Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School


Nursery Staff: 

Mrs Houldsworth, Miss Potter, Mrs Cullen, Miss Stevenson and Miss Peate.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to a member or our team!


In Nursery, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum to prepare our children for a life in modern Britain. If you would like to view the curriculum map for the whole year, or for previous half term topics, please click on the link below:


Parent Overview

Autumn 1


Curiosity Cat

Curiosity is our Nursery cat. Every day we look in Curiosity's basket to see what special item she has for us. The item she brings introduces the topic for the day and gives us lots to talk about!

Say Hello to Curiosity...


Spring 1, Week 2

Theme - Art and Artists

 This week our topic has been 'Art and Artists'. We have loved looking at a range of art work by some famous artists and have used a range of media to create different styles of art work. 


Yayoi Kusama

On Tuesday, we looked at art work by the famous artist Yayoi Kusama. She used circles and dots to create her artwork. We created our own artwork in the style of Yayoi Kusama, have a look below...

Henri Matisse

On Wednesday, we looked at the artist Henri Matisse. He used colours and shapes to create his artwork. We created our own artwork in the style of Henri Matisse, have a look below...

Vincent Van Gogh

On Thursday, we looked at the Vincent Van Gogh. He created a very famous painting of sunflowers. We created our own artwork in the style of Vincent Van Gogh, have a look below...

(Pictures Coming Soon...)

Spring 1, Week 1

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone! It has been lovely to see you all back at school this week.

Theme - Winter Wonders!

This week, we have been learning all about Winter. We have had so much fun looking at different artic animals. We also had some very cold weather this week and learnt all about how to stay warm in the Winter.

Science - Ice Experiment

As part of this week’s theme, we enjoyed exploring ice! First, we talked about how we made the ice and then we watched it carefully as it melted. We talked about what was making it melt and what it looked like before and after. We also had a think of other things that could melt in the same way such as ice cream, chocolate and snow.

Art and DT

We enjoyed doing lots of Winter art and crafts this week!

On the painting table, we painted using Winter colours such as blue and purple. We carefully used the paintbrushes to follow the lines and patterns.

 On the collage table, we made snowflakes using cotton buds. After talking about what items of clothing we wear in the Winter, we also had a go at collaging a scarf using different coloured paper.

Finger Gym

The children are continuing to build their finger muscles in the finger gym to get their hands ready for writing. This week, they have practised their threading skills by threading the small beads onto the pipe cleaner snowflakes. They have also enjoyed using the finger brushes to melt away the snowflakes. 


 This week in music, we learnt the names of a range of instruments. We each chose an instrument and had a go at playing them, listening to the different sounds they make. We played the instruments loudly and quietly, fast and slowly. We also played 'Red Card, Green Card'. When the teacher held up the red card we could play our instruments but when they held up the red card we had to stop. It was lots of fun. We then enjoyed playing our instruments whilst singing lots of different nursery rhymes. 

Stories and Songs

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Kipper’s Snowy Day

- Say Hello to the Snowy Animals

- One Snowy Day

- Snow


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- 5 Little Snowmen  

- I’m a Little Snowman

- Do You Want to Build a Snowman

- I’m a Little Penguin


Autumn 2, Weeks 7 and 8

Theme - Christmas!

The children have enjoyed doing lots of fun Christmas activities over the last 2 weeks at Nursery! Take a look at the pictures below...

RE – The Nativity Story

This week, we have been celebrating and learning all about Christmas! We talked again about how Christmas is a Christian celebration that celebrates the birth of Baby Jesus. We read the Nativity story and enjoyed acting out the story with the characters.

'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas'

On Tuesday, we noticed that our nursery Christmas tree had been put outside in the rain! It was… The Grinch! We spent all day trying to cheer The Grinch up and make him like Christmas again! We wrote him Christmas cards, painted pictures for him and sang him lots of Christmas songs. By the end of the week, the Grinch was so happy and said he loved Christmas again! He even brought our Christmas tree back for us.

(Pictures Coming Soon...) 


The nursery children made us so proud this week after their performance in our EYFS Nativity show. You were all amazing, well done!


Jingle Bells

Away in a Manger


Starry Night

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Maths - Length

 The children created Christmas trees using strips of paper. The children had to order the strips of paper from the longest to the shortest to create their tree. They then practised using this language of size in the maths area when playing with the measuring worms. 

Here is some of the key vocabulary that you can reinforce with your child at home: 

long, short, longer, shorter, longest, shortest, big small.

Christmas Jumper Day!

Today it was Christmas Jumper Day! Take a look at all of our fabulous Christmas jumpers.

Christmas Party!

Today it was Christmas Party Day! We all came to nursery wearing our party clothes and we had such a fun day. We played party games including pass the parcel and musical statues, we had a dancing competition and we enjoyed some delicious party food. We all had so much fun.

Father Christmas!

On Thursday, we had a veryspecial visitor at school! It was Father Christmas and his cheeky elf! He brought all the Nursery children a special present :)


Stories and Songs

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- The Nativity Story

- Santa Claus comes to Manchester

- The Best Christmas Ever! 

- Mog's Christmas


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- 5 Little Elves

- 5 Little Snowmen 

- We Wish You a Merry Christmas

- It Was on a Starry Night

- Rat-a-Tat-Tat

- Jingle Bells

- Away in a Manger

Autumn 2, Week 6

Theme - The Little Red Hen

Reading - The Little Red Hen

This week, we read the story ‘The Little Red Hen’. This story is about a hen who asks her friends to help her make some bread. However, her friends are unkind and chose not to help, so the Little Red Hen has to do all of the work herself! We talked about why it is important to be helpful to our friends and the different ways we can do this at nursery. The children loved listening to this story and joining in with all of the repeated phrases!

After reading the story, we also pretended to make our own bread! We poured the ingredients into a bowl, stirred the mixture and then we 'baked' the bread. We enjoyed tasting some bread with different toppings including butter and jam. It was delicious! 

Art and DT

The children enjoyed making their own Little Red Hens in the collage area! 


The children have enjoyed some independent reading this week. We are encouraging the children to enjoy looking at a range of different books independently, practise turning the pages and pay attention to the words and pictures.  

PSED – Being Kind and Helping Friends

Coming Soon...

RE - Christmas Tree!

On Monday 2nd December (after the weekend), we decorated the nursery Christmas tree! Each child chose a bauble and put it onto the tree. We talked about how Christmas is a Christian celebration which celebrates the birth of Baby Jesus. 

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- The Little Red Hen

- Hooray for Bread


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- We Wish You a Merry Christmas

- It Was on a Starry Night

- Rat-a-Tat-Tat

- Jingle Bells

- Away in a Manger

Autumn 2, Week 5

Theme - Yum, Yum, Nutrition

Reading - Handa’s Surprise

We enjoyed listening to the story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We used the props and puppets to act out the story. We then had a go at re-telling the story in the reading area with our friends. We had so much fun playing the different characters from the book!

Investigation – Exploring Fruit 

After reading the story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’, Curiosity brought the children some of the fruit from Handa’s basket to try! The children really enjoyed tasting these different fruits. We then put some of the fruit in the investigation area, which the children loved exploring!


Finger Gym Activities

The children have been practising their fine motor control this week in the Finger Gym...


Bear Rescue 

For today’s activity, ‘Bear Rescue,’ the children had to use the spoons to carefully scoop the bears out of the water and put them into the correct colour pot.

Matching Gloves

For this activity, the children had to match the pairs of gloves together and then practise putting them on independently! We have also been encouraging the children to do this when playing outside.


Reading – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

As part of this week’s theme, we also read the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children loved making caterpillar hats in the collage area! 

PSHE - Healthy / Unhealthy

After reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar,’ we also looked at all the different foods the caterpillar ate and talked about which ones were ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’. We then played a sorting game with our friends and fed the healthy foods to the Hungry Caterpillar! It was so much fun.

 Maths – Pattern

This week, the children have been learning how to carry on and create their own repeating patterns! We focused on creating repeating patterns using 2 different colours. The children then practised this skill in the maths area and also on the painting table.

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Handa’s Suprise

- The Very Hungry Caterpillar

- Oliver’s Fruit Salad


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- I like to eat…

- Tasty Food Song

Autumn 2, Week 4

Theme - Body Talk

This week our theme was 'Body Talk'. We looked at our body parts and learnt all about what our bodies can do. We also talked about how we can take care of our bodies. 

Art and DT

We enjoyed painting with our different body parts this week. We painted our hands to make handprints and we also painted our feet to make footprints. The paint felt cold and tickly on our feet – we had so much fun!

We also enjoyed learning about our bones this week. We looked at pictures of a skeleton and had a go at making our own skeletons using straws and black paper. We had a go at painting skeletons too! 


For this activity, we used the mirrors to look carefully at our faces. We then drew our features onto the paper. We talked about how we are the same and different to our friends. We enjoyed using different writing materials such as pencil crayons and felt tips for this activity.


As part of our theme this week, we talked about why it important to be active and to exercise to keep our bodies healthy. We enjoyed dancing to some of our favourite songs. We noticed that after we exercised, our hearts were beating faster and our breathing was quicker! We also talked about how we can help our bodies to feel calm and relaxed and why this is important to help us learn. We enjoyed doing some yoga and breathing activities. 

Science – Teeth Brushing

We enjoyed learning about our teeth this week! We talked about how drinking milk is important to keep our teeth healthy and strong. We also talked about why it is important to brush your teeth twice every day to keep them clean. We loved using the toothbrushes and toothpaste to clean the dirty teeth in our investigation area. It was so much fun!


Maths – 5 Little Men

In Maths this week, we enjoyed singing the song ‘5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer’. This song helped us to find 1 less than a number using the multilink cubes. Each time ‘one man flew away,’ we took one multilink cube away and counted how many were left. Click on the link below to practise this at home.



Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- All About Me

- 'Dem Bones'

- My Body


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

- ‘Dem  Bones’

Autumn 2, Week 3

Theme - To Market, To Market

This week was such a busy week! We celebrated Remembrance Day, Anti-Bullying Week and also Children in Need.

As part of our theme, ‘To Market, To Market,’ we learnt all about where our food comes from. We talked about which supermarkets we can go to, to do our shopping. The children loved role playing this in the role play area. They especially loved pretending to be the shop keeper!

Anti-Bullying Week

The Nursery children have enjoyed celebrating ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ this week. We talked about what makes a good friend and why it is important to share, take turns and be kind to others. The children then enjoyed playing a kindness turn taking game. They looked at the picture cards and sorted them into 'kind' or 'unkind' actions. 

Odd Socks Day

As part of anti-bullying week, the children came to school wearing odd socks for ‘Odd Socks Day!’ This is to celebrate what makes us all different and unique. We had so much fun looking at each other’s socks! Have a look at some of the other fun activities we did...

Remembrance Day

On 11th November, we spent the day learning about Remembrance Day and talking about why we wear poppies. The children have learnt about the history of Remembrance Day and created some art work liked to poppies to display in the Nursery. 

Children in Need

The children enjoyed wearing their own clothes to school on Friday to celebrate 'Children in Need' Day! They enjoyed doing lots of fun activities including collaging pictures of Pudsey the Bear! We also raised lots of money for charity - well done everyone! 

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Llama Llama Shopping Drama

- The Shopping Basket

- Orange Pear, Apple Bear

- Simon Sock

- Giraffes Can’t Dance

- Lost and Found


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- Give a Little Smile

- We Should Be Kind

Autumn 2, Week 2

Theme - Apples and Pumpkins

This week, we continued our theme of Autumn by exploring apples and pumpkins. We learnt a song about apples called ‘I’m a Little Apple’ – watch the video below. We then cut an apple in half to find the star! 


Science - Exploring Pumpkins

The children loved exploring the pumpkins during basket time this week. We cut the top off the pumpkin and have a good look inside. We used all our senses to explore the pumpkins, using words to describe their texture and smell. We then put the pumpkins in the investigation area and used the magnifying glasses to have an even closer look! It was so much fun.

Science - Hibernation

We also learnt all about hibernation this week. We created our own hedgehogs using clay and made them a cosy little nest to hibernate in during the Winter. Have a look at our cute hedgehogs below...

Bonfire Night!

The children loved learning about Bonfire Night! They created lots of amazing art work in the collage and paint areas. Have a look at the pictures below. We also talked about how to stay safe on Bonfire Night by not going near the fireworks and wearing gloves if we are using sparklers.

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Pumpkin Soup

- Mole’s Harvest Moon

- Grow a Pumpkin

- Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple

- Bear Hunt


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- I’m a Little Apple

- I’m a Little Hedgehog 

Autumn 2, Week 1

Theme - Autumn Antics

Welome back to Nursery! We hope you all had a wonderful half term.


Science - Autumn Walk

This week, we have been learning all about Autumn! The children enjoyed going on an Autumn Walk around the school grounds, looking for signs of Autumn. We found lots of leaves, apples and sycamore seeds which we collected for our investigation area. The children loved exploring these Autumn objects using the magnifying glasses.


Music - Autumn Songs

As part of our theme this week, we enjoyed learning and singing some Autumn songs. Here is a video of the children singing ‘Autumn Leaves are Falling Down’. You could sing this with your child at home.


The children loved talking about Halloween this week. For circle time, we talked about what costumes we were dressing up in and also whether we were going trick or treating. The children enjoyed making witches in the creative area and also spiders using the playdough. Have a look at the pictures below…

RE - Diwali

This week, we learnt all about the Hindu festival ‘Diwali,’ the festival of light!  At nursery, we enjoyed creating our own rangoli patterns and we also made rangoli colour catchers in the collage area.

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Autumn

- Leaves

- Chicken Licken


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- Autumn Leaves are Falling Down

- In the Autumn

- Diwali, Twinkle, Twinkle

- It’s Time for Diwali

Autumn 1, Weeks 1, 2 and 3

Theme - Welcome to School

A big welcome to all our new children that have started with us over the last few weeks. All of the children are settling into Nursery so well and we are so proud of them! Here are some pictures of the children on their very first day at Nursery...

Over the last 3 weeks, we have focused on teaching the children the rules and routines of our Nursery. This includes wearing aprons and bands to play in certain areas of the Nursery, tidying up and looking after the Nursery toys and how to sit smartly on the carpet during learning time. 

We have also been learning about the different areas of learning in our Nursery. Have a look at the pictures below of the children exploring these different areas at Nursery…

Autumn 1, Week 4

Theme - Marvellous Me!

This week the children have been learning all about themselves in our topic ‘Marvellous Me’. We have been using mirrors to look closely at ourselves and see how we are similar and different to our friends. The children have enjoyed making self portraits and painting their names.

(Portrait Photos Coming Soon...)

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

- Titch

- My Body


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- I am Special

- If You're Happy and You Know It

Autumn 1, Week 5

Theme - Sensational Senses

This week we have been learning all about our senses! We have had so much fun using our senses to explore different textures, sounds, colours, tastes and scents. 



Everyday this week, Curiosity Cat has brought us something to explore in her basket. We have had to use our 5 senses to explore and use key vocabulary to describe different textures, smells, tastes and sounds.


On Monday, we played a game of ‘I spy’. We had to use our eyes to describe what we could see around us.  

On Tuesday, we sang ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm’. We used our ears to listen to the animal sounds and guess the animal.

On Wednesday, Curiosity brought us a feely pot with different objects inside. We all enjoyed feeling the objects and describing the different textures. Have a look at the photos below…

On Thursday, Curiosity brought us some different herbs and spices to smell. Here are some pictures of us using our noses to smell the different scents…

Finally, on Friday we enjoyed tasting different fruits! They were delicious! 

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- My Senses

- Smell

- Peace at Last

- Brown Bear, Brown Bear

- Anna's Amazing Glasses

- I Spy


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- My Eyes Help Me See…

- My 5 Senses Help

- Old McDonald Had Farm

- Music Man

- The Wheels on the Bus

Autumn 1, Week 6

Theme - How Do I Feel?



As part of this week’s theme, we enjoyed reading the story, ‘The Colour Monster'.  We enjoyed talking about all the different feelings and emotions. We used the teddies to explore these emotions and had lots of fun role-playing different situations!

Art and DT

The children enjoyed painting the colour monster using cotton wool to dab the paint onto his body. They also enjoyed colouring pictures of The Colour Monster. Colouring is a great way to practise fine motor control and holding writing materials correctly. This is something you could practise at home!

Finger Gym

In the finger gym, The Colour Monster’s feelings were all mixed up! The children used the tweezers to pick up the pom poms and sort them into the correct coloured bowls. Using tweezers and other small tools is a great way to strengthen fingers muscles and prepare us for writing!

We also enjoyed using the pipettes in the finger gym this week.


We loved our Music lesson in the hall this week. We enjoyed playing ring games such as ‘Sandy Girl’ and ‘The Farmers in his Den’. We also enjoyed singing lots of songs including ‘Ring a Ring a Roses’ and ‘1 Elephant Came Out to Play’.


The children enjoyed learning all about Harvest this week. On Tuesday, we all went to an assembly in the hall with Mrs Harwick to learn more about the Harvest Festival. It was so much fun.

Throughout the week, we have enjoyed doing lots of Harvest activities to celebrate! On the collage table the children created pictures using different foods including rice and pasta. On the paint table, the children enjoyed potato printing with Autumn colours. Take a look at the pictures below of us enjoying these Harvest activities…

 To celebrate Harvest, we also learnt a new song called ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy.’ Watch the video below to listen to our beautiful singing.

(Video Coming Soon...)

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- The Colour Monster

- I am the happiest

- Silly Billy

- The Deep Dark Wood

- My Feelings


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- If you're happy and you know it...

- Rain, rain go away

- Lots of Feelings

- Things that Make Me Happy

- Cauliflowers Fluffy

Autumn 1, Week 7

Theme - Fun with Friends and Family


PSHE – Being Kind Friends

This week, we have been learning all about being kind friends. We have been learning how to be good friends by sharing, taking turns and helping others. The children were given a special kindness certificate from the teachers when they did kind things! It has been lovely to watch the children working together and enjoying their new friendships at Nursery. 

Writing - Family Portraits

This week, we have also enjoyed learning about our own families and our friends’ families. We had so much fun looking at all the photographs that the children brought in. We talked about who lives with us and who our relatives are and also looked at how our families are similar and different. We then created our own family portraits. Have a look at the pictures below.

Art and DT

We have worked together with our friends this week to create lots of amazing art work. We especially enjoyed marble rolling on the paint table. We worked together to roll the marbles around the paper to create some beautiful pictures!

PSED - Reinforcing Rules and Routines

This week, we have continued to reinforce the rules and routines at Nursery. We have continued to practise lining up sensibly, sitting smartly on the carpet and eating our lunch in the big hall.


This week in Maths we have been learning about ‘size’. We enjoyed playing a game called ‘The Sorting Suitcase’. We had to sort all of the objects in the suitcase into ‘big,’ ‘medium’ and ‘small.’ We then practised using this vocabulary independently in the maths area.

Physical Development - Playing Outside

The children have enjoyed practising their physical skills in the outdoor environment this week. They have enjoyed riding the bikes, playing on the climbing frame, playing with the streamers, playing bat and ball games and also practising their balancing skills on the balancing equipment. Have a look at the pictures below…

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Friends

- Princesses Don't Share


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- Make a New Friend

- My Special People

- I Love You, You Love Me…

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School


Nursery Staff: 

Mrs Houldsworth, Miss Potter, Mrs Cullen, Miss Stevenson and Miss Peate.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to a member or our team!


In Nursery, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum to prepare our children for a life in modern Britain. If you would like to view the curriculum map for the whole year, or for previous half term topics, please click on the link below:


Parent Overview

Autumn 1


Curiosity Cat

Curiosity is our Nursery cat. Every day we look in Curiosity's basket to see what special item she has for us. The item she brings introduces the topic for the day and gives us lots to talk about!

Say Hello to Curiosity...


Spring 1, Week 2

Theme - Art and Artists

 This week our topic has been 'Art and Artists'. We have loved looking at a range of art work by some famous artists and have used a range of media to create different styles of art work. 


Yayoi Kusama

On Tuesday, we looked at art work by the famous artist Yayoi Kusama. She used circles and dots to create her artwork. We created our own artwork in the style of Yayoi Kusama, have a look below...

Henri Matisse

On Wednesday, we looked at the artist Henri Matisse. He used colours and shapes to create his artwork. We created our own artwork in the style of Henri Matisse, have a look below...

Vincent Van Gogh

On Thursday, we looked at the Vincent Van Gogh. He created a very famous painting of sunflowers. We created our own artwork in the style of Vincent Van Gogh, have a look below...

(Pictures Coming Soon...)

Spring 1, Week 1

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone! It has been lovely to see you all back at school this week.

Theme - Winter Wonders!

This week, we have been learning all about Winter. We have had so much fun looking at different artic animals. We also had some very cold weather this week and learnt all about how to stay warm in the Winter.

Science - Ice Experiment

As part of this week’s theme, we enjoyed exploring ice! First, we talked about how we made the ice and then we watched it carefully as it melted. We talked about what was making it melt and what it looked like before and after. We also had a think of other things that could melt in the same way such as ice cream, chocolate and snow.

Art and DT

We enjoyed doing lots of Winter art and crafts this week!

On the painting table, we painted using Winter colours such as blue and purple. We carefully used the paintbrushes to follow the lines and patterns.

 On the collage table, we made snowflakes using cotton buds. After talking about what items of clothing we wear in the Winter, we also had a go at collaging a scarf using different coloured paper.

Finger Gym

The children are continuing to build their finger muscles in the finger gym to get their hands ready for writing. This week, they have practised their threading skills by threading the small beads onto the pipe cleaner snowflakes. They have also enjoyed using the finger brushes to melt away the snowflakes. 


 This week in music, we learnt the names of a range of instruments. We each chose an instrument and had a go at playing them, listening to the different sounds they make. We played the instruments loudly and quietly, fast and slowly. We also played 'Red Card, Green Card'. When the teacher held up the red card we could play our instruments but when they held up the red card we had to stop. It was lots of fun. We then enjoyed playing our instruments whilst singing lots of different nursery rhymes. 

Stories and Songs

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Kipper’s Snowy Day

- Say Hello to the Snowy Animals

- One Snowy Day

- Snow


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- 5 Little Snowmen  

- I’m a Little Snowman

- Do You Want to Build a Snowman

- I’m a Little Penguin


Autumn 2, Weeks 7 and 8

Theme - Christmas!

The children have enjoyed doing lots of fun Christmas activities over the last 2 weeks at Nursery! Take a look at the pictures below...

RE – The Nativity Story

This week, we have been celebrating and learning all about Christmas! We talked again about how Christmas is a Christian celebration that celebrates the birth of Baby Jesus. We read the Nativity story and enjoyed acting out the story with the characters.

'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas'

On Tuesday, we noticed that our nursery Christmas tree had been put outside in the rain! It was… The Grinch! We spent all day trying to cheer The Grinch up and make him like Christmas again! We wrote him Christmas cards, painted pictures for him and sang him lots of Christmas songs. By the end of the week, the Grinch was so happy and said he loved Christmas again! He even brought our Christmas tree back for us.

(Pictures Coming Soon...) 


The nursery children made us so proud this week after their performance in our EYFS Nativity show. You were all amazing, well done!


Jingle Bells

Away in a Manger


Starry Night

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Maths - Length

 The children created Christmas trees using strips of paper. The children had to order the strips of paper from the longest to the shortest to create their tree. They then practised using this language of size in the maths area when playing with the measuring worms. 

Here is some of the key vocabulary that you can reinforce with your child at home: 

long, short, longer, shorter, longest, shortest, big small.

Christmas Jumper Day!

Today it was Christmas Jumper Day! Take a look at all of our fabulous Christmas jumpers.

Christmas Party!

Today it was Christmas Party Day! We all came to nursery wearing our party clothes and we had such a fun day. We played party games including pass the parcel and musical statues, we had a dancing competition and we enjoyed some delicious party food. We all had so much fun.

Father Christmas!

On Thursday, we had a veryspecial visitor at school! It was Father Christmas and his cheeky elf! He brought all the Nursery children a special present :)


Stories and Songs

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- The Nativity Story

- Santa Claus comes to Manchester

- The Best Christmas Ever! 

- Mog's Christmas


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- 5 Little Elves

- 5 Little Snowmen 

- We Wish You a Merry Christmas

- It Was on a Starry Night

- Rat-a-Tat-Tat

- Jingle Bells

- Away in a Manger

Autumn 2, Week 6

Theme - The Little Red Hen

Reading - The Little Red Hen

This week, we read the story ‘The Little Red Hen’. This story is about a hen who asks her friends to help her make some bread. However, her friends are unkind and chose not to help, so the Little Red Hen has to do all of the work herself! We talked about why it is important to be helpful to our friends and the different ways we can do this at nursery. The children loved listening to this story and joining in with all of the repeated phrases!

After reading the story, we also pretended to make our own bread! We poured the ingredients into a bowl, stirred the mixture and then we 'baked' the bread. We enjoyed tasting some bread with different toppings including butter and jam. It was delicious! 

Art and DT

The children enjoyed making their own Little Red Hens in the collage area! 


The children have enjoyed some independent reading this week. We are encouraging the children to enjoy looking at a range of different books independently, practise turning the pages and pay attention to the words and pictures.  

PSED – Being Kind and Helping Friends

Coming Soon...

RE - Christmas Tree!

On Monday 2nd December (after the weekend), we decorated the nursery Christmas tree! Each child chose a bauble and put it onto the tree. We talked about how Christmas is a Christian celebration which celebrates the birth of Baby Jesus. 

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- The Little Red Hen

- Hooray for Bread


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- We Wish You a Merry Christmas

- It Was on a Starry Night

- Rat-a-Tat-Tat

- Jingle Bells

- Away in a Manger

Autumn 2, Week 5

Theme - Yum, Yum, Nutrition

Reading - Handa’s Surprise

We enjoyed listening to the story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We used the props and puppets to act out the story. We then had a go at re-telling the story in the reading area with our friends. We had so much fun playing the different characters from the book!

Investigation – Exploring Fruit 

After reading the story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’, Curiosity brought the children some of the fruit from Handa’s basket to try! The children really enjoyed tasting these different fruits. We then put some of the fruit in the investigation area, which the children loved exploring!


Finger Gym Activities

The children have been practising their fine motor control this week in the Finger Gym...


Bear Rescue 

For today’s activity, ‘Bear Rescue,’ the children had to use the spoons to carefully scoop the bears out of the water and put them into the correct colour pot.

Matching Gloves

For this activity, the children had to match the pairs of gloves together and then practise putting them on independently! We have also been encouraging the children to do this when playing outside.


Reading – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

As part of this week’s theme, we also read the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children loved making caterpillar hats in the collage area! 

PSHE - Healthy / Unhealthy

After reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar,’ we also looked at all the different foods the caterpillar ate and talked about which ones were ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’. We then played a sorting game with our friends and fed the healthy foods to the Hungry Caterpillar! It was so much fun.

 Maths – Pattern

This week, the children have been learning how to carry on and create their own repeating patterns! We focused on creating repeating patterns using 2 different colours. The children then practised this skill in the maths area and also on the painting table.

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Handa’s Suprise

- The Very Hungry Caterpillar

- Oliver’s Fruit Salad


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- I like to eat…

- Tasty Food Song

Autumn 2, Week 4

Theme - Body Talk

This week our theme was 'Body Talk'. We looked at our body parts and learnt all about what our bodies can do. We also talked about how we can take care of our bodies. 

Art and DT

We enjoyed painting with our different body parts this week. We painted our hands to make handprints and we also painted our feet to make footprints. The paint felt cold and tickly on our feet – we had so much fun!

We also enjoyed learning about our bones this week. We looked at pictures of a skeleton and had a go at making our own skeletons using straws and black paper. We had a go at painting skeletons too! 


For this activity, we used the mirrors to look carefully at our faces. We then drew our features onto the paper. We talked about how we are the same and different to our friends. We enjoyed using different writing materials such as pencil crayons and felt tips for this activity.


As part of our theme this week, we talked about why it important to be active and to exercise to keep our bodies healthy. We enjoyed dancing to some of our favourite songs. We noticed that after we exercised, our hearts were beating faster and our breathing was quicker! We also talked about how we can help our bodies to feel calm and relaxed and why this is important to help us learn. We enjoyed doing some yoga and breathing activities. 

Science – Teeth Brushing

We enjoyed learning about our teeth this week! We talked about how drinking milk is important to keep our teeth healthy and strong. We also talked about why it is important to brush your teeth twice every day to keep them clean. We loved using the toothbrushes and toothpaste to clean the dirty teeth in our investigation area. It was so much fun!


Maths – 5 Little Men

In Maths this week, we enjoyed singing the song ‘5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer’. This song helped us to find 1 less than a number using the multilink cubes. Each time ‘one man flew away,’ we took one multilink cube away and counted how many were left. Click on the link below to practise this at home.



Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- All About Me

- 'Dem Bones'

- My Body


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

- ‘Dem  Bones’

Autumn 2, Week 3

Theme - To Market, To Market

This week was such a busy week! We celebrated Remembrance Day, Anti-Bullying Week and also Children in Need.

As part of our theme, ‘To Market, To Market,’ we learnt all about where our food comes from. We talked about which supermarkets we can go to, to do our shopping. The children loved role playing this in the role play area. They especially loved pretending to be the shop keeper!

Anti-Bullying Week

The Nursery children have enjoyed celebrating ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ this week. We talked about what makes a good friend and why it is important to share, take turns and be kind to others. The children then enjoyed playing a kindness turn taking game. They looked at the picture cards and sorted them into 'kind' or 'unkind' actions. 

Odd Socks Day

As part of anti-bullying week, the children came to school wearing odd socks for ‘Odd Socks Day!’ This is to celebrate what makes us all different and unique. We had so much fun looking at each other’s socks! Have a look at some of the other fun activities we did...

Remembrance Day

On 11th November, we spent the day learning about Remembrance Day and talking about why we wear poppies. The children have learnt about the history of Remembrance Day and created some art work liked to poppies to display in the Nursery. 

Children in Need

The children enjoyed wearing their own clothes to school on Friday to celebrate 'Children in Need' Day! They enjoyed doing lots of fun activities including collaging pictures of Pudsey the Bear! We also raised lots of money for charity - well done everyone! 

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Llama Llama Shopping Drama

- The Shopping Basket

- Orange Pear, Apple Bear

- Simon Sock

- Giraffes Can’t Dance

- Lost and Found


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- Give a Little Smile

- We Should Be Kind

Autumn 2, Week 2

Theme - Apples and Pumpkins

This week, we continued our theme of Autumn by exploring apples and pumpkins. We learnt a song about apples called ‘I’m a Little Apple’ – watch the video below. We then cut an apple in half to find the star! 


Science - Exploring Pumpkins

The children loved exploring the pumpkins during basket time this week. We cut the top off the pumpkin and have a good look inside. We used all our senses to explore the pumpkins, using words to describe their texture and smell. We then put the pumpkins in the investigation area and used the magnifying glasses to have an even closer look! It was so much fun.

Science - Hibernation

We also learnt all about hibernation this week. We created our own hedgehogs using clay and made them a cosy little nest to hibernate in during the Winter. Have a look at our cute hedgehogs below...

Bonfire Night!

The children loved learning about Bonfire Night! They created lots of amazing art work in the collage and paint areas. Have a look at the pictures below. We also talked about how to stay safe on Bonfire Night by not going near the fireworks and wearing gloves if we are using sparklers.

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Pumpkin Soup

- Mole’s Harvest Moon

- Grow a Pumpkin

- Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple

- Bear Hunt


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- I’m a Little Apple

- I’m a Little Hedgehog 

Autumn 2, Week 1

Theme - Autumn Antics

Welome back to Nursery! We hope you all had a wonderful half term.


Science - Autumn Walk

This week, we have been learning all about Autumn! The children enjoyed going on an Autumn Walk around the school grounds, looking for signs of Autumn. We found lots of leaves, apples and sycamore seeds which we collected for our investigation area. The children loved exploring these Autumn objects using the magnifying glasses.


Music - Autumn Songs

As part of our theme this week, we enjoyed learning and singing some Autumn songs. Here is a video of the children singing ‘Autumn Leaves are Falling Down’. You could sing this with your child at home.


The children loved talking about Halloween this week. For circle time, we talked about what costumes we were dressing up in and also whether we were going trick or treating. The children enjoyed making witches in the creative area and also spiders using the playdough. Have a look at the pictures below…

RE - Diwali

This week, we learnt all about the Hindu festival ‘Diwali,’ the festival of light!  At nursery, we enjoyed creating our own rangoli patterns and we also made rangoli colour catchers in the collage area.

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Autumn

- Leaves

- Chicken Licken


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- Autumn Leaves are Falling Down

- In the Autumn

- Diwali, Twinkle, Twinkle

- It’s Time for Diwali

Autumn 1, Weeks 1, 2 and 3

Theme - Welcome to School

A big welcome to all our new children that have started with us over the last few weeks. All of the children are settling into Nursery so well and we are so proud of them! Here are some pictures of the children on their very first day at Nursery...

Over the last 3 weeks, we have focused on teaching the children the rules and routines of our Nursery. This includes wearing aprons and bands to play in certain areas of the Nursery, tidying up and looking after the Nursery toys and how to sit smartly on the carpet during learning time. 

We have also been learning about the different areas of learning in our Nursery. Have a look at the pictures below of the children exploring these different areas at Nursery…

Autumn 1, Week 4

Theme - Marvellous Me!

This week the children have been learning all about themselves in our topic ‘Marvellous Me’. We have been using mirrors to look closely at ourselves and see how we are similar and different to our friends. The children have enjoyed making self portraits and painting their names.

(Portrait Photos Coming Soon...)

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

- Titch

- My Body


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- I am Special

- If You're Happy and You Know It

Autumn 1, Week 5

Theme - Sensational Senses

This week we have been learning all about our senses! We have had so much fun using our senses to explore different textures, sounds, colours, tastes and scents. 



Everyday this week, Curiosity Cat has brought us something to explore in her basket. We have had to use our 5 senses to explore and use key vocabulary to describe different textures, smells, tastes and sounds.


On Monday, we played a game of ‘I spy’. We had to use our eyes to describe what we could see around us.  

On Tuesday, we sang ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm’. We used our ears to listen to the animal sounds and guess the animal.

On Wednesday, Curiosity brought us a feely pot with different objects inside. We all enjoyed feeling the objects and describing the different textures. Have a look at the photos below…

On Thursday, Curiosity brought us some different herbs and spices to smell. Here are some pictures of us using our noses to smell the different scents…

Finally, on Friday we enjoyed tasting different fruits! They were delicious! 

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- My Senses

- Smell

- Peace at Last

- Brown Bear, Brown Bear

- Anna's Amazing Glasses

- I Spy


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- My Eyes Help Me See…

- My 5 Senses Help

- Old McDonald Had Farm

- Music Man

- The Wheels on the Bus

Autumn 1, Week 6

Theme - How Do I Feel?



As part of this week’s theme, we enjoyed reading the story, ‘The Colour Monster'.  We enjoyed talking about all the different feelings and emotions. We used the teddies to explore these emotions and had lots of fun role-playing different situations!

Art and DT

The children enjoyed painting the colour monster using cotton wool to dab the paint onto his body. They also enjoyed colouring pictures of The Colour Monster. Colouring is a great way to practise fine motor control and holding writing materials correctly. This is something you could practise at home!

Finger Gym

In the finger gym, The Colour Monster’s feelings were all mixed up! The children used the tweezers to pick up the pom poms and sort them into the correct coloured bowls. Using tweezers and other small tools is a great way to strengthen fingers muscles and prepare us for writing!

We also enjoyed using the pipettes in the finger gym this week.


We loved our Music lesson in the hall this week. We enjoyed playing ring games such as ‘Sandy Girl’ and ‘The Farmers in his Den’. We also enjoyed singing lots of songs including ‘Ring a Ring a Roses’ and ‘1 Elephant Came Out to Play’.


The children enjoyed learning all about Harvest this week. On Tuesday, we all went to an assembly in the hall with Mrs Harwick to learn more about the Harvest Festival. It was so much fun.

Throughout the week, we have enjoyed doing lots of Harvest activities to celebrate! On the collage table the children created pictures using different foods including rice and pasta. On the paint table, the children enjoyed potato printing with Autumn colours. Take a look at the pictures below of us enjoying these Harvest activities…

 To celebrate Harvest, we also learnt a new song called ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy.’ Watch the video below to listen to our beautiful singing.

(Video Coming Soon...)

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- The Colour Monster

- I am the happiest

- Silly Billy

- The Deep Dark Wood

- My Feelings


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- If you're happy and you know it...

- Rain, rain go away

- Lots of Feelings

- Things that Make Me Happy

- Cauliflowers Fluffy

Autumn 1, Week 7

Theme - Fun with Friends and Family


PSHE – Being Kind Friends

This week, we have been learning all about being kind friends. We have been learning how to be good friends by sharing, taking turns and helping others. The children were given a special kindness certificate from the teachers when they did kind things! It has been lovely to watch the children working together and enjoying their new friendships at Nursery. 

Writing - Family Portraits

This week, we have also enjoyed learning about our own families and our friends’ families. We had so much fun looking at all the photographs that the children brought in. We talked about who lives with us and who our relatives are and also looked at how our families are similar and different. We then created our own family portraits. Have a look at the pictures below.

Art and DT

We have worked together with our friends this week to create lots of amazing art work. We especially enjoyed marble rolling on the paint table. We worked together to roll the marbles around the paper to create some beautiful pictures!

PSED - Reinforcing Rules and Routines

This week, we have continued to reinforce the rules and routines at Nursery. We have continued to practise lining up sensibly, sitting smartly on the carpet and eating our lunch in the big hall.


This week in Maths we have been learning about ‘size’. We enjoyed playing a game called ‘The Sorting Suitcase’. We had to sort all of the objects in the suitcase into ‘big,’ ‘medium’ and ‘small.’ We then practised using this vocabulary independently in the maths area.

Physical Development - Playing Outside

The children have enjoyed practising their physical skills in the outdoor environment this week. They have enjoyed riding the bikes, playing on the climbing frame, playing with the streamers, playing bat and ball games and also practising their balancing skills on the balancing equipment. Have a look at the pictures below…

Some books we have enjoyed this week are...

- Friends

- Princesses Don't Share


Some songs we have enjoyed this week are...

- Make a New Friend

- My Special People

- I Love You, You Love Me…

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Moston Lane Community Primary School