Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 02.11.2020

Reading tasks

Tuesday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and then choose a task to complete from this reading journal.

Wednesday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and complete this task.

Thursday: Read chapters 2 and 3 of this text and then answer these questions.

Friday: Click on this link for today's lesson.


Maths tasks

Tuesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Subtract a 3 digit number from a 3 digit number - no exchange'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.

Wednesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Subtract a 3 digit number from a 3 digit number - exchange'. Complete the tasks during the lesson. 

Thursday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Estimate answers to calculations'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.

Friday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Check answers'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.


Writing tasks

Tuesday: Click on the following PowerPoint to learn how to write a setting description. Read up to slide 11 and complete the tasks.

Wednesday:  Continue to use this PowerPoint to learn how to use different types of sentences in your setting description. Read slides 12 to 17 and complete the tasks.

Thursday: Continue to use this PowerPoint to learn how to use prepositional phrases. Read slides 18 to 28 and have a go at using prepositional phrases to uplevel the given sentences.

Friday: Continue to use this PowerPoint to learn how to use fronted adverbials. Read slide 29-34 and have a go at using fronted adverbials to uplevel the given sentences.


Topic work

Tuesday: RE -  Go through this PowerPoint to understand what Muslims believe about Allah. Then draw a leaf and write down how you think a thankful person might live.

Wednesday: French - Watch this video to practice your colours in French.

Thursday: Science -  Go through this PowerPoint to find out about the forces of pushes and pulls.

Friday: Art: Go through this PowerPoint to find out about Stone Age cave art! Then have a go at making your own hand stencil using any materials you have at home.


Optimistic in "Corona times" 1 Million SMILE Private Aid Program ...


Hope you're all keeping safe at home and we can't wait to see you back in school soon!

Miss Mullett and Miss Artuner xxx