Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

 Meet our SEND team...

Miss Milnes
Inclusion Manager
Mrs Matley
Nurture Teacher
Miss Keylock
1:1 TA
Miss Lee
1:1 TA
Miss Harrison
1:1 TA

At Moston Lane we promote and celebrate the love of learning, high aspirations and standards.  The school believes that everyone can achieve. However, there may become a time in your child’s education where they need some additional help or support for some or all of their time at school.


We have a highly experienced team of staff who may be involved in supporting your child at Moston Lane.

These include:

      • Your child’s teacher who is responsible for your child’s learning and will ensure learning is appropriate and accessible for your childTeaching Assistants who support all pupils in class.
      • Some TAs help support groups and individual children with their learningThe Inclusion Manager, Miss Milnes, who co-ordinates the provision of SEN in school
      • The Oasis Room Staff, The Speech Bubble, Sensory Room & Nurture Room 

The Oasis Room

The Oasis Room is a purpose build nurture space.  The room is set up to support pupils who are struggling with a range of social, emotional and mental health issues.  Pupils access the room in either 1:1 or group sessions.  

Children in the Oasis room are immersed in an accepting and warm environment that helps pupils develop positive relationships with both teachers and peers.

The Speech Bubble

We have a speech and language therapist who works in school one day a week.  The speech and language therapist will work with groups or pupils on a 1:1 basis. 

The Speech Bubble Resources

Please follow the links below to some resources that you may find useful to use during remote learning. 

EYFS Challenge 2.0

KS1 Challenge 2.0 

KS2 Challenge 2.0 

Nurture Room

Over the past few years the school had identified children whose needs are not fully met by our universal or focused provision.  The development of a Nurture Group at Moston Lane is part of the continuum of support provided for children in our care.  Nurture Groups are a unique preventative resource based on well documented psychological theory and research. At Moston Lane we are currently on a two year journey to gain Nurture School status.

The Nurture Groups aims:

  • To provide a flexible and preventive resource that is responsive to the needs of our children
  • To provide on-going assessment and support for children showing signs of emotional stress with the aim of enabling the child to access the curriculum and participate fully in school life
  • To provide a secure and reliable small class setting where children can learn whilst working towards a successful integration back in the mainstream classroom
  • To help the children learn positive behaviour, use their curiosity constructively, improve their self-esteem and develop confidence, through close trusting relationships with adults
  • To work in partnership with class teachers, outside agencies and parents to enable consistency of approach both at home and school

The nurture room provides a home-like area and an area set aside for formal learning.  The home area has chairs and table to eat around.  We also have a ‘den’ that pupils can access if they are experiencing emotional distress. Children have access to all facilities usually available to children of their age within school but there is a focus on play-based learning.

Children will attend for a maximum period of up to four terms – planning for reintegration or further assessment is essential.  There will usually be between 4 -8 children in the nurture space at any one time.  The children will register in their mainstream class and will join their class for appropriate activities.

Nurture Team

Miss K Milnes – Inclusion Manager

Mrs Matley – Nurture Teacher


Referral Process

All referral with be discussed in collaboration with the nurture team, class teacher and parents. The pupils will have been assessed using the Boxall Profile and the nurture team will analyse this data to ensure the correct children receive targeted support.

A class teacher might refer a pupil who is exhibiting the characteristics below:

  • Restless, cannot listen, behave impulsively or aggressively
  • Early or recent history of risk factors (i.e. pupils in care/ significant changes in their life)
  • Withdrawn and unresponsive and who have a difficulty relating to others

Each child will be monitored and reviewed by the Nurture Team on an ongoing basis.  Consultations with outside agencies will be arranged as appropriate. Formal reviews with parents will take place on a termly basis.

For further information https://www.nurtureuk.org/



At Moston Lane Primary School, Quality First Teaching is at the heart of our support. High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupil, is the first step in responding to pupils who have additional learning needs.

However, sometimes  children need extra support to ensure they keep making educational progress. We talk about this support in terms of Levels. The posters in the link below demonstrate the different levels of support and the type of support we offer at Moston Lane.

SEND Levels of Support  (1, 2 & 3)

Graduated Response Flow Chart

Other Key Documents:


Manchester City Council also have an Information, Advice and Support (IAS) service that supports families of children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  

Click on the link below for more information

IASM Leaflet


Useful links:

Link to the local offer - https://hsm.manchester.gov.uk/kb5/manchester/directory/localoffer.page?localofferchannel=0  

One Education Educational Psychologists Support at home

From Thursday 23rd April, One Education's Educational Psychologists are providing a daily helpline (1 – 3pm) for parents/carers of children and young people with special educational needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Manchester schools and early years settings. Please see flyer attached.

They are offering a problem-solving phone conversation relating to educating children at home and responding to issues relating to learning, behaviour, anxiety and mental health needs.
