Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 05.10.2020

Online learning

Week beginning 5th October 2020



Monday – Watch the Pixar film ‘Lava’


Write a list of all the people you love

Tuesday – chose some one you love and write all the reasons you love them in a mind map.

Wednesday – Find examples of letters in your home or online. Write a list of the key features in a letter. What would you need to include in a love letter?

Thursday – Write a letter to someone you love. Remember to use the features you found yesterday.

Friday – look through your letter and check it, if an adult can help you ask them to check it too. Correct any mistakes and if you need to write a new draft that is even better than yesterdays. Give your letter to the person you love.



Monday – practise your phase 3 phonics on phonics bloom


Tuesday - Watch the BBC bitesize lesson about rhyming books and then read the book yourself. Try and find a rhyming book in your house or on the Oxford Owl website.


Wednesday - practise your phase 4 phonics on phonics bloom


Thursday – Watch the video and read the book ‘See Yourself’ on BBC bitesize. Which character would you be if you were going to save the villagers from the dragon?


Friday – chose a book from the Oxford Owl website to read to a grown up.



Monday – Using the link and watch the last video on ‘Tens and ones using a part whole model’


Tuesday – Watch the first video on this page ‘Tens and ones using addition’


Wednesday – using the link above watch the video ‘Using a place Value Chart’

Thursday – using the link above watch the videos ‘comparing objects’ and ‘comparing numbers’

Friday – Watch the final video on the link above



Monday - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nMUbHuffO8

Computing – E-Safety – watch the video and tell your grown up a way to stay safe online.

Tuesday – Science - We are learning about healthy eating. Watch the video about healthy eating and discuss with your grown up.


Wednesday – Art – in Art this week we are doing self-portraits. Watch the video on BBC bitesize about artists who have done self portraits and then have a go at doing your own.


Thursday – PSHE. We are learning about having big feelings.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zms6jhv/articles/zkgdcqt

Talk to a grown-up about your own big feelings and discuss what you can do when you feel like that.

Friday – Geography - continents and oceans

Watch this lesson and learn about our continent Europe


Now learn where the Oceans are with this lesson
