Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 09.11.2020

Reading tasks:

Monday: Choose a book from Oxford Owl and then choose a task to complete from this reading journal.

Tuesday:  Choose a book from Oxford Owl and then complete this character study.

Wednesday: Read chapter 2 of this text and then answer these questions.

Thursday: Click on this link for today's story and then answer these questions.

Friday: Click on this link for today's lesson.


Maths tasks:

Monday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the 'Measure perimeter' lesson. Complete the tasks and remember you can pause the video to give you time to work out your answers.

Tuesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the 'Perimeter on a grid' lesson. Complete the tasks and remember you can pause the video to give you time to work out your answers.

Wednesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the 'Perimeter of a rectangle' lesson. Complete the tasks and remember you can pause the video to give you time to work out your answers.

Thursday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website  and watch the 'Perimeter of rectilinear shapes' lesson. Complete the tasks and remember you can pause the video to give you time to work out your answers.

Friday: Click on this link to do a 'Daily ten' challenge. Choose your own level of difficulty and have fun!


Writing tasks:

Monday: Click on this PowerPoint to start thinking about planning your alternative ending to the story 'The Egg' that we started last week. Read slides 1-9 and use this template to help you plan your own animal.

Tuesday: Continue to use this PowerPoint to learn how to organise paragraphs around a theme. Read slides 10-16 and then have a go at writing your own first two paragraphs, using the examples to help you.

Wednesday: Continue to use this PowerPoint to carry on organising paragraphs around a theme. Read slide 18-24 and have a go at writing paragraphs 3 and 4.

Thursday:  Read slides 26-30 of this PowerPoint and then have a go at writing your own alternative ending to the story, using the WAGOLLs and this checklist to help you. Focus on paragraphs 1 and 2.

Friday: Read slides 32-36 of this PowerPoint and then have a go at writing your own alternative ending to the story, using the WAGOLLs and this checklist to help you. Focus on paragraphs 3 and 4.


Topic work:

Monday: History - Watch this PowerPoint and use the information on the timeline activity sheet to create your own timeline, making sure the events are in order.

Tuesday: Science - Go through the PowerPoint and sort these appliances into 'uses electricity and doesn't use electricity'. Then, complete this venn diagram to show which of those appliances are battery operated and which are mains operated.

Wednesday: French - Click on this link to learn how to talk about items in your pencil case in French.

Thursday: Art: Research Viking Longboats using this PowerPoint and sketch your own!

Friday: RE: Research foods made for Diwali and create your own recipe for one of the dishes. You might have a go at making one: https://cookilicious.com/desserts/chocolate-rava-laddu-no-cook-recipe/



Hope you're all keeping safe at home and we can't wait to see you back in school soon!

Miss Mottram and Miss Redpath xxx