Week beginning 30th November 2020
Reading tasks
Monday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and then choose a task to complete from this reading journal.
Tuesday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and complete this task.
Wednesday: Click on this link for today's story. Read chapter 1 and then answer these questions - chapter 1 only.
Thursday: Click on this link to carry on with yesterday's story. Read chapter 2 and then answer these questions. Chapter 2 only.
Friday: Click on this link to carry on with this week's story. Read chapter 3 and then answer these questions. Chapter 3 only.
Maths tasks
Monday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'The 4 times-table'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Tuesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Multiply by 8'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Wednesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Divide by 8'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Thursday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'The 8 times-table'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Friday: Click on this link to practise your times-tables using 'Hit the button'.
Writing tasks
Monday: Click on this PowerPoint to start learning how to write instructions for how to wash a woolly mammoth! Read up to slide 7 and note down what you love about the WAGOLL.
Tuesday: Continue to use this PowerPoint (slides 8-11) to have a go at writing your introduction for your instructions using a variety of sentence types.
Wednesday: Continue to use this PowerPoint (slides 12-16) to up-level the introduction that you wrote yesterday.
Thursday: Continue to use this PowerPoint (slides 17-20) to draft a full set of instructions about how to wash a woolly mammoth. Remember to try to use fronted adverbials!
Friday: Continue to use this PowerPoint (slides 31-end) to write your final version of instructions. Remember to try to use all the different sentence types and skills you have learnt this week!
Topic work
Monday: PE - Watch this video to get your body moving!
Tuesday: RE - Click on this PowerPoint to learn all about the Quran!
Wednesday: French - Watch this video to learn about Christmas in France!
Thursday: Science - Click on this PowerPoint to learn all about magnetic poles!
Friday: History - Click on this PowerPoint to learn more about Stone Age clothing!
Hope you're all keeping safe at home and we can't wait to see you back in school soon!
Miss Mullett and Miss Artuner xxx