Week beginning 28th September 2020
Reading tasks
Monday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and then choose a task to complete from this reading journal.
Tuesday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and complete this character study.
Wednesday: Read this text and answer the questions (set 1).
Thursday: Re-read the text from yesterday and answer the rest of the questions (set 2).
Friday: Watch this video about making inferences and then complete this task.
Maths tasks
Monday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add and subtract multiples of 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson. Remember you can pause the video to give you time to calculate your answers.
Tuesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add and subtract 1s'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Wednesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add and subtract 3 and 1 digit numbers (not crossing 10)'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Thursday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add a 2 digit and 1 digit number (crossing 10)'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Friday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add 3 digit and 1 digit numbers (crossing 10)'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Writing tasks
Monday: Go through this power point to take part in today's lesson about adverbs and fronted adverbials. On slide 10, write a sentence for each of the adverbs given. On slide 11, identify all the adverbs and fronted adverbials you can see in the text. Stop at slide 12.
Tuesday: Use yesterday's power point again to take part in today's lesson about using prepositional phrases in your writing. Start from slide 13 and complete the tasks. For slides 19-22, see if you can make up your own sentences using prepositional phrases to describe what you can see in the pictures. Stop at slide 22.
Wednesday: Continue to use the same power point to take part in today's lesson about writing a setting description. Start from slide 23 and complete the tasks. Read the WAGOLL on slide 30 and use it to try and write your own setting description of the ocean setting in 'Bubbles'. Stop at slide 32.
Thursday: Continue using the same power point to take part in today's lesson about co-ordinating conjunctions. Start from slide 33 and complete the tasks.
Friday: Can you now use all the skills you have used this week to write a your own version of 'Bubbles'?
Topic work
Monday: PE - Watch this video to get your body moving!
Tuesday: RE - Go through this power point and complete the tasks about Moses.
Wednesday: French - Watch this video to practise your French numbers.
Thursday: Geography - Go through this power point and complete the tasks to find out about the equator and how the climate can be different in different countries.
Friday: Science - Go through this power point to find out all about different types of rocks.
Hope you're all keeping safe at home and we can't wait to see you back in school soon!
Miss Mullett and Miss Artuner xxx