Reading tasks
Monday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and then choose a task to complete from this reading journal.
Tuesday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and complete this task.
Wednesday: Read this text and complete the tasks.
Thursday: Read chapter 1 of this text and answer these questions.
Friday: Choose one of your favourite books and complete this book review.
Maths tasks
Monday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers - not crossing 10 or 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson. Remember you can pause the video to give you time to calculate your answers.
Tuesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add 2 and 3 digit numbers - crossing 10 and 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Wednesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number - crossing 10 or 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Thursday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add two 3 digit numbers - not crossing 10 or 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Friday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add two 3 digit numbers - crossing 10 or 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Writing tasks
Monday: Click on this powerpoint and read up to page 7 to learn about and practice using fronted adverbials in your writing.
Tuesday: Continue to use this powerpoint (slide 8-17) to learn about and practice using a variety of conjunctions in your writing.
Wednesday: Continue to use this powerpoint (slides 18-24) to learn about acrostic poetry and have a go at writing your own acrostic poem.
Thursday: Click on this powerpoint to start thinking about and planning a senses poem about autumn (slides 1-10)
Friday: Read this WAGOLL to magpie any vocabulary you like and use slides 11-14 on this powerpoint to help you edit and up-level your poem from yesterday.
Topic work
Monday: PE - Watch this video to get your body moving!
Tuesday: RE - Go through this powerpoint to learn about Muslim beliefs about God.
Wednesday: French - Watch this video to learn about colours in French.
Thursday: Computing - Go through this powerpoint to find out about school's e-safety competition and then design your poster using everything you have learnt this half term.
Friday: Computing - Look at the final slide of this powerpoint and complete the additional home learning challenge. Good luck!
Hope you're all keeping safe at home and we can't wait to see you back in school soon!
Miss Mullett and Miss Artuner xxx
Reading tasks
Monday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and then choose a task to complete from this reading journal.
Tuesday: Choose a book on Oxford Owl and complete this task.
Wednesday: Read this text and complete the tasks.
Thursday: Read chapter 1 of this text and answer these questions.
Friday: Choose one of your favourite books and complete this book review.
Maths tasks
Monday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers - not crossing 10 or 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson. Remember you can pause the video to give you time to calculate your answers.
Tuesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add 2 and 3 digit numbers - crossing 10 and 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Wednesday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number - crossing 10 or 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Thursday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add two 3 digit numbers - not crossing 10 or 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Friday: Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and watch the video 'Add two 3 digit numbers - crossing 10 or 100'. Complete the tasks during the lesson.
Writing tasks
Monday: Click on this powerpoint and read up to page 7 to learn about and practice using fronted adverbials in your writing.
Tuesday: Continue to use this powerpoint (slide 8-17) to learn about and practice using a variety of conjunctions in your writing.
Wednesday: Continue to use this powerpoint (slides 18-24) to learn about acrostic poetry and have a go at writing your own acrostic poem.
Thursday: Click on this powerpoint to start thinking about and planning a senses poem about autumn (slides 1-10)
Friday: Read this WAGOLL to magpie any vocabulary you like and use slides 11-14 on this powerpoint to help you edit and up-level your poem from yesterday.
Topic work
Monday: PE - Watch this video to get your body moving!
Tuesday: RE - Go through this powerpoint to learn about Muslim beliefs about God.
Wednesday: French - Watch this video to learn about colours in French.
Thursday: Computing - Go through this powerpoint to find out about school's e-safety competition and then design your poster using everything you have learnt this half term.
Friday: Computing - Look at the final slide of this powerpoint and complete the additional home learning challenge. Good luck!
Hope you're all keeping safe at home and we can't wait to see you back in school soon!
Miss Mullett and Miss Artuner xxx