Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 16.11.2020

Reading tasks

Monday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and then choose a task to complete from this reading journal.

Tuesday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and complete this task.

Wednesday:  Click on this link for today's story and then answer these questions.

Thursday: Click on this link for today's story and then answer these questions.

Friday: Click this link for today's lesson.


Maths tasks

Monday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Make equal groups - sharing'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.

Tuesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Make equal groups - grouping'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.

Wednesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Divide by 2'. Complete the tasks during the lesson. 

Thursday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Divide by 5'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.

Friday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Divide by 10'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.


Writing tasks

Monday: This week you will be learning how to write a diary entry! Read up to slide 20 on this PowerPoint to get you started.

Tuesday: Continue to use this PowerPoint . Read slides 21-44 to learn how to use the past tense. Then complete the task allocated to your table.

Wednesday:  Continue to use this PowerPoint. Read slides 45-55 to learn how to use fronted adverbials.

Thursday: Continue to use this PowerPoint  Read slides 56-68 to learn how to use subordinating conjunctions.

Friday: Use everything you have learnt this week to write a diary entry based on the Stone Age boy's story, imagining that it was you that this happened to!


Topic work

Monday: PE - Watch this video to get your body moving!

Tuesday: RE -  Read this PowerPoint to learn all about the Qur'an and why it is important to Muslims.

Wednesday: French - Watch this video to learn the months of the year in French.

Thursday: Science -  Read this PowerPoint to investigate whether different materials are magnetic or not. If you have a magnet at home, have a go at finding different materials and decide if they are magnetic or not magnetic.

Friday: History - Click on this PowerPoint to find out what Stone Age people ate!


Hope you're all keeping safe at home and we can't wait to see you back in school soon!

Miss Mullett and Miss Artuner xxx