Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 19.10.2020

Monday 19th October 2020


Click here to practise your 5 times tables on Hit the Button. To challenge yourself practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables.


Counting in 3s

Today you will be practising counting in 3s. Click here to watch the video count in 3s and complete the activities as the video is paused.


My Maths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?   



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Buried Treasure. You can also click here to play Sentence Substitution.



Click here to take you to BBC Bitesize. Today you will be practising using commas in a list. Watch the video to help you understand how to write lists in sentences and complete the three activities below.


Activity 1: Where do commas go?

Activity 2: Let’s make a list

Activity 3: Let’s be creative


Religious Education

We have been learning about different holy books in school and have been reading some stories from the Christian Bible. Today we are going to learn about the story The Lost Sheep.


Click here to watch a video of the story The Lost Sheep. Talk to your grown up about the meaning of the story. What was Jesus trying to teach people by telling them this story? Do you think it is still an important message today? 



Click here and practise signing to the song ‘This is Me’. Take your time and learn the signs carefully. Teach your grown-ups too!


Physical Education

Click here and complete PE with Joe. You will be practising lots of different exercises!


Today’s brain breaks

Throughout the day if you need a quick break try the brain breaks we use in class. 

Click the GoNoodle brain breaks below and join in!


Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3



Tuesday 20th October 2020



Click here and play Karate Cats Maths.


Fact Families

Today you will be practising fact families using addition and subtraction. Click here to watch the video Fact Families and complete the activities as the video is paused.


MyMaths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?



Mr Harding's and Mr Robertson's group:

Click here and practise the sound ‘ow’ with Fred.


Miss Stephenson's group:

Click here and practise with Fred.



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Dragon’s Den. You can also click here to play Pick a Picture.



Click here to take you to BBC Bitesize. Today you will be practising using conjunctions to join ideas. Watch the video to help you use conjunctions and complete the three activities below.


Activity 1: Let’s join our ideas

Activity 2: Discover the ocean  

Activity 3: Writing sentences using because, if and when.



Today we would like you to keep a food diary make a note of everything you eat and drink. At the end of the day have a look at your food diary. Discuss with a grown up if you think your choices were healthy or unhealthy. Discuss anything you might change. Click here and use this link to help you.


Religious Education

Click here to watch a video of the story The Flood. Talk to your grown up about the meaning of the story. What was God trying to teach people by telling them this story? Do you think this is an important message today? 


Physical Education

Click here and complete PE with Joe. You will be practising lots of different exercises!


Today’s brain breaks

Throughout the day if you need a quick break try the brain breaks we use in class. 


Click the GoNoodle dances below and join in when you need a break!


Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3


Wednesday 21st October 2020


Click here to practise your 5 times tables on Hit the Button. To challenge yourself practise your 2, 5 and 10 ten times tables.

Check Calculations

Today you will be checking calculations. Click here to watch the video Checking Calculations and complete the activities as the video is paused.


MyMaths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?



Mr Harding's and Mr Robertson's group:

Click here and practise the sound ‘oa’ with Fred.


Miss Stephenson's group: 

Click here and practise with Fred.



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Picnic on Pluto. You can also click here to play Pick a Picture.



Click here to take you to BBC Bitesize. Today you will be practising adding description to your writing. Watch the video to help you use adjectives and complete the three activities below.  


Activity 1: A new land at the top of the magic faraway tree

Activity 2: Becoming an author

Activity 3: Let’s be creative  



After keeping your food diary yesterday, plan a healthy and delicious meal you can eat today. With a grown up, look through your cupboards and fridge and see what you could have. Chose things you love to eat but also challenge yourself to try something new if possible. If a grown up can help you, you could even cook something together. We would love to see what you produce!


Physical Education

Click here and get ready to float way as you go above the clouds in a flying themed yoga session. Have fun!


Religious Education

Click here to watch the story Feeding the 5000. Talk to your grown up about the meaning of the story. What do you think Jesus’ message was? Do you think this is still an important message today? 


Today’s brain breaks

Throughout the day if you need a quick break try the brain breaks we use in class. 


Click the GoNoodle dances below and join in when you need a break!


Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3


Thursday 22nd October 2020


Click here and play Bud’s Number Garden.


Compare number sentences  

Today you will be comparing number sentences. Click here to watch the video Comparing number sentences and complete the activities as the video is paused.


MyMaths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?



Mr Harding's and Mr Robertson's group: 

Click here and practise the sound ‘ew’ with Fred.


Miss Stephenson's group:

Click here and practise with Fred.



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Buried Treasure. You can also click here to play Sentence Substitution.



Click here to take you to BBC Bitesize. Today and tomorrow you will be leaning about writing poetry. Watch the video to give you an introduction to poetry and complete the three activities below.  


Activity 1: Write amazing sentences

Activity 2: Complete the poem  

Activity 3: Write your own counting poem



Click here and chose a continent you would like to find out about. Look at the lesson on Oak academy and do your own research too. Try and find human features and physical features on that continent. Now show what you have found out in whatever way you like. You could make a non-fiction book about the continent. You could make a chart with pictures of the physical features on one side and the human features on the other. It is up to you!


 Physical Education and PSHE

Today we are going to take some time to relax and do some Yoga. Click here to join in!


Now use this cosmic Kids mindfulness session to help calm your mind even more. Click here to join in!



Click here and practise signing to the song ‘This is Me’. Take your time and learn the signs carefully. Teach your grown-ups too!


Today’s brain breaks

Throughout the day if you need a quick break try the brain breaks we use in class. 


Click the GoNoodle dances below and join in when you need a break!


Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3



Friday 23rd October 2020


Click here to practise your 5 times tables on Hit the Button. To challenge yourself practise your 2, 5 and 10 ten times tables.


Number Bonds

Today you will be comparing number sentences. Click here to watch the video Know your bonds and complete the activities as the video is paused.

MyMaths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?


Phonics and reading

Mr Harding's and Mr Robertson's group:

Click here and practise the sound ‘ire’ with Fred.


Miss Stephenson's group:

Click here and practise with Fred.



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Dragon’s Den. You can also click here to play Pick a Picture.

Click here and complete the lesson on extending vocabulary. Watch the video and complete the three activities below the video.


Writing and Religious Education – Harvest Festival  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7q6JZkb8L8 Watch the video to understand why we celebrate the harvest festival in the UK. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeZVCW20Lx8 Now have a look at the acrostic poem read by school children before having a go at your own acrostic poem, using the word HARVEST.


Example acrostic poem:


H arvest is here                                   H _________________

A ll praising god                                  A _________________

R eally delicious food                         R _________________

V egtables ready to eat                     V _________________

E ating and sharing food                   E _________________

S inging in church                               S _________________

T ime to thank god                            T _________________


Remember to write H A R V E S T down your page and write a sentence that starts with each letter. We would love to see some of your examples!


Computing – E-Safety

Today me are going to look at SMART rules when we are online. We will be looking at what the S, M and S stand for.


Click here and watch the video about what S stands for.  

Click here and watch the video about what M stands for.

Click here and watch the video about what A stands for.


Discuss with your adult why it is important to stay safe online. Create 5 key rules you should follow when you are online


Physical Education

Click here and complete PE with Joe. You will be practising lots of different exercises!


Today’s brain breaks

Click the GoNoodle dances below and join in when you need a break!

Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 19.10.2020

Monday 19th October 2020


Click here to practise your 5 times tables on Hit the Button. To challenge yourself practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables.


Counting in 3s

Today you will be practising counting in 3s. Click here to watch the video count in 3s and complete the activities as the video is paused.


My Maths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?   



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Buried Treasure. You can also click here to play Sentence Substitution.



Click here to take you to BBC Bitesize. Today you will be practising using commas in a list. Watch the video to help you understand how to write lists in sentences and complete the three activities below.


Activity 1: Where do commas go?

Activity 2: Let’s make a list

Activity 3: Let’s be creative


Religious Education

We have been learning about different holy books in school and have been reading some stories from the Christian Bible. Today we are going to learn about the story The Lost Sheep.


Click here to watch a video of the story The Lost Sheep. Talk to your grown up about the meaning of the story. What was Jesus trying to teach people by telling them this story? Do you think it is still an important message today? 



Click here and practise signing to the song ‘This is Me’. Take your time and learn the signs carefully. Teach your grown-ups too!


Physical Education

Click here and complete PE with Joe. You will be practising lots of different exercises!


Today’s brain breaks

Throughout the day if you need a quick break try the brain breaks we use in class. 

Click the GoNoodle brain breaks below and join in!


Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3



Tuesday 20th October 2020



Click here and play Karate Cats Maths.


Fact Families

Today you will be practising fact families using addition and subtraction. Click here to watch the video Fact Families and complete the activities as the video is paused.


MyMaths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?



Mr Harding's and Mr Robertson's group:

Click here and practise the sound ‘ow’ with Fred.


Miss Stephenson's group:

Click here and practise with Fred.



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Dragon’s Den. You can also click here to play Pick a Picture.



Click here to take you to BBC Bitesize. Today you will be practising using conjunctions to join ideas. Watch the video to help you use conjunctions and complete the three activities below.


Activity 1: Let’s join our ideas

Activity 2: Discover the ocean  

Activity 3: Writing sentences using because, if and when.



Today we would like you to keep a food diary make a note of everything you eat and drink. At the end of the day have a look at your food diary. Discuss with a grown up if you think your choices were healthy or unhealthy. Discuss anything you might change. Click here and use this link to help you.


Religious Education

Click here to watch a video of the story The Flood. Talk to your grown up about the meaning of the story. What was God trying to teach people by telling them this story? Do you think this is an important message today? 


Physical Education

Click here and complete PE with Joe. You will be practising lots of different exercises!


Today’s brain breaks

Throughout the day if you need a quick break try the brain breaks we use in class. 


Click the GoNoodle dances below and join in when you need a break!


Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3


Wednesday 21st October 2020


Click here to practise your 5 times tables on Hit the Button. To challenge yourself practise your 2, 5 and 10 ten times tables.

Check Calculations

Today you will be checking calculations. Click here to watch the video Checking Calculations and complete the activities as the video is paused.


MyMaths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?



Mr Harding's and Mr Robertson's group:

Click here and practise the sound ‘oa’ with Fred.


Miss Stephenson's group: 

Click here and practise with Fred.



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Picnic on Pluto. You can also click here to play Pick a Picture.



Click here to take you to BBC Bitesize. Today you will be practising adding description to your writing. Watch the video to help you use adjectives and complete the three activities below.  


Activity 1: A new land at the top of the magic faraway tree

Activity 2: Becoming an author

Activity 3: Let’s be creative  



After keeping your food diary yesterday, plan a healthy and delicious meal you can eat today. With a grown up, look through your cupboards and fridge and see what you could have. Chose things you love to eat but also challenge yourself to try something new if possible. If a grown up can help you, you could even cook something together. We would love to see what you produce!


Physical Education

Click here and get ready to float way as you go above the clouds in a flying themed yoga session. Have fun!


Religious Education

Click here to watch the story Feeding the 5000. Talk to your grown up about the meaning of the story. What do you think Jesus’ message was? Do you think this is still an important message today? 


Today’s brain breaks

Throughout the day if you need a quick break try the brain breaks we use in class. 


Click the GoNoodle dances below and join in when you need a break!


Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3


Thursday 22nd October 2020


Click here and play Bud’s Number Garden.


Compare number sentences  

Today you will be comparing number sentences. Click here to watch the video Comparing number sentences and complete the activities as the video is paused.


MyMaths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?



Mr Harding's and Mr Robertson's group: 

Click here and practise the sound ‘ew’ with Fred.


Miss Stephenson's group:

Click here and practise with Fred.



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Buried Treasure. You can also click here to play Sentence Substitution.



Click here to take you to BBC Bitesize. Today and tomorrow you will be leaning about writing poetry. Watch the video to give you an introduction to poetry and complete the three activities below.  


Activity 1: Write amazing sentences

Activity 2: Complete the poem  

Activity 3: Write your own counting poem



Click here and chose a continent you would like to find out about. Look at the lesson on Oak academy and do your own research too. Try and find human features and physical features on that continent. Now show what you have found out in whatever way you like. You could make a non-fiction book about the continent. You could make a chart with pictures of the physical features on one side and the human features on the other. It is up to you!


 Physical Education and PSHE

Today we are going to take some time to relax and do some Yoga. Click here to join in!


Now use this cosmic Kids mindfulness session to help calm your mind even more. Click here to join in!



Click here and practise signing to the song ‘This is Me’. Take your time and learn the signs carefully. Teach your grown-ups too!


Today’s brain breaks

Throughout the day if you need a quick break try the brain breaks we use in class. 


Click the GoNoodle dances below and join in when you need a break!


Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3



Friday 23rd October 2020


Click here to practise your 5 times tables on Hit the Button. To challenge yourself practise your 2, 5 and 10 ten times tables.


Number Bonds

Today you will be comparing number sentences. Click here to watch the video Know your bonds and complete the activities as the video is paused.

MyMaths and TT Rockstars

Click here to sign into MyMaths and complete one of your activities. You can also click here to sign into your TT Rockstars account and practise your times tables. Who will be the first Rockstar in Team 6?


Phonics and reading

Mr Harding's and Mr Robertson's group:

Click here and practise the sound ‘ire’ with Fred.


Miss Stephenson's group:

Click here and practise with Fred.



Click here and practise your phonics by playing Dragon’s Den. You can also click here to play Pick a Picture.

Click here and complete the lesson on extending vocabulary. Watch the video and complete the three activities below the video.


Writing and Religious Education – Harvest Festival  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7q6JZkb8L8 Watch the video to understand why we celebrate the harvest festival in the UK. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeZVCW20Lx8 Now have a look at the acrostic poem read by school children before having a go at your own acrostic poem, using the word HARVEST.


Example acrostic poem:


H arvest is here                                   H _________________

A ll praising god                                  A _________________

R eally delicious food                         R _________________

V egtables ready to eat                     V _________________

E ating and sharing food                   E _________________

S inging in church                               S _________________

T ime to thank god                            T _________________


Remember to write H A R V E S T down your page and write a sentence that starts with each letter. We would love to see some of your examples!


Computing – E-Safety

Today me are going to look at SMART rules when we are online. We will be looking at what the S, M and S stand for.


Click here and watch the video about what S stands for.  

Click here and watch the video about what M stands for.

Click here and watch the video about what A stands for.


Discuss with your adult why it is important to stay safe online. Create 5 key rules you should follow when you are online


Physical Education

Click here and complete PE with Joe. You will be practising lots of different exercises!


Today’s brain breaks

Click the GoNoodle dances below and join in when you need a break!

Dance 1                Dance 2                Dance 3