Friday 19th June 2020
Hello Year 3!
Today's Over and Above Star is...
Eseohe, we have chosen you because of your positive attitude throughout lockdown! It makes our day when you are so cheerful on the phone. You also impress us each week with the effort you put into your Home Learning tasks. You are a superstar!
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Start your day the superhero way by following along with the Batman workout.
Book of the Day
‘The day the crayons came home’ by Drew Daywalt:
Let’s Doodle Together!
Our crafty task is slightly different today! Follow along with the video to make a father’s day card.
Click on the link and read ‘I wouldn’t tell a lie’ aloud to a grown up.
When you have read the story aloud to a grown up, answer the questions below.
1) What did Fritz receive for his birthday?
2) Where did the friends run their race?
3) Who was Fritz’s best friend?
4) How do you think Monty and Fritz felt when they came to a big forest? How do you know this?
5) What did Monty and Fritz do after their swim?
6) Turn to page 15. Why do you think Fritz didn’t seem to believe Monty?
7) Read page 21 again.
Read this extract from page 21:
“With every word Monty’s heart got lighter and lighter.”
What do you think the author means by this?
Warm up for maths by playing Beat the Clock. Choose your level of challenge.
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click here for today’s lesson.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Follow the link for today’s lesson.
Click on the link and complete today’s writing task.
Complete an activity on
If you have already completed all of the work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to practice the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
Click here to complete this week’s science lesson.
… for working so hard this week!
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
Thursday 18th June 2020
Hi Year 3!
Today's Over and Above Star is
You have definitely been going OVER AND ABOVE at home! Not only are you completing the tasks set, you are also completing lots of extra work too. Well done Alfie- you should be proud of yourself!
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Click here for today’s active lesson.
Book of the Day
‘There’s Nothing To Do!' by Dev Petty.
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw a frog : .
Click here for your reading task for today.
Join in with one of these videos.
Click here to play today’s maths game.
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click on the link and complete today’s task.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Click here for your job.
Click here for today’s lesson.
Complete an activity on
If you have already completed all of the work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
Look at this breakfast foods drawing task. If you have a printer, print out the sheet and match up the words to the correct picture by writing in the box. If you don't have a printer, why not simply draw a big circle on a piece of paper as a breakfast plate, draw some food items and label them?
Click here to go to your music lesson.
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Good morning everyone!
Today's Over and Above Star is...
Edlin, we are so proud of you for how hard you work on your Home Learning tasks every day! Your brilliant effort is impressing your teachers, well done! You are also Star of the Day for being such a gentleman - thank you for being so polite and thoughtful in your emails and our weekly phone calls.
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Start your day the superhero way by following along with the Batman workout.
Book of the Day
‘The Other Side’ by Jaqueline Woodson:
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw a tree:
You might like to add a tyre swing to your tree, like in The Other Side!
Click on the link for today’s reading task.
Put your maths hats on and play Hit the Button. Choose your own level of challenge.
Scrub up on your times tables by playing TT Rockstars.
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click here for today’s lesson.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Follow the link for today’s lesson.
Click on the link and complete today’s writing task.
Complete an activity on
If you have already completed all of the work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to practice the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
For last week’s PSHE task, we researched a few examples of other people showing courage and kindness. We chose a cause and thought about what our own acts of kindness could be.
In today’s PSHE lesson, we are going to continue thinking about how we can make a difference from home. The beginning of today’s PSHE task recaps last week’s task to warm your brains up again ready for the lesson – if you already completed this last week, you don’t need to do the first section again.
Click on the link to complete your task.
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Hi Year 3!
Today's Over and Above Star is
You have been working extremely hard at home. You should be very proud of yourself! Keep up the super work Rida! You are a star!
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Click here for today’s PE lesson.
Book of the Day
‘Same Difference’ by Calida Rawles.
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw a spider :
Do not email your drawings to us - we will be terrified!
Click here for your reading task for today.
Join in with one of these videos.
Click here to play today’s maths game.
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click on the link and complete today’s task.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Click here for your job.
Click here for today’s lesson.
Complete an activity on
If you have already completed all of the work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
Continue with your amazing All About The Romans PowerPoints.
Can you add some sound onto your slides? Watch this video to find out how.
Add this Roman music in (this is quite a challenge but I am sure you are up to the challenge) and/or record your own voice.
You need to save the Roman music first. When you click on the link, it should appear at the bottom of your screen. Right click on it and click 'Show in File'. Then, right click on it in the file and click copy. Go to the folder where you want to save it, right click and paste it. When you have done it, you should be able to add it onto one of your slide by following the steps on the video.
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
Monday 15th June 2020
Good morning Year 3, we hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Today's Over and Above Star is...
You are Star of the Day today because you have impressed teachers with your fantastic attitude to Home Learning! Well done for working especially hard on your maths work. Keep it up Poppy - you are a superstar!
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Start your day with this cardio workout. Don’t worry if you need to pause the video – take your time and work out at your own pace.
Book of the Day
‘The Bad Seed’ by Jory John:
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw a sunflower:
Click on the link for today’s reading task.
Get your maths brains warmed up by playing the number bonds race. Choose your own level of challenge.
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click here for today’s lesson.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Follow the link for today’s lesson.
Click on the link for today’s task.
Complete an activity on
If you have already completed all of the work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to practice the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
Your computing project for the next two days is to create a PowerPoint to share what you have learnt about the Romans.
Your PowerPoint should be:
To make a brilliant PowerPoint, you might like to think about including:
Click on the link for a helpful guide on how to create a PowerPoint Presentation.
If you do not have Powerpoint on your device, you can use Powerpoint Online. Before you download the app, make sure you ask a grown up!
We can’t wait to see your finished projects later this week.
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett