Year 2 Stars of the Week!
This week our stars are Jessica and Emie-Dee!
A huge well done to you two superstars!!!
We LOVE seeing the work everybody has been sending us so keep up the hard work and next week you could be our star!
Miss Howes and Miss Rowland
Friday 19th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Finish of this week with some Joe Wicks P.E.!
Miss Howes’ and Miss Walker’s Groups: Log on to Oxford Owl and find the book ‘The Big Breakfast’. This is quite a long story but we would like to have a go at reading all of it today. You could read one page and listen to the next page!
When you have finished the story, complete Play Activity 1 and Play Activity 2.
Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to be focusing on the story ‘The Troll’ by Julia Donaldson.
Have you heard of this story before? Have you read any other books by Julia Donaldson before? Follow the link and answer the first four questions BEFORE you read the story! This is to find out what you already know before reading the story. I want you to answer these in your home learning book in full sentences.
Then, I would like you to click on the link that takes you to the story of ‘The Troll’ by Julia Donaldson-
Today you are going to listen and watch the video tell the story - find a cosy corner in your house to sit and listen to the story. Once you have finished listening to the story, then you can answer questions 5-16 about what you have just listened to in your home learning books.
Miss Upton's and Miss Potter's Groups: Listen to 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. We really like this story so we hope that you enjoy it too!
Once you have finished the story, choose one of the characters that George helped and write a thank you letter to George, pretending to be your chosen character. Remember to start the letter off with 'To George' and finish your letter with 'From...'.
Today is our final day of writing based around the book ‘To the Beach’ by Linda Ashman. This week we have done lots of work using commas in a list. Your task today is to write a paragraph (at least 6 sentences) about packing things up in your house and making your way to the beach. You should use commas in list to explain this. After this, you should then write a couple of sentences explaining what you see when you get to the beach, listing the different activities you see happening. Follow the link and have a look at Miss Rowland’s example to help!
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Today is our last day learning about measurement and so we are going to be putting everything we have learnt this week into practise.
First watch this video:
Now follow the link and try completing your task. This is very tricky so ask an adult for help if you need it and just try your best! Let us know how you get on!
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Group: Today is our last day looking at the numbers 50-100. Follow the link to today's lesson.
Earlier this week, we created some pieces of art using light and shadows! Today we are going to learn some more about light in Science! Follow the link today’s lesson: ‘What is light?’.
We hope you have a super weekend Year 2!
When you have time over the weekend, take a look at this gorgeous story: 'While We Can't Hug'!
We're sending virtual hugs to you all!
Thursday 18th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Begin today with some flamingo-theme yoga with Jamie!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Today we are going to look at a piece of Year 3 text - 'Kensuke's Kingdom'!
Follow the link and listen to or read the first extract then complete Activity 1. Now listen to or read the second extract then complete Activity 2.
Remember, this is a Year 3 text so might find it a little bit tricky but we know that you will all try your best!
Miss Rowland's Group: Today I would like you to log on to ‘Oxford Owl’ and search for the book ‘Dinosaur Safari’. Turn to the inside cover of the book and read the ‘Reading Check’ with a grown up before you start reading the book.
Today I would like you to read the book on your own. Use the ‘audio’ button for the computer to read a page, then you need to read a page out loud. Take it in turns with the computer to read a page each until you get to the end. Finally, complete ‘Play Activity 1’ and ‘Play Activity 2’ in the tabs above the book.
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Today we would like you to read the story 'The Big Carrot'. Once you have read the story, write down 5 different words to describe the carrot.
Today we are going to continue our work on commas in a list. Please watch the BBC bitesize clip about commas to refresh your memory on these:
Your main task for today is to create lists using commas. List 7 different places in your house and what you see in these places. For example: In the living room I can see a sofa, dining table, chairs and a TV. In the bathroom I can see a sink, toilet, soap and towels. Make sure you are naming at least 4 items in your sentence and don’t forget to use your commas and ‘and’ correctly! Write your 7 sentences clearly and neatly in your home learning book.
To finish today, complete the ‘Commas in a list’ quiz to check your understanding. Let’s see if you can get 10/10! Good luck!
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Today we will be carrying on with measurement by ordering lengths from the shortest to the longest.
First log on to espresso and follow these steps KS1 - Maths - Measures - Activities - Comparing length and height. Have a go at this activity.
Now follow the link and complete this task in your home learning journal.
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link to today's Maths lesson.
Today we are going to some Computing! We are going to use the Raspberry Pi website this half term to create our own little coding projects. Click on the link to create a Scratch project called ‘Catch-the Dots’. Follow the instructions on screen to create this project. Use the ‘hints’ bar to help you with steps you are stuck on.
Brain Breaks
Take a break today with Michael Rosen! Follow the link and choose a poem to listen to.
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Join in with Joe Wicks' P.E. lesson this morning!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log on to Oxford Owl and search for the book ‘Oh, Otto!’
Before you start reading, look at the front cover and read the blurb (the writing on the back page of the book). What do you think Otto will be like? What do you think might happen in this story? Answer these questions verbally to your grown up.
Now open the book and read up to chapter 3 ‘Treasure Hunt’. Then answer these questions in your home learning book:
Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to read a text all about Charles Macintosh. Have you ever heard of him? He was a famous scientist and inventor that invented something that we find very important and still use today. Can you have a guess at what you think he may have invented? Today I would like you to read this text aloud to someone in your house. Take it in turns to read a sentence each.
When you have finished reading about Charles Macintosh, answer the questions all about him in your home learning book. Make sure you answer the questions in full sentences and don’t forget to go back and look in the text to find your answers - they are always in there!
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Today we would like you to log in to Oxford Owl and read 'Toads in the Road'. Click on the picture below to go straight to the story. Look at the front cover and predict what you think it might be about. Read it and see if your prediction was correct!
It is Wednesday, which means it is ‘Handwriting’ day! This week we are going to focus on the letters: j, h, m, p. This needs to be done slowly on lined paper or in your home learning book. No rushing- we can tell if you do! Take your time... You need to write a line of each letter as well as a line of these words: jump, hump, mum, pop. Remember not to rush and not to leave too much space in between each letter or word (just a finger space).
Use these links to help you with the formation of these letters: (J) (H) (M) (P)
Can you think of any other words containing these letters? Write those out too in your neatest handwriting to finish!
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: This week we have already learnt about measurement using metres and centimetres. Today we are going to compare lengths. Recap what you already know by following these steps to an Espresso activity: Maths - Measures - Activities - 'Metres of Centimetres' game.
Now follow the link and complete the task in your home learning journal.
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Begin today by practising counting in 5s! Follow the link and join in with the song, then write your 5s out in your home learning book! Then follow the link to today's maths lesson.
Last week we began to look at someone called Florence Nightingale. Can you remember 3 facts that you learnt about Florence? Write these in your home learning book!
Today we are going to have a look at the Victorian hospitals Florence used to work in. Follow the link and go through the slides with your grown up. Talk about how modern hospitals compare with the Victorian hospitals you have learned about.
Next week we are going to complete an activity about this so maybe write some of your ideas down!
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Get active this morning with Miss Howes' favourite GoNoodle dance - Can't Stop The Feeling!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Follow the link to today’s text ‘Go Jetters Continent of Africa’. This is a non-fiction text so your first job is to find a grown up and explain the meaning of ‘non-fiction’ to them.
Now scroll down to page 7 – this is where your text starts. When you have finished reading both pages of text, there is a page of questions to complete in your home learning book. Remember that lots of the questions will need you to go back to the text to help you answer them!
Miss Rowland's Group: Today I would like you to log on to ‘Oxford Owl’ and search for the book ‘Escape of the Giant Chicken’.
Turn to the inside cover of the book and read the ‘Challenge Words’. If you do not know the meanings of some of these words (some are rather tricky!) give them a ‘Kiddle’ search or ask a grown up. Then I would like you to read the book, taking it in turns to read a page each with someone in your house. Finally, complete ‘Play Activity 1’ and ‘Play Activity 2’ in the tabs above the book.
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Today, we would like you to log on to 'Oxford Owl' and find the story 'The King and his Wish'.
Have a go at reading the story using your phonics to sound out any words you don't know. Once you have finished reading, answer the questions below:
Today we are going to continue with the story we are focusing on this week - ‘To the Beach’ by Linda Ashman. Follow yesterday's link again to remind yourself of the story.
Pause the video on the final page and write a list of how many different activities you can see happening. Try and write 10 if you can!
Today we are going to focus on how to use commas in a list. Follow the link and watch the first video to remind yourself of how to use them. If you would like some practise, you could complete Activity 1 too!
Now, look back at the lists you have made over the last two days. You should have a list of items ready to take to the beach as well as a list of activities that were done on the last page of the story.
We are going to rewrite these lists correctly using commas in a list. We would like you to write 5 sentences using commas in a list to state the items needed to go to the beach AND 5 sentences using commas in a list to describe the activities carried out in the back garden!
For example: When packing the car, we took a beach ball, fishing gear, sunglasses and a bucket. In the garden you could sunbathe on a lounger, swim in the paddling pool and eat an ice cream.
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Today we are measuring in metres. 1 metre is the same as 100 centimetres (about the size of a guitar).
We use metres to measure bigger things and centimetres to measure smaller things. Watch this video for some more information:
Your first job for today is to look around your house and choose 10 items that could be measured in metres. Make a list in your home learning book
Now click on the link and complete today's reasoning challenge. Good luck!
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: First of all today, practise counting in 10s by watching this video and joining in! Now follow the link to today's lesson.
Today we are going to continue exploring the continent of Africa! In particular, we are going to look at a country called Zambia.
With your grown up, go to Google Maps and find the country called Zambia. Explore Zambia as much as you would like to. Then answer these questions in your home learning book:
Next to the Zambezi River, there is a small village ‘Mugurameno’ which we are going to learn more about over the next few weeks. It is so tiny it is not even on Google Maps!!! Follow the link to watch a video about a family who visited the village.
Now, write down three ways that school in Mugurameno is different to school in Moston.
Brain Breaks
Take a break today with one of Jamie's Guided Meditations.
Monday 15th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Begin your week with a Joe Wicks P.E. lesson!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Follow the link to today's story 'The Night Box' - you can either listen to it being read or read the extracts yourself.
When you have finished the extracts, complete Activity 1 and Activity 2.
Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to focus on the picture ‘Dad’ for your inference work today. (Remember with inference, it is looking really close at the picture you are given, focusing on all the details you can find). You should stare closely at the picture for a good few minutes before you look at the questions I have asked. Today I would like you to answer the questions about the picture in your home learning book.
Remember to:
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Get comfortable and listen to Tom Fletcher read 'There is a monster in your book'. We hope you enjoy it!
This week in Writing, we are going to focus on the book ‘To the Beach’ by Linda Ashman. Before reading the book, your first job is to write a list of things that you would take if you were going to the beach for a day - write your list in your home learning book so we can see all the items you would wish to take!
After making your list, sit back and follow the ‘To the Beach’ story video. As you are watching, listen to all the things that the family have to keep going back home for. Add any that you don’t already have to your list of things to take to the beach.
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: This week we are going to be looking at measuring length and height and today we are going to be measuring in centimetres (cm).
First watch this video.
Now have a go at this game. First try level 1 and then have a go at level 2.
Next, follow the link and work through the following White Rose activity sheet.
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: This week we are going to continue working on 'Number'! Firstly, remind yourself of counting in 2s using this video! Then follow the link to today's maths lesson.
Today we are going to do some Art using light shadows! Follow the link for your lesson. We'd love to see some of your creations so remember to email your work to!
Brain Breaks
Take a brain break today with a doodle! Follow the link and choose your own!