Friday 12th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Start your day with Cosmic Kids Yoga Bear Hunt!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: We are going to finish the week today with a non-fiction book! Remind yourself of what 'non-fiction' means by explaining it to your grown up.
Now log in to Oxford Owl and find the book 'Deep Down Weird'. Today we would like you to read the whole book. Remember to click on the eye for more information and the pencil to complete the activities!
Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to read a text about Kylie’s first experience of going to a farm. Have you ever been to a farm? If you have, your first job is to draw a picture of your day at the farm and to write 4 sentences about what happened whilst you were there in your home learning book - I would love to hear all about your time at a farm!
Now open the link to 'Kylie day on the farm' and read the text to someone in your house. Then answer the questions in your home learning book. Remember to use full sentences and go back to the text to find your answers.
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Today you're going to practise your phonics sounds! Write all the missing words on the picture – Look at the sounds to give you a clue.
Today is your chance to write a letter as Noi to his friend. You need to make sure you set it out in a letter format, just as Miss Rowland has done this week with her letters you have read (go back and have a look if you are unsure). Here is a checklist for you to follow today to make sure you include everything you need to!
Your letter needs to be a page long and you need to make sure you give details about what you did to look after the whale. Be descriptive! When you have finished, don’t forget to get your grown up to send them to the Year 2 email address for Miss Rowland and Miss Howes to see. We can’t wait to see your letters!
If you finish and have time, have a read of another story in the ‘Storm Whale’ collection by Benji Davies. Have a read of ‘The Storm Whale in Winter’:
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: To start today, try yesterday's quiz ‘Who am I?’ again. Have a go and see if you can get the same score as yesterday or higher!
Your two tasks for today contain a mixture of 2D and 3D shapes - follow the link to open your worksheet. Firstly, you need to be able to fill out the table writing down the names of the 3D shapes but also what 2D shapes they contain.
Finally, you have some tricky questions all about shapes to show us what you know and understand from what we have focused on this week. Have a good go and try your best, that is all we ask!
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link to today's maths lesson!
Today we're going to do some Computing! We need to ensure that we stay safe when we are going online. Log on to ‘Purple Mash’ and complete your 2Dos – Digital Footprint Slideshow and Digital Footprint Quiz. These activities will take you through how to stay safe whilst working online.
Remember to send any work you are super proud of this week to - we love seeing the work you have been doing at home!
Have a fantastic weekend Year 2!
Thursday 11th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Join in with Joe Wicks' P.E. lesson today!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Today we are going to focus on 'inference'! Remember: inference is being able to work out what something means using what we have seen or read.
We would like you to have a look at this picture 'Drop Off' and answer the questions about it in your home learning book. The answers won't be in the picture so you have to think for yourself and decide what you can see in the picture that makes you think that!
Remember to:
Miss Rowland's Group: Today we are going to continue with the story we have been reading this week ‘The Lazy Giant’. Log in to Oxford Owl and turn to page 19 of the story - this is where we finished reading on Tuesday.
Job one:
Tell someone in your house what has happened in the story so far.
Job two:
Now read the rest of the story on your own (Remember you can press the 'audio' button for it to be read to you).
Job three:
Answer the 'Think Back' questions verbally to your grown up.
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Log on to 'Oxford Owl' and read the book 'Perfect Pets'. Have a look at the contents page at the start of the book and choose 3 pets that you would like to read about. Turn to the pages to read about them.
Once you have read about your 3 chosen pets, choose your favourite pet and write 3 interesting facts about them that you have learnt from the book.
Today you are going to be 'Writing detectives'! Miss Rowland has written another letter but has made lots of mistakes.
Your job is to read through the letter, find all the mistakes and correct them for her. Can you work out how many mistakes she has made?
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: To start today, there is a 2D shape quiz ‘Who am I?’. Have a go and see if you can
get all the questions right! How many did you get correct?
Today we would like you to work through the BBC bitesize videos and interactive activities for both 2D and 3D shapes:
2D shapes
3D shapes
Don’t forget to try out the interactive quizzes at the bottom of both pages to show your understanding of shapes!
If you have some spare time, why not play the 2D/3D recognising shape game called ‘Shifting Shapes’ that is really fun! Have a try!
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link for today's maths lesson!
We’re going back to Nigel and Suki’s ocean adventure for today’s Music lesson!
Remind yourself of what has happened in Nigel and Suki’s adventure so far. Suki and Nigel were caught in a bit storm last time but now they are rowing out to Golden Island to find the treasure!
Today we would like to focus on listening out for the different sections of the song and the different rhythms you can hear.
Now follow the link, watch the ‘Tutorial’ video and sing along with ‘Suki over the ocean’.
Brain Breaks
Join Jamie for your brain break today. Follow the link and get ready to relax!
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Choose your own GoNoodle guided dance this morning!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Follow the link for today's reading activity.
Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to read a text all about going into space! Have you read much about space before? Explain 5 things you know about space to a grown up in your house!
Now follow the link to open the text 'Up into Space!' and read it to a grown up. When you have finished, answer this question verbally to your grown up: If you could travel anywhere in the world by rocket, where would you travel to and why?
Then answer the 10 questions in your home learning book. I can't wait to see your drawing for question 10!
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Log on to Oxford Owl and read the story 'Zoom Out'. Remember, you are reading non-fiction books this week so everything you read will be fact!
Once you have finished reading the book, turn to the glossary at the back. A glossary is a section of the book where you will find a list of words and their meanings.
Use the glossary to find the definitions of these words:
It is Wednesday, which means it is handwriting day! This week we are going to focus on the letters: f, s, t. This needs to be done slowly on lined paper or in your home learning book. No rushing - we can tell if you do! Take your time...
You need to write a line of each letter as well as a line of each of these words: fit, sit, toff, soft. Remember not to rush and not to leave too much space in between each letter or word (just a finger space!).
Use these links to help you with the formation of these letters: (F) (S) (T)
Can you think of any other words containing these letters? Write those out too in your neatest handwriting to finish!
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Today we are going to move onto 2D Shapes. Again, get out your home learning book and have a go at naming all the different 2D shapes you can remember (I’ll give you a clue, there are 1-sided, 3-sided, two 4-sided, 5-sided, 6-sided and 8-sided shapes). Can you remember their names?
Well here is a very catchy polygon song for you to watch to refresh your memory of 2D shapes. Sing along and write down any you didn’t get!
Today you are going to complete a 2D shape hunt around your house. You can either print the hunt sheet off or use your home learning book to write down all the objects you can find that are the different 2D shapes we are asking you to find. Good luck! (I bet you can’t find a octagon object in your house!)
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link for today's maths lesson. Today we're going back to basics to refresh our memories of numbers to 100!
Today in History, we are going to learn about a very special person named Florence Nightingale!
Firstly, follow the link and watch the video.
We know that one of the best ways to learn about history is to ask questions! So after watching the video, think of some questions that you would like to ask Florence Nightingale and write these in your home learning book!
Now follow the link to your next video. While you're watching this one, keep thinking about the questions you have written down. Are you able to answer any of them now? If you can, write the answers in your home learning book too!
Brain Breaks
Take a brain break today with the animals at Chester Zoo! Follow the link for their virtual zoo day videos!
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Join in with Joe Wicks' P.E. lesson this morning!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and find the book 'Way-out Day out'. Before you begin reading, have a look at the cover and think about the title. Do you think this going to be a fiction book or a non-fiction book? Why?
Now open the book and begin to read. When you see a little yellow pencil and blue eye button, don't forget to click on it for an activity or extra information!
Miss Rowland's Group: Log in to Oxford Owl and find the book 'The Lazy Giant'. Today I would like you to complete the ‘Cover Clues’ and ‘Tricky Words’ sections on the inside cover with a grown up. It is important you make a prediction about the book looking at the front cover, as well as know what the tricky words mean, before you start reading the book.
Today I would like you to read up to page 19. You should read this with an adult in your house, reading a page each and taking it in turns. When you have read up to page 19, have a discussion with your adult and answer these questions out loud:
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: This week you will need to login to Oxford Owl to access the books. All the books you read this week are going to be non-fiction books. Non-fiction means they are books about facts or real life events. If you cannot remember the login details for your class email us
Today we would like you to read 'Deep Down Weird' and then answer the questions below verbally to a grown-up.
Yesterday we read the story 'The Storm Whale' and drew pictures of things Noi did to look after the whale. This week’s writing task is going to be to write a letter as Noi to one of his friends explaining what had happened whilst he has been at home. You will be doing this at the end of the week.
Today we are going to start looking at what we need to include in our letter. There are lots of features of a letter (things we need to make sure we include) to make a good letter. Follow the link to see what features we need. Your job today is to look at my example letter (follow this link), as you are reading highlight the features in my letter that you can see.
For example, one of the features is an address. Can you find the address in my letter? Point to it or highlight it! Now you need to do this for all the features you can find.
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups:Today we are going to continue looking at 3D shapes in more detail. Can you remember what vertices are? What are edges? Watch this video to recap on these key terms:
Now you have watched the video, you should be an expert in vertices, edges and faces! Complete the 3D shapes properties table. Use the shapes you found around the house from yesterday to help you, use the video again if you need it or ask a grown up for help if you get stuck.
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Today we are going to have a look at addition in a bit more depth than yesterday. Follow the link to watch the video, then complete Activity 1. Now open your worksheet and complete the number sentences in your home learning book. (Remember to draw out your tens and ones!).
Over the next few weeks in Geography, we are going to be comparing the continent Africa with the UK. Today we are going to start by finding out some more information about Africa. Follow the link to watch the Go Jetters explore Africa!
Now, it is your turn to explore! Follow the link to open Google Earth (we have used Google Earth in school before!)
Job one:
Find Africa on the map. Compare it to other countries and continents in the world. Is it bigger or smaller than the UK?
Job two:
In Africa, find a city. Compare the city to Manchester.
Job three:
In Africa, find a desert. Can you find a desert in the UK?!
Brain Breaks
Choose your own brain breaks today. You could go for a walk, play in the garden, do a dance or sing a song!
Monday 8th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Start your day with a Trolls Yoga Adventure!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and choose a story to read from your age group 6-7.
When you have finished, retell the story to a grown up.
Use these questions to help you:
Miss Rowland's Group: Today in our reading group, as it is Monday, we are going to focus on… what again? That’s right, inference! In your home learning book write what ‘inference’ means. We have focused on it for the last two weeks now. After you have written what you think it means, focus closely on today’s picture called ‘Drop Off’. Look very closely at the picture with a grown up and then answer the questions out loud with them. Make sure you answer in full sentences and that you back up your reasons with what you can see in the photograph as part of why you think that way.
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Today, we would like you to read the story 'Things I love by Bear'. It is only a short extract so have a go at reading it on your own, but ask your grown up if you get stuck.
Once you have read the story, write a sentence and draw a picture of something that you love.
This week in Writing we are going to focus on the story ‘The Storm Whale’ by Benji Davies. Find a cosy place in your house to sit and listen to this exciting story:
From the story, you can see that Noi really cared for the whale. He did lots of things to look after him when he found him washed up on the shore. Today, your task is to draw 4 pictures of things Noi did to look after the whale. What were they? You may need to go back to the story to find the answer! Underneath each picture, please write a sentence explaining what Noi did to care for the whale.
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: This week we are going to be focusing on shapes! Firstly, we are going to look at 3D shapes.
Job one:
Write down the names of all of the 3D shapes you can remember.
Job two:
Watch this video and tick off all of the shapes that you wrote down! Add any ones you missed to your list.
Job three:
Go on a 3D shape hunt around your house. Open up the worksheet to see what shapes you need to find!
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link and watch the videos about number sentences and related facts. Then have a go at Activity 1 and Activity 2! (Activity 2 might be a little bit more tricky so remember to ask a grown up if you need some help!).
Today we are going to be doing some PSHE focusing on our feelings and emotions. Start today by watching and listening to this story 'B is for Breathe'.
In the book there are lots of different ideas of how to cope with different things we might be feeling. To learn more about those feelings follow the link and watch the videos 'Managing Emotions' and 'Feeling Angry'. Then complete Activity 1.
Now go back and watch 'B is for Breathe' again. Choose 5 things that you are going to try next time you're feeling a little fussy, frustrated, anxious or angry. Write them in your home learning book and decorate the page in your favourite way. You could even make it into a poster to stick on the wall somewhere you will see everyday! This is going to remind you of how to manage these emotions.
Brain Break
Take a break today by spending some time doodling! You can either use this video or have a go at your own doodle ideas!
Friday 12th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Start your day with Cosmic Kids Yoga Bear Hunt!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: We are going to finish the week today with a non-fiction book! Remind yourself of what 'non-fiction' means by explaining it to your grown up.
Now log in to Oxford Owl and find the book 'Deep Down Weird'. Today we would like you to read the whole book. Remember to click on the eye for more information and the pencil to complete the activities!
Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to read a text about Kylie’s first experience of going to a farm. Have you ever been to a farm? If you have, your first job is to draw a picture of your day at the farm and to write 4 sentences about what happened whilst you were there in your home learning book - I would love to hear all about your time at a farm!
Now open the link to 'Kylie day on the farm' and read the text to someone in your house. Then answer the questions in your home learning book. Remember to use full sentences and go back to the text to find your answers.
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Today you're going to practise your phonics sounds! Write all the missing words on the picture – Look at the sounds to give you a clue.
Today is your chance to write a letter as Noi to his friend. You need to make sure you set it out in a letter format, just as Miss Rowland has done this week with her letters you have read (go back and have a look if you are unsure). Here is a checklist for you to follow today to make sure you include everything you need to!
Your letter needs to be a page long and you need to make sure you give details about what you did to look after the whale. Be descriptive! When you have finished, don’t forget to get your grown up to send them to the Year 2 email address for Miss Rowland and Miss Howes to see. We can’t wait to see your letters!
If you finish and have time, have a read of another story in the ‘Storm Whale’ collection by Benji Davies. Have a read of ‘The Storm Whale in Winter’:
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: To start today, try yesterday's quiz ‘Who am I?’ again. Have a go and see if you can get the same score as yesterday or higher!
Your two tasks for today contain a mixture of 2D and 3D shapes - follow the link to open your worksheet. Firstly, you need to be able to fill out the table writing down the names of the 3D shapes but also what 2D shapes they contain.
Finally, you have some tricky questions all about shapes to show us what you know and understand from what we have focused on this week. Have a good go and try your best, that is all we ask!
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link to today's maths lesson!
Today we're going to do some Computing! We need to ensure that we stay safe when we are going online. Log on to ‘Purple Mash’ and complete your 2Dos – Digital Footprint Slideshow and Digital Footprint Quiz. These activities will take you through how to stay safe whilst working online.
Remember to send any work you are super proud of this week to - we love seeing the work you have been doing at home!
Have a fantastic weekend Year 2!
Thursday 11th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Join in with Joe Wicks' P.E. lesson today!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Today we are going to focus on 'inference'! Remember: inference is being able to work out what something means using what we have seen or read.
We would like you to have a look at this picture 'Drop Off' and answer the questions about it in your home learning book. The answers won't be in the picture so you have to think for yourself and decide what you can see in the picture that makes you think that!
Remember to:
Miss Rowland's Group: Today we are going to continue with the story we have been reading this week ‘The Lazy Giant’. Log in to Oxford Owl and turn to page 19 of the story - this is where we finished reading on Tuesday.
Job one:
Tell someone in your house what has happened in the story so far.
Job two:
Now read the rest of the story on your own (Remember you can press the 'audio' button for it to be read to you).
Job three:
Answer the 'Think Back' questions verbally to your grown up.
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Log on to 'Oxford Owl' and read the book 'Perfect Pets'. Have a look at the contents page at the start of the book and choose 3 pets that you would like to read about. Turn to the pages to read about them.
Once you have read about your 3 chosen pets, choose your favourite pet and write 3 interesting facts about them that you have learnt from the book.
Today you are going to be 'Writing detectives'! Miss Rowland has written another letter but has made lots of mistakes.
Your job is to read through the letter, find all the mistakes and correct them for her. Can you work out how many mistakes she has made?
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: To start today, there is a 2D shape quiz ‘Who am I?’. Have a go and see if you can
get all the questions right! How many did you get correct?
Today we would like you to work through the BBC bitesize videos and interactive activities for both 2D and 3D shapes:
2D shapes
3D shapes
Don’t forget to try out the interactive quizzes at the bottom of both pages to show your understanding of shapes!
If you have some spare time, why not play the 2D/3D recognising shape game called ‘Shifting Shapes’ that is really fun! Have a try!
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link for today's maths lesson!
We’re going back to Nigel and Suki’s ocean adventure for today’s Music lesson!
Remind yourself of what has happened in Nigel and Suki’s adventure so far. Suki and Nigel were caught in a bit storm last time but now they are rowing out to Golden Island to find the treasure!
Today we would like to focus on listening out for the different sections of the song and the different rhythms you can hear.
Now follow the link, watch the ‘Tutorial’ video and sing along with ‘Suki over the ocean’.
Brain Breaks
Join Jamie for your brain break today. Follow the link and get ready to relax!
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Choose your own GoNoodle guided dance this morning!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Follow the link for today's reading activity.
Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to read a text all about going into space! Have you read much about space before? Explain 5 things you know about space to a grown up in your house!
Now follow the link to open the text 'Up into Space!' and read it to a grown up. When you have finished, answer this question verbally to your grown up: If you could travel anywhere in the world by rocket, where would you travel to and why?
Then answer the 10 questions in your home learning book. I can't wait to see your drawing for question 10!
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Log on to Oxford Owl and read the story 'Zoom Out'. Remember, you are reading non-fiction books this week so everything you read will be fact!
Once you have finished reading the book, turn to the glossary at the back. A glossary is a section of the book where you will find a list of words and their meanings.
Use the glossary to find the definitions of these words:
It is Wednesday, which means it is handwriting day! This week we are going to focus on the letters: f, s, t. This needs to be done slowly on lined paper or in your home learning book. No rushing - we can tell if you do! Take your time...
You need to write a line of each letter as well as a line of each of these words: fit, sit, toff, soft. Remember not to rush and not to leave too much space in between each letter or word (just a finger space!).
Use these links to help you with the formation of these letters: (F) (S) (T)
Can you think of any other words containing these letters? Write those out too in your neatest handwriting to finish!
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Today we are going to move onto 2D Shapes. Again, get out your home learning book and have a go at naming all the different 2D shapes you can remember (I’ll give you a clue, there are 1-sided, 3-sided, two 4-sided, 5-sided, 6-sided and 8-sided shapes). Can you remember their names?
Well here is a very catchy polygon song for you to watch to refresh your memory of 2D shapes. Sing along and write down any you didn’t get!
Today you are going to complete a 2D shape hunt around your house. You can either print the hunt sheet off or use your home learning book to write down all the objects you can find that are the different 2D shapes we are asking you to find. Good luck! (I bet you can’t find a octagon object in your house!)
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link for today's maths lesson. Today we're going back to basics to refresh our memories of numbers to 100!
Today in History, we are going to learn about a very special person named Florence Nightingale!
Firstly, follow the link and watch the video.
We know that one of the best ways to learn about history is to ask questions! So after watching the video, think of some questions that you would like to ask Florence Nightingale and write these in your home learning book!
Now follow the link to your next video. While you're watching this one, keep thinking about the questions you have written down. Are you able to answer any of them now? If you can, write the answers in your home learning book too!
Brain Breaks
Take a brain break today with the animals at Chester Zoo! Follow the link for their virtual zoo day videos!
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Join in with Joe Wicks' P.E. lesson this morning!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and find the book 'Way-out Day out'. Before you begin reading, have a look at the cover and think about the title. Do you think this going to be a fiction book or a non-fiction book? Why?
Now open the book and begin to read. When you see a little yellow pencil and blue eye button, don't forget to click on it for an activity or extra information!
Miss Rowland's Group: Log in to Oxford Owl and find the book 'The Lazy Giant'. Today I would like you to complete the ‘Cover Clues’ and ‘Tricky Words’ sections on the inside cover with a grown up. It is important you make a prediction about the book looking at the front cover, as well as know what the tricky words mean, before you start reading the book.
Today I would like you to read up to page 19. You should read this with an adult in your house, reading a page each and taking it in turns. When you have read up to page 19, have a discussion with your adult and answer these questions out loud:
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: This week you will need to login to Oxford Owl to access the books. All the books you read this week are going to be non-fiction books. Non-fiction means they are books about facts or real life events. If you cannot remember the login details for your class email us
Today we would like you to read 'Deep Down Weird' and then answer the questions below verbally to a grown-up.
Yesterday we read the story 'The Storm Whale' and drew pictures of things Noi did to look after the whale. This week’s writing task is going to be to write a letter as Noi to one of his friends explaining what had happened whilst he has been at home. You will be doing this at the end of the week.
Today we are going to start looking at what we need to include in our letter. There are lots of features of a letter (things we need to make sure we include) to make a good letter. Follow the link to see what features we need. Your job today is to look at my example letter (follow this link), as you are reading highlight the features in my letter that you can see.
For example, one of the features is an address. Can you find the address in my letter? Point to it or highlight it! Now you need to do this for all the features you can find.
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups:Today we are going to continue looking at 3D shapes in more detail. Can you remember what vertices are? What are edges? Watch this video to recap on these key terms:
Now you have watched the video, you should be an expert in vertices, edges and faces! Complete the 3D shapes properties table. Use the shapes you found around the house from yesterday to help you, use the video again if you need it or ask a grown up for help if you get stuck.
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Today we are going to have a look at addition in a bit more depth than yesterday. Follow the link to watch the video, then complete Activity 1. Now open your worksheet and complete the number sentences in your home learning book. (Remember to draw out your tens and ones!).
Over the next few weeks in Geography, we are going to be comparing the continent Africa with the UK. Today we are going to start by finding out some more information about Africa. Follow the link to watch the Go Jetters explore Africa!
Now, it is your turn to explore! Follow the link to open Google Earth (we have used Google Earth in school before!)
Job one:
Find Africa on the map. Compare it to other countries and continents in the world. Is it bigger or smaller than the UK?
Job two:
In Africa, find a city. Compare the city to Manchester.
Job three:
In Africa, find a desert. Can you find a desert in the UK?!
Brain Breaks
Choose your own brain breaks today. You could go for a walk, play in the garden, do a dance or sing a song!
Monday 8th June 2020
Staying Healthy
Start your day with a Trolls Yoga Adventure!
Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and choose a story to read from your age group 6-7.
When you have finished, retell the story to a grown up.
Use these questions to help you:
Miss Rowland's Group: Today in our reading group, as it is Monday, we are going to focus on… what again? That’s right, inference! In your home learning book write what ‘inference’ means. We have focused on it for the last two weeks now. After you have written what you think it means, focus closely on today’s picture called ‘Drop Off’. Look very closely at the picture with a grown up and then answer the questions out loud with them. Make sure you answer in full sentences and that you back up your reasons with what you can see in the photograph as part of why you think that way.
Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Today, we would like you to read the story 'Things I love by Bear'. It is only a short extract so have a go at reading it on your own, but ask your grown up if you get stuck.
Once you have read the story, write a sentence and draw a picture of something that you love.
This week in Writing we are going to focus on the story ‘The Storm Whale’ by Benji Davies. Find a cosy place in your house to sit and listen to this exciting story:
From the story, you can see that Noi really cared for the whale. He did lots of things to look after him when he found him washed up on the shore. Today, your task is to draw 4 pictures of things Noi did to look after the whale. What were they? You may need to go back to the story to find the answer! Underneath each picture, please write a sentence explaining what Noi did to care for the whale.
Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: This week we are going to be focusing on shapes! Firstly, we are going to look at 3D shapes.
Job one:
Write down the names of all of the 3D shapes you can remember.
Job two:
Watch this video and tick off all of the shapes that you wrote down! Add any ones you missed to your list.
Job three:
Go on a 3D shape hunt around your house. Open up the worksheet to see what shapes you need to find!
Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Follow the link and watch the videos about number sentences and related facts. Then have a go at Activity 1 and Activity 2! (Activity 2 might be a little bit more tricky so remember to ask a grown up if you need some help!).
Today we are going to be doing some PSHE focusing on our feelings and emotions. Start today by watching and listening to this story 'B is for Breathe'.
In the book there are lots of different ideas of how to cope with different things we might be feeling. To learn more about those feelings follow the link and watch the videos 'Managing Emotions' and 'Feeling Angry'. Then complete Activity 1.
Now go back and watch 'B is for Breathe' again. Choose 5 things that you are going to try next time you're feeling a little fussy, frustrated, anxious or angry. Write them in your home learning book and decorate the page in your favourite way. You could even make it into a poster to stick on the wall somewhere you will see everyday! This is going to remind you of how to manage these emotions.
Brain Break
Take a break today by spending some time doodling! You can either use this video or have a go at your own doodle ideas!