

Data Privacy Policy - Pupils

Child Online Safety Acceptable Use Policy


Throughout the school year, each year group will use ProjectEVOLVE resources to continue to develop their understanding of the importance of Online Safety. Children will also have opportunity to revisit this learning throughout the RSE curriculum. Please find the Online Safety Curriculum Overview below which will detail the learning for all children across the year.


Online Safety Curriculum Overview

Safer Internet Day 2021 

On Tuesday 9th February, Moston Lane celebrated Safer Internet Day 2021. This year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explored reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online but how do we separate fact from fiction?
Please use the resources below to talk to your child about online safety. You will find activities to complete with all of the family, conversation starters and information to help parents and carers to talk to their children about how to navigate the issue of reliability of information online in a safe and responsible way!

E-Safety Competition Winners

 A huge well done to everyone who entered the E-Safety poster competition. There were so many fantastic entries and the lucky winners will have their posters displayed around school to encourage us to stay safe online. Our winners are listed below - take a look at their fantastic posters!

Mariame - Team 5    Dena - Team 8    Kelvin - Team 13     Angel - Team 15 

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Class 12 share their E-safety top tips

Online Safety Activities

Click on the links below to access some Online Safety activities that you could do with your children at home. 

E-Safety Activities - EYFS

E-Safety Activities - KS1 

E-Safety Activities - KS2

Parent Resources

There are a number of organisations that provide advice and guidance for parents and carers on using technology safely in the home.


Childnet International’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.


Think You Know Now works alongside CEOP.org to provide child and parent friendly resources aimed at preventing children from online abuse. The website provides educational resources, including films, cartoons and lesson plans, to help parents raise young people’s awareness of online safety.


Protect yourself from identity thieves, viruses, phishing and other internet threats with expert advice. The British government, the Serious and Organised Crime Agency and industry specialists will help you guard against online dangers. At home or at work, you can cut the risk of a nasty surprise just by sticking to a few sensible 'Do's and Don'ts'.


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works across the UK tackling child abuse and providing advice for parents, young people and children about internet safety and online safety.


The UK Safer Internet centre has a wealth of resources and practical ‘how to’ guides to help keep your child safe online. We also encourage parents to set up filtering on their home internet. To learn how to do this for the major providers of internet please click the text below.


Concerned about what you child is doing online? Need advice on how to protect your child? Not sure who to contact? Visit Parent Zone, a fantastic website devoted to providing expert information to families and schools. They find, curate and check the best available information on all of the issues when using the internet. You can find free guides from how to change privacy settings on social media apps to parental controls on your TV. Click on the image below to visit the website.


Childnet International

If you are concerned abut your child's safety online, then please see the information and advice for parents and carers provided by Childnet below. 
Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Online Safety


At Moston Lane we embrace new technology to enhance your child’s learning. The school is dedicated to ensure your child is safe when using technology online and e-safety is embedded in the children’s education. We want our parents and children to improve their own understanding of e-safety issues so they can learn to use the internet safely and responsibly.  


Below you will find our school's E-Safety policy and links to support information which parents and carers may find useful if they are concerned about their child's online activity at home.   You will also find our Data Privacy Policy for pupils.

If any parents/carers are worried about their child's online activity in school they should contact Miss Buckley (Computing co-ordinator) or Miss Adams (Designated Safeguarding Lead).

E - Safety Policy

KS1 E-Safety Policy

KS2 E-Safety Policy

Data Privacy Policy - Pupils

Child Online Safety Acceptable Use Policy


Throughout the school year, each year group will use ProjectEVOLVE resources to continue to develop their understanding of the importance of Online Safety. Children will also have opportunity to revisit this learning throughout the RSE curriculum. Please find the Online Safety Curriculum Overview below which will detail the learning for all children across the year.


Online Safety Curriculum Overview

Safer Internet Day 2021 

On Tuesday 9th February, Moston Lane celebrated Safer Internet Day 2021. This year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explored reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online but how do we separate fact from fiction?
Please use the resources below to talk to your child about online safety. You will find activities to complete with all of the family, conversation starters and information to help parents and carers to talk to their children about how to navigate the issue of reliability of information online in a safe and responsible way!

E-Safety Competition Winners

 A huge well done to everyone who entered the E-Safety poster competition. There were so many fantastic entries and the lucky winners will have their posters displayed around school to encourage us to stay safe online. Our winners are listed below - take a look at their fantastic posters!

Mariame - Team 5    Dena - Team 8    Kelvin - Team 13     Angel - Team 15 

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Class 12 share their E-safety top tips

Online Safety Activities

Click on the links below to access some Online Safety activities that you could do with your children at home. 

E-Safety Activities - EYFS

E-Safety Activities - KS1 

E-Safety Activities - KS2

Parent Resources

There are a number of organisations that provide advice and guidance for parents and carers on using technology safely in the home.


Childnet International’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.


Think You Know Now works alongside CEOP.org to provide child and parent friendly resources aimed at preventing children from online abuse. The website provides educational resources, including films, cartoons and lesson plans, to help parents raise young people’s awareness of online safety.


Protect yourself from identity thieves, viruses, phishing and other internet threats with expert advice. The British government, the Serious and Organised Crime Agency and industry specialists will help you guard against online dangers. At home or at work, you can cut the risk of a nasty surprise just by sticking to a few sensible 'Do's and Don'ts'.


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works across the UK tackling child abuse and providing advice for parents, young people and children about internet safety and online safety.


The UK Safer Internet centre has a wealth of resources and practical ‘how to’ guides to help keep your child safe online. We also encourage parents to set up filtering on their home internet. To learn how to do this for the major providers of internet please click the text below.


Concerned about what you child is doing online? Need advice on how to protect your child? Not sure who to contact? Visit Parent Zone, a fantastic website devoted to providing expert information to families and schools. They find, curate and check the best available information on all of the issues when using the internet. You can find free guides from how to change privacy settings on social media apps to parental controls on your TV. Click on the image below to visit the website.


Childnet International

If you are concerned abut your child's safety online, then please see the information and advice for parents and carers provided by Childnet below. 