Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 06.07.20


Friday 10th July


Read along to ‘Oh no, George’ by Chris Haughton. 




Mrs Shanley

Mrs Hussain

Miss Potter

Miss Upton


bright light

Phase 3


zoom to the moon

Phase 3


time for tea

Phase 5


bake a cake

Phase 5



Ask your grown up to set a 2 minute timer and see how many words you can write with the sound you have been practising in this week. Once you have written your list, choose 3 words and use them in a sentence.



It’s 'Big Write' day! Today we would like you to write a postcard to someone in your family to tell them all about your exciting safari adventure. Use your S plan from yesterday to help you.

Remember to:

  • Use capital letters and full stops
  • Include adjectives and conjunctions
  • Use prepositions to describe where the animals were

Use the template in the link below if you would like to do your writing on a postcard.

Don’t forget to send us your writing to Y1@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk!



Complete the Friday Maths Challenge below.



Complete the lesson ‘My Lockdown Feelings’ https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/my-lockdown-feelings

Start by completing the introductory quiz and recording your score. Them watch the video and complete the activity. When you have done that, complete the final quiz and see if your score improved.


Thursday 9th July 2020


Listen to the story ‘Knights and Dragons, Unite’. Have a go at reading the story too.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOcCl0jKwvU


Today we would like you to answer the questions below about the story.

  1. What does Sir Gorrell prefer to do, rather than fighting dragons?
  2. What is Aristar?
  3. What does Aristar dislike?
  4. Where do Aristar and Sir Gorrell meet for the first time?
  5. What do Aristar and Sir Gorrell do to bring the knights and dragons together?



Mrs Shanley

Mrs Hussain

Miss Potter

Miss Upton


bright light

Phase 3


zoom to the moon

Phase 3


time for tea

Phase 5


bake a cake

Phase 5



Log in to Education City and complete the activity that matches your sound.



Imagine you have been on a safari adventure in Kenya! What did you see? What did you do? Did you have a good time? You are going to be writing a postcard to tell someone all about your safari adventure that you went on. Read the WAGOLL and then complete an S plan for the main things you would like to talk about in your postcard.



Starter Activity – Practise adding numbers to 20. Remember to use dots to help you with your adding if you are struggling. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/addition/robot-addition

Main Activity – Complete the BBC Bitesize lesson for today. Watch the videos and then complete the activities. Remember to email us if you need any help.       https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z222kty



Log in to Purple Mash and see if you can create your own 'Big Cat'.


Wednesday 8th July 2020


Listen to the story ‘Knights and Dragons, Unite’. Have a go at reading the story too.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOcCl0jKwvU


Today we would like you to have a think about what your favourite part of the story was. Write a sentence explaining what it was and why. Draw a picture of your favourite part too.



Mrs Shanley

Mrs Hussain

Miss Potter

Miss Upton


bright light

Phase 3


zoom to the moon

Phase 3


time for tea

Phase 5


bake a cake

Phase 5


Click on the sound and complete the activities. You will need to log in to espresso to access the activity.



What is a preposition? Watch the video to find out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyMrLQ4ZI-4

Look at the picture and write sentences to describe where the animals are. E.g. The magnificent, tall giraffe is next to the incredible, strong elephant.




Starter Activity – Select ‘numbers up to 99’ and find the number the matches the base 10 - http://www.ictgames.com/sharkNumbers/mobile/index.html

Main Activity – Complete the BBC Bitesize lesson for today. Watch the videos and then complete the activities. Remember to email us if you need any help.

 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons    - 8th July lesson.


Follow the link and complete the workout!



Tuesday 7th July 


Listen to the story ‘Knights and Dragons, Unite’ again.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOcCl0jKwvU


Choose a dragon to describe. Write sentences to say what they look like and how they behave.



Mrs Shanley

Mrs Hussain

Miss Potter

Miss Upton


bright light

Phase 3


zoom to the moon

Phase 3


time for tea

Phase 5


bake a cake

Phase 5



Go on to Phonics Play, select the sound you are working on this week and then practise reading and sorting the words.



Thinking about the book from yesterday, we are going to focus on Kenya and a safari adventure. Watch the video below of a safari in Kenya. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_teiyaYic-w

What did you see on the video? Write a list of all of the animals you saw on the video. Then write a list of adjectives to describe them.



Starter Activity – Practise ordering the coins from the lowest value to the highest value. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game

Main Activity – Complete the BBC Bitesize lesson for today. Watch the videos and then complete the activities (maths July 7th lesson). Remember to email us if you need any help.  




Can you sort the animals according to what they eat? Log in to Espresso and complete the animal sorting activity (see your home learning book for your logins). Look at the pictures and decide if they are a herbivore, a carnivore or an omnivore. KS1 - Science - Animals - sorting activity.



Monday 6th July

Good morning Year 1, we hope you had a lovely weekend and didn’t get too wet!

We are looking forward to seeing more of your amazing work this week!



Today we would like you to listen to the story ‘Knights and Dragons, Unite!’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOcCl0jKwvU

Create an ‘S’ plan for the story to sequence the main events. Think about who the main characters are and what happens in the book to help you.



Mrs Shanley

Mrs Hussain

Miss Potter

Miss Upton


bright light


zoom to the moon


time for tea


bake a cake



Practise writing your sound with your magic pen. Then write a shopping list for things you could buy with your sound in.



This week we are going to be writing a postcard! Listen to the story being read – Where would you like to go on an adventure? Choose your favourite place from the story and write a sentence explaining why you have chosen it. Remember to include ‘because’.


Starter Activity – Write out all of the number bonds to 20. Remember you could write addition or subtraction sums.

Main Activity – Complete the BBC Bitesize lesson for today. Watch the videos and then complete the activities. Remember to email us if you need any help. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbpxdp3




Listen to the song ‘The Really Awful Musicians’. Discuss with someone at home what you think makes a good Musician. Would you like to be a musician?