Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Have a go at the Fitness Blender Kids Workout. Give it your best go – don’t worry if you can’t finish the whole workout!
Book of the Day
‘This is the rope’ by Jacqueline Woodson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkhvydQJKBk
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw a sunset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEY5pISOo7Y
Follow the link and read ‘The clever boy and the terrible, dangerous animal’ aloud to a grown up.
You might notice that the story is written in English and Spanish. You can just focus on reading the English version of the story.
When you have finished reading the story to your grown up, answer the questions in your Home Learning book:
1) When the boy asked his mum if he could go to the other village, what did she say?
2) Turn to page 6. Why were the crowd of people frightened?
3) How did the boy know that the people were frightened?
4) Turn to page 10. How do you think the boy felt when he realised that the dangerous animal was actually a giant melon?
5) Read page 14 again. Find and copy a word that means the same as ‘shocked’.
6) How do you think the crowd of people felt when the boy started laughing at them?
7) What might the people have been thinking when the first watermelons started growing in the fields of their village?
Test your times tables knowledge by completing the Daily 10 (Level 3, Multiplication, x4).
See how much you can remember about money by visiting the Toy Shop. Choose your level of difficulty by picking ‘One Coin’ or ‘Mixed Coins’ and the amount of money.
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click here for today’s lesson.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Click here for today's lesson.
Follow the link for today's Writing task.
Complete an activity on SPAG.com
If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to practice the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
Go through the Fruit and Veg PowerPoint again to remind yourself of the vocabulary they learnt in the first task.
Now look at the fruit and veg drawing task. If you have a printer, print off the sheet and draw a picture for each piece of vocabulary. If you don't have a printer, copy out the words on a piece of paper and draw your pictures beside each word. Then order the fruit and vegetables from your most to your least favourite!
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
Thursday 4th June 2020
Good morning Year 3!
Today's Over and Above Star is...
Well done for working incredibly hard at home Yasmine! You have kept trying even when you have found tasks difficult and challenging yourself too! We a very proud of you!
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Wake up with this Go Noodle workout.
Book of the Day
‘You Can Never Run Out Of Love’ by Helen Dochety.
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw a 3D love heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2zRc2vrvII
Click here for your reading comprehension task.
Practise your times tables on this game.
Play times table table tennis with somebody in your house.
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Follow the link ( https://app.mymaths.co.uk/34-
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Click here for your job.
Click here to go to your Pobble lesson.
Complete an activity on SPAG.com
If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
Click here to pick a task to complete about Boudicca.
... for working so hard!
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Hello Year 3!
Today's Over and Above Star is...
We have chosen you as our Star of the Day today because we are so impressed with your fantastic attitude to Home Learning! Well done for trying your best every day, you superstar!
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Have a go at the Danger Force GoNoodle. If you would like an extra fitness challenge, try and keep up with the Frozen HIIT workout.
Book of the Day
‘Last stop on Market Street’ by Matt De La Pena. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk6CWvW_5-s
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw a double decker bus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1qqxWUSjVY
Follow the link. Choose a story to listen to on Oxford Owl. Listen carefully!
When you have finished, retell the story to a grown-up.
Use these questions to help you:
What kind of book was it? Fiction or non-fiction?
Who were the main characters?
Where and when was the book set?
What were the most important events in the story?
What was your favourite moment in the story?
Get your Maths brains warmed up by playing Place Value Basketball.
Practise your times tables by completing the Daily 10 (Level 3, Multiplication, x3).
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click here for today’s lesson.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Click here for today’s lesson.
Click on the link to go to your Pobble lesson.
Complete an activity on SPAG.com
If you have already completed all of the SPAG.com work, click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to learn the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
Complete the BBC Ten Pieces Music lesson. Follow the link to the lesson.
Challenge task – What is your favourite song? Listen to your favourite song and create your own illustration based on that song.
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Good morning Year 3!
Today's Over and Above Star is...
Well done for being such a superstar in school Brandon. You are always so enthusiastic and hardworking! We are very proud of you!
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Choose one of the Super Movers challenges:
Book of the Day
Our book today is ‘The Great Eggscape’ by Jory John and Pete Oswald.
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw an alien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkdZ2ZNG-Ts
Click here for your reading lesson.
Practise your times tables on this game.
Have a go at rounding on Rocket Rounding. Click on ‘Up to 99 to the nearest 10’.
Can you work our the rule for rounding to the nearest 10?
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click on the link and complete today’s task.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Click here for your job.
Click here to go to your Pobble lesson.
Complete an activity on SPAG.com
Click here. Select ‘Spelling Tiles’ to practice the rule and then challenge yourself by taking the test.
Click here for today’s history lesson.
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett
Monday 1st June
Good morning Year 3, we are missing you all!
Today's Over and Above Star is...
We have chosen you to be our Star of the Day because we are so pleased with how hard you have been working over the last few weeks! We are especially impressed with your fantastic efforts with your maths work, well done!
Book of the Day
‘Sebastian’s Roller Skates’ by Joan de Deu Prats. https://www.storylineonline.net/books/sebastians-roller-skates/
Let’s Doodle Together!
Draw a boy and a girl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a7anGhsRQM
Warm up Your Bodies and Brains
Have a go at this magical workout! Will you be able to keep up?
Remember to warm down after doing any intense exercise.
Click on the link for your reading task.
Write the answers to the questions in your Home Learning book. If you are in Mrs Matley’s SFA group, you do not need to write your answers down; talk about your answers with a grown up.
Get your brains into gear for maths with the Number of the Day challenge. Choose your level of challenge by picking the range for the number.
Scrub up on your times tables knowledge by playing Monster Multiplication.
Main tasks:
Miss Marriott, Miss Fernandez and Miss Aldridge’s Maths groups:
Click on the link for today’s maths task.
Miss Youldon’s Maths group:
Click on the link for today’s maths task.
Follow the link and complete today’s Writing lesson.
Complete an activity on SPAG.com.
If you have completed all of the SPAG.com tasks, follow the link. Complete a Spelling Tiles activity and then check how much you can remember by clicking Practice / Test.
Follow the link and complete today’s Science task.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Miss Youldon, Miss Marriott and Miss Mullett