Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 29.06.20


Our Year 1 Stars of the Week!

Twinkle Stars Gif GIFs | Tenor

This week our stars of the week are Freya and Shalom.

 Freya has worked hard in school this week and has done some amazing work!

Shalom is continuing to be a Home Learning Superstar and has done some fantastic Maths work!

Well done and keep up the hard work!

Miss Upton & Miss Potter

Good morning Year 1! 

We hope you had a lovely weekend and that you are ready for another week of home learning. 

We can't wait to see your amazing work. 

Miss Upton & Miss Potter 



Friday 3rd July 2020


Look at the front cover and write a prediction about what you think the book may be about.


Watch Alex Jones read the story to see if you were right.




Listen to the ‘Tricky Word Song’ and spell them to your grown up.




Big Write!

Design a poster to encourage people to save the pandas.

Use your success criteria to help you complete your big write.

Remember to:

  • Include facts
  • Capital letters and full stops
  • ‘Did you know?’ questions
  • Pictures




Test yourself with 'Daily 10' on Topmarks – see if you can beat your score!


Topic – Mindfulness


Have a go at yoga to help you feel relaxed and ready for the weekend!


Thursday 2nd July 2020


Watch the video and listen to the story again.


Answer the questions below:

  • What had been stolen from Rabbit?
  • What did Rabbit find that gave him an idea of who the culprit might be?
  • Name 2 other animals who were missing food too.
  • Who did Rabbit and Squirrel think the culprit was?
  • How did the animals feel when they saw the monster?



Mrs Shanley

Mrs Hussain

Miss Potter

Miss Upton


I see a tree

Phase 3


Goat in a boat

Phase 3


May I play?

Phase 5


Boy with a toy

Phase 5


Look at your list of words from Monday – can you add anymore? Write 2 sentences with your one of your words in. They can be a silly sentence too!



What do you need to include in your 'Save the Pandas' poster? Have a think and write yourself a success criteria with a list of things you will need to include in your 'Big Write'.



Starter - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-maths-money/zht4nrd

Main – Watch the videos before completing the quiz https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zp8dmp3/articles/zcrq2p3


Topic – Music


Listen to and sing along to ‘I am the Music Man’ and learn some Makaton too!



Wednesday 1st July 2020


Every party needs invitations and a food menu. Design a party invitation and food menu for the Monster. Think about what type of food you would normally have at parties.



Mrs Shanley

Mrs Hussain

Miss Potter

Miss Upton


I see a tree

Phase 3

Polly’s Phonics


Goat in a boat

Phase 3

Polly’s Phonics


May I play?

Phase 5

Ash’s Phonics


Boy with a toy

Phase 5

Ash’s Phonics


Log on to Espresso and complete the activity for your phase and sound.



Questions – Did you know?

Write 3 different ‘Did you know?’ questions you will include in your big write this week. ‘Did you know?’ questions make the reader interested so make sure they include interesting facts!

Example: Did you know that pandas sleep for around 10 hours a day?



Starter – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/subtraction/subtraction-to-10

Main – Log on to MyMaths and complete ‘using coins’ activity.


Topic – PSHE

We are coming to the end of your time in Year 1 and you will soon be going into Year 2. Think about all the things you have achieved in Year 1 and write down something you are very proud of. Then, think about how you feel about going to Year 2. Write a sentence about how you feel and what you are looking forward to next year.


Tuesday 30th June 2020


Look at the picture of the monster and write 3 sentences to describe him. Think about what he looks like and what he is like as a person. Is he friendly? Is he mean? Is he rude? Is he polite?



Mrs Shanley

Mrs Hussain

Miss Potter

Miss Upton


I see a tree

Phase 3


Goat in a boat

Phase 3


May I play?

Phase 5


Boy with a toy

Phase 5



Go to Phonics Play and select your phase and your sound for the week. What is your high score?



Look at the picture of the panda below. Write a list of as many adjectives as you can think of to describe the panda.



Starter - https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/smoothie/index.html ‘Facts within 20’

Main – ‘Ordering coins’ https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game


Topic – Science

We have looked at carnivores, herbivores and omnivores for the last few weeks and it is time to see what you know!

Quiz – What do these animals eat?




Monday 29th June 2020

Unicorn Quotes for Kids – 3 Boys and a Dog


Watch the video and listen to the story 'A Monster Surprise'

A Monster Surprise Twinkl Originals Extract - YouTube

When you have listened to the story, create a story 'S' plan to sequence the events. Draw a big 'S' in the middle of your page and start at the top. 




Mrs Shanley Mrs Hussain Miss Potter Miss Upton


I see a tree


Goat in a boat


May I play?


Boy with a toy

Practise writing your sound of the week with your magic pen. Draw it in the air, on the back of your hand, even on someone else's back!

How many words with your sound of the week in can you think of? Write them down. 



This week in writing, you are going to create a poster about pandas and why we should help to save them. Today, you are going to research and find lots of interesting facts that will make people want to help the pandas. Visit the links below and write down 5 interesting panda facts. 






You can even watch footage of the pandas in San Diego Zoo to see what they get up to! 




Starter - Use your number bonds to 10 to 'Save the Whale'.

Main - Log on to 'Espresso' to watch the video 'Here Come the Coins'. Once you have watched the video, go to TopMarks and complete the 'Sorting Coins' activity. 

If you are having trouble logging onto 'Espresso', please email y1@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk and we will provide you with the log in details. 

Coin Counting Quiz: Level 1 Pennies - CBeebies - BBC



What do you like about your local area? What do you not like about your local area? 

Look at the sheet below. Tick the places that you like and cross the places that you don't like. When you have done that, write a sentence about a place you like in your local area and a place you don't like in your local area. 

Our Local Area


I like the swimming pool because I can go with my family and have lots of fun. 

I don't like FC United because it is always busy and I can hear them shouting from my house.