Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Tips for Parents/Carers

To support home learning we have put together some top tips and ideas for you to use with your children.  Below is an example of a day and how it can be structured for the children.   In addition to this, you will find links to the on-line platforms the children use.


Please find below the instructions for how to access Google Classroom.  Please help your child to follow these steps so they can continue to complete learning activities at home, hand them in, and get feedback from teachers.  You can click the link below watch the YouTube tutorial for step by step instructions on how to use Google Classroom.


Below is a step by step guide on how to "hand in" your work once you have completed it in Google Classroom.


Google Classroom is available on all iOS and Android devices.  This also includes gaming platforms such as PlayStation and Xbox and Amazon Fire tablets.  Please see below for instructions on how to access it from the various devices.


.. Image result for mymathsImage result for phonics play

As we develop our support offer, we will send out more information and will be focusing on providing advice, guidance and resources.
We know this is a difficult time for everyone and School Health have devised "The Parent/Carer toolkit" which provides a wonderful source of  support for parents working to balance working from home with home schooling. There is a particular focus on mental health. Please use the resources linked.
In addition there is also "Health and Wellbeing Challenge activities" for Primary aged children.
Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Tips for Parents/Carers

To support home learning we have put together some top tips and ideas for you to use with your children.  Below is an example of a day and how it can be structured for the children.   In addition to this, you will find links to the on-line platforms the children use.


Please find below the instructions for how to access Google Classroom.  Please help your child to follow these steps so they can continue to complete learning activities at home, hand them in, and get feedback from teachers.  You can click the link below watch the YouTube tutorial for step by step instructions on how to use Google Classroom.


Below is a step by step guide on how to "hand in" your work once you have completed it in Google Classroom.


Google Classroom is available on all iOS and Android devices.  This also includes gaming platforms such as PlayStation and Xbox and Amazon Fire tablets.  Please see below for instructions on how to access it from the various devices.


.. Image result for mymathsImage result for phonics play

As we develop our support offer, we will send out more information and will be focusing on providing advice, guidance and resources.
We know this is a difficult time for everyone and School Health have devised "The Parent/Carer toolkit" which provides a wonderful source of  support for parents working to balance working from home with home schooling. There is a particular focus on mental health. Please use the resources linked.
In addition there is also "Health and Wellbeing Challenge activities" for Primary aged children.