Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 01.06.20


Friday 5th June 2020

Staying Healthy

Get active today with Joe Wicks. Follow the link to today's workout and prepare to get active!



Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log on to Oxford Owl and find the story 'The Secret Whirlpool'. 

Read the story either on your own or to your grown up. Then have a go at answering these questions in your home learning book:

  1. Where did the friends have to go to find the fragment?
  2. Why couldn't the Raptiss go down into the crater?
  3. What caused the crater to go dark?
  4. How do you think the characters felt when the crater went dark?
  5. What does 'sealed the only exit' mean?

Miss Rowland's Group: Today I would like you to click on the link that takes you to ‘The Tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle’ by Beatrix Potter.

Today you are going to listen to and watch the video tell the story - find a comfortable place in your house to sit back and enjoy the story!

Job one:

Find a grown up in your house and explain what happens in 'The Tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle'.

Job two:

Open your worksheet and have a go at the questions in your home learning book. Remember to go back to the story and listen to different parts again to help you work out the answers. 

Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: For Reading today, we would like you to read the short extract of a story called 'Tiny T-Rex and the Very Dark Dark'

Tiny T. Rex and the Very Dark Dark: Amazon.co.uk: Stutzman ...

Once you have read the short extract, have a go at answering these questions: 

  1. What was Tiny T-Rex scared of?
  2. Is he scared of the dark inside? Why?
  3. Why is the dark scary outside?
  4. What do they build to hide from the dark? 



Today we are going to finish our writing topic on ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival.

Your task today is to write your own story about your character and the toy going missing. The sea is going to see this happen and then the toy is going to be found somehow. Use your drawings and story mountain from your writing sessions this week to help you write. Your story should be at least one page long. Once you have finished your story, please ask a grown up in your house to take a picture of your story and send it to Y2@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk as both Miss Rowland and Miss Howes would really love to read them! 



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: As we have been looking at addition and subtraction this week, today we are going to make it a step harder. We are going to focus on ‘two step’ word problems. This means the questions you will be asked today are going to be word problems where you will need use addition or subtraction to work out the answer.  You will need to do 2 things (2 sums) in each question to work out the answer.

Have a go at the worksheet, please ask a grown up to help you if you struggle. Just remember the main thing is to have a go and try your best! (Miss Rowland’s Rainbow Rule!)

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Today we are going to look at odd and even numbers. Follow the link and watch the video. Then complete Activity 1 and Activity 2.



This half term we are going to do some ‘coding’ in computing. Today we are going to look at what coding is. Please click on the link and watch the video about coding. Then play the game ‘Does not compute?’.



Brain Breaks

For today's brain break, we would like you to practise your yoga with Jamie! Follow the link and choose your own. 



Thursday 4th June 2020

Staying Healthy

Join Jamie for some 'Under the sea' yoga!



Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and find the story 'Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home'. Before you begin reading, think about what you already know about Winnie and Wilbur. Look at the front cover and make a prediction about what you think this story is going to be about.

Now have a go at reading the story!

When you are finished, choose one of these activities:

Activity 1: Tell the story of 'Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home' using a story board. 

Activity 2: Take the Winnie and Wilbur challenge... how many fun things can you find to do around your house?

Miss Rowland's Group: Today I would like you to log on to ‘Oxford Owl’ using the log in details we put inside your home learning book (if you struggle to log in, send me an email and I can resend the details). Once you have logged in, search for the book ‘Dinosaur Safari’.

Turn to the inside cover of the book and read the ‘Challenge Words’. If you do not know the meanings of some of these words (some are rather tricky!) give them a ‘Kiddle’ search or ask a grown up. Then I would like you to read the book, taking it in turns to read a page each with someone in your house. Finally, complete ‘Play Activity 1’ and ‘Play Activity 2’ in the tabs above the book.

Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and find the story 'Everybody Worries'.

Jon Burgerman: Everybody Worries free eBook | Oxford Owl

When you have finished reading the story, think about the thing/things that make you worry and write them down. You could even draw pictures of the things that make you feel worried. 



Today we are continuing with the story ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival.

To start today, we would like you to follow these two links and watch the short videos. They are both of the author, Tom Percival who wrote ‘The Sea Saw’ explaining how he came up with the story.

The Idea for the Story
The Plot for the Story

So far this week, we have created our own character and favourite toy ready for our own story. The next part we need to plan is, what happens!

Today we would like you to complete a story mountain to explain what is going to happen in your story. Remember the sea watches as this all happens.

  1. In the beginning your character and toy come to the beach. Why do they come to the beach? You need
    to decide.
  2. Then the big problem in the middle is that the toy goes missing. How does the toy go
    missing? You need to decide.
  3. Finally, our story is going to have a happy ending, so how is the toy found? Does the sea help find the toy and give it back to your character?

These questions are what you need to focus on today and have an answer to them for your story mountain. Complete your story mountain in as much detail as you can, this will help you with all your ideas ready for writing your own story tomorrow. Good luck!



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Today is our final day on a different number calculation, can you guess what it is? It’s division! Remember for dividing, we draw sharing circles and dots. Then at the end, we count up how many dots we have in one circle for our answer. If you have forgotten or would like a recap at this ‘sharing circles’ method, please watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4S4rfMxnP8 You could also use your  times tables knowledge to find the answers!
Follow the link to open your worksheet. Today we would like you to complete the yellow sheet in your home learning book and ask a grown up to check your answers to see how many you have got correct! If you would really like to challenge yourself, have a go to at the red sheet too for a tricky challenge!

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Today we're going to move on to the 10 times table! Follow the link and watch the video - try to count along! Then complete 'Activity 1' and 'Activity 2'. 


You might have seen a story in the news this week about two Nasa astronauts safely arriving at the International Space Station! Why not use Google Kids to find out more?!
Today we are going to learn about the first ever astronaut to land on the moon... Neil Armstrong! Follow the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zj93bdm, watch the video and complete the activities with your grown up. We would love to see some of the questions and answers you have come up with so remember to send your work to y2@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk!
Brain Breaks
Give your brain a break today with this sandcastle guided doodle!

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Staying Healthy 

Start your day with this catchy Zumba class to 'I like to move it, move it!' That will sure to get you awake and moving! Click the link. 


Miss Walker's, Miss Howes' Groups: Follow the link to today's story 'Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies'

Watch the videos of Jessie Lingard reading the extracts or read the extracts yourself! Now have a go at 'Activity 1' and 'Activity 2'.

Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to read a text called ‘Night Garden’ all about animals that are awake throughout the night. Click the link.

  • Can you guess which animals are going to be mentioned in the text?
  • Which animals do you know that are awake in the night time that could be in your garden?

Today I would like you to read the text to someone in your house- it is not a long text so it is your job to read it all

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 01.06.20


Friday 5th June 2020

Staying Healthy

Get active today with Joe Wicks. Follow the link to today's workout and prepare to get active!



Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log on to Oxford Owl and find the story 'The Secret Whirlpool'. 

Read the story either on your own or to your grown up. Then have a go at answering these questions in your home learning book:

  1. Where did the friends have to go to find the fragment?
  2. Why couldn't the Raptiss go down into the crater?
  3. What caused the crater to go dark?
  4. How do you think the characters felt when the crater went dark?
  5. What does 'sealed the only exit' mean?

Miss Rowland's Group: Today I would like you to click on the link that takes you to ‘The Tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle’ by Beatrix Potter.

Today you are going to listen to and watch the video tell the story - find a comfortable place in your house to sit back and enjoy the story!

Job one:

Find a grown up in your house and explain what happens in 'The Tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle'.

Job two:

Open your worksheet and have a go at the questions in your home learning book. Remember to go back to the story and listen to different parts again to help you work out the answers. 

Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: For Reading today, we would like you to read the short extract of a story called 'Tiny T-Rex and the Very Dark Dark'

Tiny T. Rex and the Very Dark Dark: Amazon.co.uk: Stutzman ...

Once you have read the short extract, have a go at answering these questions: 

  1. What was Tiny T-Rex scared of?
  2. Is he scared of the dark inside? Why?
  3. Why is the dark scary outside?
  4. What do they build to hide from the dark? 



Today we are going to finish our writing topic on ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival.

Your task today is to write your own story about your character and the toy going missing. The sea is going to see this happen and then the toy is going to be found somehow. Use your drawings and story mountain from your writing sessions this week to help you write. Your story should be at least one page long. Once you have finished your story, please ask a grown up in your house to take a picture of your story and send it to Y2@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk as both Miss Rowland and Miss Howes would really love to read them! 



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: As we have been looking at addition and subtraction this week, today we are going to make it a step harder. We are going to focus on ‘two step’ word problems. This means the questions you will be asked today are going to be word problems where you will need use addition or subtraction to work out the answer.  You will need to do 2 things (2 sums) in each question to work out the answer.

Have a go at the worksheet, please ask a grown up to help you if you struggle. Just remember the main thing is to have a go and try your best! (Miss Rowland’s Rainbow Rule!)

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Today we are going to look at odd and even numbers. Follow the link and watch the video. Then complete Activity 1 and Activity 2.



This half term we are going to do some ‘coding’ in computing. Today we are going to look at what coding is. Please click on the link and watch the video about coding. Then play the game ‘Does not compute?’.



Brain Breaks

For today's brain break, we would like you to practise your yoga with Jamie! Follow the link and choose your own. 



Thursday 4th June 2020

Staying Healthy

Join Jamie for some 'Under the sea' yoga!



Miss Walker's and Miss Howes' Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and find the story 'Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home'. Before you begin reading, think about what you already know about Winnie and Wilbur. Look at the front cover and make a prediction about what you think this story is going to be about.

Now have a go at reading the story!

When you are finished, choose one of these activities:

Activity 1: Tell the story of 'Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home' using a story board. 

Activity 2: Take the Winnie and Wilbur challenge... how many fun things can you find to do around your house?

Miss Rowland's Group: Today I would like you to log on to ‘Oxford Owl’ using the log in details we put inside your home learning book (if you struggle to log in, send me an email and I can resend the details). Once you have logged in, search for the book ‘Dinosaur Safari’.

Turn to the inside cover of the book and read the ‘Challenge Words’. If you do not know the meanings of some of these words (some are rather tricky!) give them a ‘Kiddle’ search or ask a grown up. Then I would like you to read the book, taking it in turns to read a page each with someone in your house. Finally, complete ‘Play Activity 1’ and ‘Play Activity 2’ in the tabs above the book.

Miss Upton's, Mrs Hussain's and Miss Potter's Groups: Log in to Oxford Owl and find the story 'Everybody Worries'.

Jon Burgerman: Everybody Worries free eBook | Oxford Owl

When you have finished reading the story, think about the thing/things that make you worry and write them down. You could even draw pictures of the things that make you feel worried. 



Today we are continuing with the story ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival.

To start today, we would like you to follow these two links and watch the short videos. They are both of the author, Tom Percival who wrote ‘The Sea Saw’ explaining how he came up with the story.

The Idea for the Story
The Plot for the Story

So far this week, we have created our own character and favourite toy ready for our own story. The next part we need to plan is, what happens!

Today we would like you to complete a story mountain to explain what is going to happen in your story. Remember the sea watches as this all happens.

  1. In the beginning your character and toy come to the beach. Why do they come to the beach? You need
    to decide.
  2. Then the big problem in the middle is that the toy goes missing. How does the toy go
    missing? You need to decide.
  3. Finally, our story is going to have a happy ending, so how is the toy found? Does the sea help find the toy and give it back to your character?

These questions are what you need to focus on today and have an answer to them for your story mountain. Complete your story mountain in as much detail as you can, this will help you with all your ideas ready for writing your own story tomorrow. Good luck!



Miss Rowland's and Miss Higgins' Groups: Today is our final day on a different number calculation, can you guess what it is? It’s division! Remember for dividing, we draw sharing circles and dots. Then at the end, we count up how many dots we have in one circle for our answer. If you have forgotten or would like a recap at this ‘sharing circles’ method, please watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4S4rfMxnP8 You could also use your  times tables knowledge to find the answers!
Follow the link to open your worksheet. Today we would like you to complete the yellow sheet in your home learning book and ask a grown up to check your answers to see how many you have got correct! If you would really like to challenge yourself, have a go to at the red sheet too for a tricky challenge!

Miss Howes' and Miss Walker's Groups: Today we're going to move on to the 10 times table! Follow the link and watch the video - try to count along! Then complete 'Activity 1' and 'Activity 2'. 


You might have seen a story in the news this week about two Nasa astronauts safely arriving at the International Space Station! Why not use Google Kids to find out more?!
Today we are going to learn about the first ever astronaut to land on the moon... Neil Armstrong! Follow the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zj93bdm, watch the video and complete the activities with your grown up. We would love to see some of the questions and answers you have come up with so remember to send your work to y2@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk!
Brain Breaks
Give your brain a break today with this sandcastle guided doodle!

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Staying Healthy 

Start your day with this catchy Zumba class to 'I like to move it, move it!' That will sure to get you awake and moving! Click the link. 


Miss Walker's, Miss Howes' Groups: Follow the link to today's story 'Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies'

Watch the videos of Jessie Lingard reading the extracts or read the extracts yourself! Now have a go at 'Activity 1' and 'Activity 2'.

Miss Rowland's Group: Today you are going to read a text called ‘Night Garden’ all about animals that are awake throughout the night. Click the link.

  • Can you guess which animals are going to be mentioned in the text?
  • Which animals do you know that are awake in the night time that could be in your garden?

Today I would like you to read the text to someone in your house- it is not a long text so it is your job to read it all