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Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 29.06.20

Year 2 Stars of the Week!

Shooting Star Sticker by Global G.L.O.W. for iOS & Android | GIPHY

This week our stars are Pheobe and Finley D!

A huge well done to you two superstars!!!

We LOVE seeing the work everybody has been sending us so keep up the hard work and next week you could be our star!

Miss Howes and Miss Rowland



Friday 3rd July 2020

Staying Healthy


Finish your week with a yoga stretch with Jamie. 



Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log on to Oxford Owl and search for the book 'Dragon Tales'. Open the book and read or listen to the story 'Tchang and the Pearl Dragon'. 

Now follow the link and complete the worksheet. 

Miss Rowland's Group: Click on the link here and read this poem about dinosaurs. When you have finished reading the poem, answer the questions in your home learning book. Make sure you answer the questions in full sentences. Don’t forget that if you’re not sure of the answer, read through the text again! 

Miss Upton's and Miss Potter's Groups: Look at the front cover and write a prediction about what you think the book may be about.

Watch Alex Jones read the story to see if you were right. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4nfm39 



Today we are going to learn the skill of checking our work and looking for mistakes. Follow the link for today's lesson. 



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Give your brain a workout with this addition game: https://www.mathplayground.com/addition_blocks.html 

Follow the link to today’s lesson all about following a route on a map using direction: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-follow-a-route-around-a-map/activities/1 

If you really want to challenge yourself, make your own map and directions for a grown up to follow!

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: We are going to finish this week by practising counting in 10s. Follow this link and join in! 

Now follow the link to today's lesson!



We are going to carry on learning about light in Science today. Follow the link for your lesson. 

Have a fantastic weekend Year 2!


Thursday 2nd July 2020

Staying Healthy

Get active with Joe Wicks this morning!



Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and open the book 'Toad Swims for his Life!'. Read the story to your grown up using lots of expression in your voice. 

Now follow the link to learn more about alliteration. Go back through the book - what alliteration can you find?

Have a go at making up alliterative names for toad and elephant. It could be Timmy Toad or Edgar Elephant!

Miss Rowland's Group: Log on to Oxford Owl. Find the book ‘What’s Inside Me?’

Look at the contents page and in your home learning journal write down the page you would need to turn to in order to find out about:
1. The heart
2. The muscles
3. The lungs
4. The brain
5. The glossary

Now read through the book and learn all about your body. Once you have finished create a poster all about the body. Make sure you include lots of information that you have learnt from the book.

Miss Upton's and Miss Potter's Groups: Watch the video and listen to the story again.


Answer the questions below:

  1. What had been stolen from Rabbit?
  2. What did Rabbit find that gave him an idea of who the culprit might be?
  3. Name 2 other animals who were missing food too.
  4. Who did Rabbit and Squirrel think the culprit was?
  5. How did the animals feel when they saw the monster?



Today's writing activity is all about using contractions! Follow the link for today's lesson. 



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Remind yourselves of your subtraction skills with this superhero subtraction game: https://www.mathplayground.com/superhero_subtraction.html 

Today we are going to be following patterns based on rotation. Follow the link to today's lessons: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-identify-how-patterns-have-been-created-through-rotation   

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link for today's lesson on multiplication and division.  


Topic - Computing

We are using the Raspberry Pi website this half term to create our own little coding projects. Click on the link below to create a Scratch project called ‘Deep Sea Sushi’. Follow the instructions on screen to create this project. Use the ‘hints’ bar to help you with steps you are stuck on. https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/cd-beginner-scratch-sushi 



Wednesday 1st July 2020

Staying Healthy

Start your day with a GoNoodle guided dance!



Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link to 'Storyline Online' and choose a story to listen to. When you have finished, write a book review for the story you have read. Include the information:

What is the title?

Who is the author?

What is the story about?

Who are the main characters?

Why did you choose the story?

Did you enjoy the story?

Miss Rowland's Group: Today click on this link to read an extract called ‘Terrible Tornados’. I thought you might enjoy reading about it after all the weird weather we have been having recently! Read the extract carefully and then answer the questions about it. If there are any words or phrases that you are unsure of remember to ask an adult to help you.

Once you have read the extract, answer these questions:

  1. What are tornados sometimes called?
  2. How might someone feel if they see a tornado coming? Give reasons.
  3. ‘They cause a lot of damage’ In this sentence what does damage mean?
  4. Number these facts 1 – 3 to show what order they appear in:

___ Tornados are very large spirals.

___ Tornados only last for a few minutes.

___ Tornados easily destroy large buildings.

Miss Upton's and Miss Potter's Groups: Every party needs invitations and a food menu. Design a party invitation and food menu for the Monster you read about yesterday! Think about what type of food you normally have at parties. 



As always, Wednesday is handwriting day! Follow the link for today's lesson.



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Recap yesterday’s learning with this 'nrich' activity: https://nrich.maths.org/5560 

Today we are going to be making predictions about rotation. Follow this link for today’s lesson.

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Start today by following the link and practising counting in 5s!  

Now follow the link for today's lesson.  



Today we are going to do some more Geography all about different places around the world. Follow the link for your lesson!


Brain Breaks

Listen to Jamie's story Betsy the Banana



Tuesday 30th June 2020

Staying Healthy

Join Joe Wicks' '5 Alive' workout!



Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Log on to Oxford Owl and find the story 'Rory's Lost His Voice'. Read through the story either in your head or out loud to a grown up. If you're reading out loud remember to add expression to your voice! 

When you have finished reading, complete a storyboard to retell the story. We have written a few storyboards over the last few months so have a look back in your home learning book to help you. 

Miss Rowland's Group: Log in to Espresso. Now follow these steps to find the story we read yesterday: Home – Communication and Language – Books – Videos – click on the link ‘Are you the Pirate Captain?’. Watch the story again.

Now answer these questions. Remember, you might need to watch the video again to make sure that you understand the story!
1. What did the pirates need before they could start their quest?
2. What happened to Scurvy Captain Sid?
3. What did Hugh think was a parrot?
4. What qualities should a pirate have?
5. Did you enjoy this story? Why/Why not?

Miss Upton's and Miss Potter's Groups: Look at the picture of the monster and write 3 sentences to describe him. Think about what he looks like and what he is like as a person. Is he friendly? Is he mean? Is he rude? Is he polite?



Over the next 4 days, we're going to focus on our spelling, punctuation and grammar skills! Follow the link for today's lesson - make sure you complete the 3 activities!



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Warm up your brains with this addition game: https://www.mathplayground.com/addition_snake.html (Ask your adults if they remember this game. It was Miss Mullett's favourite!).

Now follow the link to today’s lesson all about rotation. 

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Today we are continuing to look at multiplication and division. Follow the link for today's lesson and activities! 



In History over the last few weeks we have been looking at a very special person called Florence Nightingale. Today we are going to learn about another very special lady called Mary Seacole. Like Florence, Mary was a nurse who looked after injured soldiers. Follow the link to learn more and for today's two activities.

We would love to see the posters you create so remember to send them to us at Y2@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk!


Brain Breaks

Listen to our favourite poet Michael Rosen tell the story 'My Brother Gets Letters'




Monday 29th June 2020

Staying Healthy

Follow the link for today's yoga adventure with Jamie!



Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link and listen to today's extracts from 'Ella Bella Ballerina and A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

When you have finished listening, read the extracts and complete Activity 1 and Activity 2. 

Miss Rowland's Group: Have a look at this front cover and then answer the questions in your home learning book.

1. What type of story do you think this is? (fiction or non-fiction)
2. What do you think this story will be about?
3. Do you think that you will enjoy this story? Why/why not?
4. Can you think of any other books about pirates that you have read before?
5. What characters might be in this book?

Now log in to Espresso and follow these steps to watch the story: Home – Communication and Language – Books – Videos – click on the link ‘Are you the Pirate Captain?’

Miss Upton's and Miss Potter's Groups: Watch the story ‘A Monsters Surprise’ 


Read the story and draw a Story ‘S’ to show the main events.



Last Wednesday was 'National Writing Day'! Today we are going to take part in a 'Writing Challenge'! Follow the link for more information, then complete Activity 1 and 2. We would love to see your writing so make sure you take a photo and email it to us!



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Warm up your brains with this addition racing game: https://www.mathplayground.com/ASB_JetSkiAddition.html 

This week we are going to be learning about direction, position, and rotation. Let’s remind ourselves of what these words mean:

Direction is the path along which something moves, lies, or points to
Rotation is when something turns or spins around a point located at its centre
Position means where something is located

Now have a go at this lesson: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-be-able-to-give-directions Remember that there is a quiz, video and independent task to complete!

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: This week are going to focus our learning on multiplication and division. To begin, count in 2s in your home learning book - see how far you can get! Remember there are lots of helpful videos on YouTube Kids if you get stuck! 

Now follow the link to today's maths lesson. 



In today's lesson you'll be adding an item to your 'Lockdown Time Capsule' and learning about how important it is to play together but apart with our friends at the moment! Follow the link


Brain Breaks

Choose a 'Community Helper' doodle to complete for your brain break today!