Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 29.06.20

Friday 3rd July 2020

Good morning Year 3!


Today's Over and Above Star is...


We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have worked so hard on all of your Home Learning tasks. Well done for putting so much effort into your work – your attitude to learning is as fantastic at home as it was in school! You are a superstar!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Get ready for the day by following along with Joe Wicks’ family workout.


Book of the Day

The Lumberjack’s Beard’ by Duncan Beedie.


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a cartoon beaver.



Click on the link and read (or listen to) Chapter 2 of ‘Tchang and the Pearl Dragon’ by Andy Blackford.

If the link does not take you straight to the book, log in to Oxford Owl and then click the link again.


Click on the link and answer the comprehension questions.

When you have answered all of the questions, follow this link to open the answer booklet.



Warm up for maths by playing the Beat the Clock challenge. The game starts on Level 1 but you can choose a level that gives you a good challenge! Will you be able to earn a trophy?

Practise your division skills by playing Maths Invaders. Choose ‘division’ and pick your level of challenge.  


Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Click on the link and complete today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click here to find this week’s Science task.


We hope you all...

Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett





Thursday 2nd July 2020

Good morning Year 3!




Today's Over and Above Star is...


Thomas, you impress your teachers every day with how polite and motivated you are! You work incredibly hard every day to complete all of your tasks in school. Thank you for always being ready, respectful and safe. Keep it up, you are a superstar!



Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with this HIIT workout for children and parents.


Book of the Day

How to be a lion’ by Ed Vere.


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a duck.

If you would like more of a challenge, have a go at drawing ducks in a pond.



Click on the link and read (or listen to) Chapter 1 of ‘Tchang and the Pearl Dragon’ by Andy Blackford.

If the link does not take you straight to the book, log in to Oxford Owl and then click the link again.


Click on the link and answer the comprehension questions.

When you have answered all of the questions, follow the link to open the answer booklet.



Warm up for maths by playing Daily 10. Choose Level 3 - Multiplication and then pick a times table.

Practise your division skills by playing Maths Penalty Shoot-out. Choose division and then pick your own level of challenge.   

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Revise the vocabulary we have been learning this term in French by clicking on link 1 and link 2.

Now that you have recapped the key vocabulary, it is time to see how much you can remember!

Test your fruit and vegetable knowledge with this matching game. Some of the words will be new, but can you use your language detective skills to work them out? Remember to look out for any cognates or semi cognates!



Click on the link and complete today’s music lesson.

If you liked the percussion activity in the lesson, you might enjoy this online drum machine app. Have a go at creating your own music using percussion instruments.


Remember to send pictures of your Home Learning tasks to the Year 3 team.

We love seeing how you are getting on with your work!




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett






Wednesday 1st July 2020

Good morning Year 3, we miss you all!



Today's Over and Above Star is...


Rudainah, you have been impressing your teachers every week with your exceptional attitude to learning! You always do your best and complete the Home Learning to a great standard. We also love getting your emails as you are so polite and thoughtful!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with The Robot Dance.


Book of the Day

‘While we can’t hug’ by Eoin McLaughlin and Polly Dunbar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PnnFrPaRgY


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a hedgehog and a tortoise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuJsue1NtVs



Click on the link for today’s lesson.

Challenge task: Summarise the key information about the rock cycle in one paragraph.



Warm up for maths by playing Defend the Tree. Choose ‘Reading Numbers’ and pick your own level of challenge.  

Practise your multiplication skills by playing Archery Arithmetic.  

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link for today’s RE lesson.



Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett






Tuesday 30th June 2020

Good morning Year 3!



Today's Over and Above Star is...

Lilly I

We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have been working incredibly hard to complete Home Learning tasks! Your positive attitude to learning puts a big smile on our faces. Well done Lilly, keep up the great work!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with a Superhero and Movie Character ‘Would You Rather?’ workout.


Book of the Day

‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frxWWOh0cow


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94NR4zP721o

If you would like more of a challenge, have a go at drawing this dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRAarF177Y4



Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Warm up for maths by playing Hit the Button. Choose ‘Number Bonds’ and then pick your own level of challenge.

Practise your multiplication skills by playing Super Maths Bowling.

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s Pobble lessonStop the lesson after you have completed the tasks on slide 16.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link for today’s lesson.

Use the handy learning guide to help you work your way through the lesson. After this lesson, you should hopefully feel more confident to make sensible choices with your money and keep track of your money to become a super saver!



We miss you all!




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett








 Monday 29th June 2020

Hello Year 3!

Today's Over and Above Star is...


We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have impressed your teachers so much in school! You have been a real gentleman and worked very hard to complete tasks. Well done Peter, you should be proud of yourself!



Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Get ready for the day by following along with this morning’s Body Beats session.  


Book of the Day

‘Rain before rainbows’ by Smriti Halls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYIU_OztoQ


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a sunrise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkmJZKrczvk



Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Warm up for maths by playing Daily 10.

Practise your addition skills by playing Maths Mini-golf. Choose your own level of challenge.

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Today, we will be checking to see how much you can remember about fractions!

Start by working through these questions. Think back to the Oak Academy lessons over the last few weeks and do your best.

When you have had a go at all of the questions, click here to check the answers. Mark your answers and count up your score to see how you did!


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Click on the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s Pobble lessonStop the lesson after you have completed the task on slide 16.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link and complete the task.




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett



Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 29.06.20

Friday 3rd July 2020

Good morning Year 3!


Today's Over and Above Star is...


We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have worked so hard on all of your Home Learning tasks. Well done for putting so much effort into your work – your attitude to learning is as fantastic at home as it was in school! You are a superstar!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Get ready for the day by following along with Joe Wicks’ family workout.


Book of the Day

The Lumberjack’s Beard’ by Duncan Beedie.


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a cartoon beaver.



Click on the link and read (or listen to) Chapter 2 of ‘Tchang and the Pearl Dragon’ by Andy Blackford.

If the link does not take you straight to the book, log in to Oxford Owl and then click the link again.


Click on the link and answer the comprehension questions.

When you have answered all of the questions, follow this link to open the answer booklet.



Warm up for maths by playing the Beat the Clock challenge. The game starts on Level 1 but you can choose a level that gives you a good challenge! Will you be able to earn a trophy?

Practise your division skills by playing Maths Invaders. Choose ‘division’ and pick your level of challenge.  


Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Click on the link and complete today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click here to find this week’s Science task.


We hope you all...

Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett





Thursday 2nd July 2020

Good morning Year 3!




Today's Over and Above Star is...


Thomas, you impress your teachers every day with how polite and motivated you are! You work incredibly hard every day to complete all of your tasks in school. Thank you for always being ready, respectful and safe. Keep it up, you are a superstar!



Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with this HIIT workout for children and parents.


Book of the Day

How to be a lion’ by Ed Vere.


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a duck.

If you would like more of a challenge, have a go at drawing ducks in a pond.



Click on the link and read (or listen to) Chapter 1 of ‘Tchang and the Pearl Dragon’ by Andy Blackford.

If the link does not take you straight to the book, log in to Oxford Owl and then click the link again.


Click on the link and answer the comprehension questions.

When you have answered all of the questions, follow the link to open the answer booklet.



Warm up for maths by playing Daily 10. Choose Level 3 - Multiplication and then pick a times table.

Practise your division skills by playing Maths Penalty Shoot-out. Choose division and then pick your own level of challenge.   

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Revise the vocabulary we have been learning this term in French by clicking on link 1 and link 2.

Now that you have recapped the key vocabulary, it is time to see how much you can remember!

Test your fruit and vegetable knowledge with this matching game. Some of the words will be new, but can you use your language detective skills to work them out? Remember to look out for any cognates or semi cognates!



Click on the link and complete today’s music lesson.

If you liked the percussion activity in the lesson, you might enjoy this online drum machine app. Have a go at creating your own music using percussion instruments.


Remember to send pictures of your Home Learning tasks to the Year 3 team.

We love seeing how you are getting on with your work!




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett






Wednesday 1st July 2020

Good morning Year 3, we miss you all!



Today's Over and Above Star is...


Rudainah, you have been impressing your teachers every week with your exceptional attitude to learning! You always do your best and complete the Home Learning to a great standard. We also love getting your emails as you are so polite and thoughtful!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with The Robot Dance.


Book of the Day

‘While we can’t hug’ by Eoin McLaughlin and Polly Dunbar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PnnFrPaRgY


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a hedgehog and a tortoise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuJsue1NtVs



Click on the link for today’s lesson.

Challenge task: Summarise the key information about the rock cycle in one paragraph.



Warm up for maths by playing Defend the Tree. Choose ‘Reading Numbers’ and pick your own level of challenge.  

Practise your multiplication skills by playing Archery Arithmetic.  

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link for today’s RE lesson.



Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett






Tuesday 30th June 2020

Good morning Year 3!



Today's Over and Above Star is...

Lilly I

We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have been working incredibly hard to complete Home Learning tasks! Your positive attitude to learning puts a big smile on our faces. Well done Lilly, keep up the great work!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with a Superhero and Movie Character ‘Would You Rather?’ workout.


Book of the Day

‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frxWWOh0cow


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94NR4zP721o

If you would like more of a challenge, have a go at drawing this dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRAarF177Y4



Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Warm up for maths by playing Hit the Button. Choose ‘Number Bonds’ and then pick your own level of challenge.

Practise your multiplication skills by playing Super Maths Bowling.

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s Pobble lessonStop the lesson after you have completed the tasks on slide 16.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link for today’s lesson.

Use the handy learning guide to help you work your way through the lesson. After this lesson, you should hopefully feel more confident to make sensible choices with your money and keep track of your money to become a super saver!



We miss you all!




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett








 Monday 29th June 2020

Hello Year 3!

Today's Over and Above Star is...


We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have impressed your teachers so much in school! You have been a real gentleman and worked very hard to complete tasks. Well done Peter, you should be proud of yourself!



Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Get ready for the day by following along with this morning’s Body Beats session.  


Book of the Day

‘Rain before rainbows’ by Smriti Halls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYIU_OztoQ


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a sunrise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkmJZKrczvk



Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Warm up for maths by playing Daily 10.

Practise your addition skills by playing Maths Mini-golf. Choose your own level of challenge.

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Today, we will be checking to see how much you can remember about fractions!

Start by working through these questions. Think back to the Oak Academy lessons over the last few weeks and do your best.

When you have had a go at all of the questions, click here to check the answers. Mark your answers and count up your score to see how you did!


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Click on the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s Pobble lessonStop the lesson after you have completed the task on slide 16.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link and complete the task.




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett



Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 29.06.20

Friday 3rd July 2020

Good morning Year 3!


Today's Over and Above Star is...


We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have worked so hard on all of your Home Learning tasks. Well done for putting so much effort into your work – your attitude to learning is as fantastic at home as it was in school! You are a superstar!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Get ready for the day by following along with Joe Wicks’ family workout.


Book of the Day

The Lumberjack’s Beard’ by Duncan Beedie.


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a cartoon beaver.



Click on the link and read (or listen to) Chapter 2 of ‘Tchang and the Pearl Dragon’ by Andy Blackford.

If the link does not take you straight to the book, log in to Oxford Owl and then click the link again.


Click on the link and answer the comprehension questions.

When you have answered all of the questions, follow this link to open the answer booklet.



Warm up for maths by playing the Beat the Clock challenge. The game starts on Level 1 but you can choose a level that gives you a good challenge! Will you be able to earn a trophy?

Practise your division skills by playing Maths Invaders. Choose ‘division’ and pick your level of challenge.  


Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Click on the link and complete today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click here to find this week’s Science task.


We hope you all...

Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett





Thursday 2nd July 2020

Good morning Year 3!




Today's Over and Above Star is...


Thomas, you impress your teachers every day with how polite and motivated you are! You work incredibly hard every day to complete all of your tasks in school. Thank you for always being ready, respectful and safe. Keep it up, you are a superstar!



Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with this HIIT workout for children and parents.


Book of the Day

How to be a lion’ by Ed Vere.


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a duck.

If you would like more of a challenge, have a go at drawing ducks in a pond.



Click on the link and read (or listen to) Chapter 1 of ‘Tchang and the Pearl Dragon’ by Andy Blackford.

If the link does not take you straight to the book, log in to Oxford Owl and then click the link again.


Click on the link and answer the comprehension questions.

When you have answered all of the questions, follow the link to open the answer booklet.



Warm up for maths by playing Daily 10. Choose Level 3 - Multiplication and then pick a times table.

Practise your division skills by playing Maths Penalty Shoot-out. Choose division and then pick your own level of challenge.   

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Revise the vocabulary we have been learning this term in French by clicking on link 1 and link 2.

Now that you have recapped the key vocabulary, it is time to see how much you can remember!

Test your fruit and vegetable knowledge with this matching game. Some of the words will be new, but can you use your language detective skills to work them out? Remember to look out for any cognates or semi cognates!



Click on the link and complete today’s music lesson.

If you liked the percussion activity in the lesson, you might enjoy this online drum machine app. Have a go at creating your own music using percussion instruments.


Remember to send pictures of your Home Learning tasks to the Year 3 team.

We love seeing how you are getting on with your work!




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett






Wednesday 1st July 2020

Good morning Year 3, we miss you all!



Today's Over and Above Star is...


Rudainah, you have been impressing your teachers every week with your exceptional attitude to learning! You always do your best and complete the Home Learning to a great standard. We also love getting your emails as you are so polite and thoughtful!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with The Robot Dance.


Book of the Day

‘While we can’t hug’ by Eoin McLaughlin and Polly Dunbar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PnnFrPaRgY


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a hedgehog and a tortoise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuJsue1NtVs



Click on the link for today’s lesson.

Challenge task: Summarise the key information about the rock cycle in one paragraph.



Warm up for maths by playing Defend the Tree. Choose ‘Reading Numbers’ and pick your own level of challenge.  

Practise your multiplication skills by playing Archery Arithmetic.  

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s lesson.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link for today’s RE lesson.



Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett






Tuesday 30th June 2020

Good morning Year 3!



Today's Over and Above Star is...

Lilly I

We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have been working incredibly hard to complete Home Learning tasks! Your positive attitude to learning puts a big smile on our faces. Well done Lilly, keep up the great work!




Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Start the day with a Superhero and Movie Character ‘Would You Rather?’ workout.


Book of the Day

‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frxWWOh0cow


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94NR4zP721o

If you would like more of a challenge, have a go at drawing this dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRAarF177Y4



Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Warm up for maths by playing Hit the Button. Choose ‘Number Bonds’ and then pick your own level of challenge.

Practise your multiplication skills by playing Super Maths Bowling.

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Click on the link for today’s lesson.  


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Follow the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s Pobble lessonStop the lesson after you have completed the tasks on slide 16.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link for today’s lesson.

Use the handy learning guide to help you work your way through the lesson. After this lesson, you should hopefully feel more confident to make sensible choices with your money and keep track of your money to become a super saver!



We miss you all!




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett








 Monday 29th June 2020

Hello Year 3!

Today's Over and Above Star is...


We have chosen you as our star of the day because you have impressed your teachers so much in school! You have been a real gentleman and worked very hard to complete tasks. Well done Peter, you should be proud of yourself!



Warm up Your Bodies and Brains

Get ready for the day by following along with this morning’s Body Beats session.  


Book of the Day

‘Rain before rainbows’ by Smriti Halls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYIU_OztoQ


Let’s Doodle Together!

Draw a sunrise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkmJZKrczvk



Click on the link for today’s lesson.



Warm up for maths by playing Daily 10.

Practise your addition skills by playing Maths Mini-golf. Choose your own level of challenge.

Main tasks:

Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:

Today, we will be checking to see how much you can remember about fractions!

Start by working through these questions. Think back to the Oak Academy lessons over the last few weeks and do your best.

When you have had a go at all of the questions, click here to check the answers. Mark your answers and count up your score to see how you did!


Miss Youldon’s Maths group:

Click on the link and complete today’s lesson.



Click on the link for today’s Pobble lessonStop the lesson after you have completed the task on slide 16.


Complete an activity on SPAG.com

If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.




Click on the link and complete the task.




Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
