Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 01.06.20

Welcome Back to 8G! | Astley Park School

We hope you had a lovely half term break and that you are feeling relaxed and ready to start home learning again. 

We would love to hear about what you got up to over your break so email us and let us know! 

Miss Upton & Miss Potter 



Our Topic - Summer 2

Amazing Animals!

Wild Animals In Jungle | Amazing Wallpapers

 Friday 5th June 2020


Today, we would like you to read the story 'Things I love by Bear'. It is only a short extract, so have a go at reading it on your own, but ask your grown up if you get stuck. 

Things I Love by Bear by Susie Linn (9781789585773/Paperback ...

Once you have read the story, write a sentence and draw a picture of something that you love. 



To finish our 'Tricky Word Week', have a go at spelling the tricky words below using the 'sporty spellings'. 

Mrs Shanley Mrs Hussain Miss Potter Miss Upton














Sporty Spellings 



Travellers' Times Big Creative Writing & Poetry Competition ...

Today is 'Big Write' day! 

We would like you to create a fact file all about tigers to show what you have learnt this week. You already chose the title of your fact file yesterday so make sure it is nice and big at the top of your page to attract the reader's attention. For your fact file, we would like you to answer these three questions: 

Where do tigers live?

What do tigers eat? 

What do tigers like to do?

What do tigers look like?

Tiger | Species | WWF

Read the WAGOLL below to help you set your fact file out. 

WAGOLL - Tiger Fact File 

Remember to: 

  • use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops 
  • use a question mark at the end of a question 
  • use adjectives to describe the tiger 
  • use conjunctions in your sentences 
  • use exclamation marks 
  • include lots of interesting facts
  • add a 'Did You Know?' question



For Maths today, go to the 'Topmarks' website and complete the 'Daily 10 Challenge'

Can you beat your score from last week? Good Luck!

Stopwatch vector clipart illustration. clock, timer clipart ...


For Computing this term, we are focusing on our computer skills. We have already looked at and practised typing and today, we would like you to have a go at finding all the keys on a keyboard. Log on to 'Purple Mash' and have a go at the task that has been set for you. 

Top Tip: remember to use both hands when typing and sit up straight, it will help you!


Well done for all your hard work this week Year 1. We really enjoy reading the fantastic work that you send to us. 

We hope you have a great weekend! 

Miss Upton & Miss Potter 



 Thursday 4th June 2020


For Reading today, we would like you to read the short extract of a story called 'Tiny T-Rex and the Very Dark Dark'

Tiny T. Rex and the Very Dark Dark: Amazon.co.uk: Stutzman ...

Once you have read the short extract, have a go at answering these questions: 

  1. What was Tiny T-Rex scared of?
  2. Is he scared of the dark inside? Why?
  3. Why is the dark scary outside?
  4. What do they build to hide from the dark? 



Carrying on with our 'Tricky Word' week, today in Phonics, we would like you to log on to 'Education City' and complete the activity 'Stig's Spelling Adventure'. 

Tricky words | Phase 3 Phonics | Phonics song - BBC Bitesize

Challenge: Write a silly sentence including a tricky word. 


For your independent writing this week, you will be creating a fact file all about tigers. Fact files need to have exciting headings that make the reader want to learn and read more. Today, we would like you to think of 3 different exciting titles that you could start your fact file with. 


Terrific Tiger Fact File

Wonderful Wild Tiger Fact File

 Choose your favourite title ready to use for your independent writing tomorrow.



Starter - Robot Addition - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/addition/robot-addition

Blue group - adding up to 10

Yellow group - adding up to 15

Red group - adding up to 20 


Main Activity - Go to BBC Bitesize and complete 'Lesson 4 - Measuring Capacity'. Watch the video and complete Activity 1.

Measuring Capacity | Maths | KS1, KS2

Challenge: Complete Activity 2


Our Science topic this half term is 'Amazing Animals'. In Science this half term, we will look at different animals and what group of animal they belong to. Today, we would like you to list as many animals as you can think of in 2 minutes. 

Wild Animals In Jungle | Amazing Wallpapers

Once your 2 minutes are up, watch this video all about the different groups of animals. 



Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Today we would like you to read the story 'Everybody Worries'.

Jon Burgerman: Everybody Worries free eBook | Oxford Owl

When you have finished reading the story, think about the thing/things that make you worry and write them down. You could even draw pictures of the things that make you feel worried. 



Start off phonics today by listening to the 'tricky words' song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOzgR1ANc4

Once you have sang along to the tricky words song, log on to Education City and complete the activity 'Toy Shop'.



Today in writing we would like you to have a go at using question marks. Watch the video and complete the activity by following the link below.

Question Mark GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


Now have a go at writing 3 questions that you would like to know the answers to about tigers. E.g. How many stripes do tigers have?

Remember to use a ‘?’ at the end of your question.



Starter Activity - Complete the ordering numbers activity - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=SpringNumber

Main Activity - Go to BBC Bitesize and complete 'Lesson 3 – Measuring capacity'


Religious Education:

What is the 'Golden Rule'?

The Golden Rule as Christians - The Roosevelt Review

Watch the clip using the link below and then write a sentence about what the 'Golden Rule' is. 



Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Read your favourite book and draw the setting of the story – think about how the story describes the setting to help you.



Tricky words | Phase 3 Phonics | Phonics song - BBC Bitesize

This week in Phonics we are looking at 'tricky words'. Log on to 'Education City' and complete the activity 'Sten and Klara's Sports Day'. 

Remember! You cannot sound out a tricky word, you could clap the letter names like we do with red words in SFA. 


Tiger GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

This week we would like you to find out lots of facts about tigers! Draw a picture of a tiger and write adjectives around your picture to describe the tiger.



Starter – Complete the odd and even numbers activity - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/coconut-odd-or-even

Heavier or lighter by Green Apple | Teachers Pay Teachers

Main Activity – Go to BBC Bitesize and complete Lesson 2 - Introduction to volume and capacity. Watch the video before completing Activity 1. We have looked at measuring before, this is just a recap of what you already know! 

Challenge: Complete Activity 2


Look at Moston on Google maps and spot the different symbols. Can you guess what they mean? Use the link below to see how many symbols you can spot and what they might mean. 

Puss in Boots at NWTAC Theatre event tickets from TicketSource



Monday 1st June 2020


For Reading today, we would like you to listen to footballer Jesse Lingard read the story 'Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies'. 

Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies | Paperback | Book People

Follow the link to BBC Bitesize where you will be able to listen to the story. Once you have listened, complete Activity 1 by answering the questions. 



This week in Phonics, we are looking at 'tricky words'. Log on to 'Education City' and complete the activity 'Stig's Tree Adventure'. 

Remember! You cannot sound out a tricky word, you will need to spell them out if you get stuck.  


This week in writing, we are looking at one amazing animal in particular. It is a big cat. It is stripy. It is orange and black. Can you guess what animal we are going to look at? 

We are going to be looking at: TIGERS!

Tiger | Species | WWF

Today, we would like you to find out as many interesting facts as you can about tigers. Use the links below to help you with your research. When you are done, write down 5 interesting facts that you learnt today. See if you can spot the tigers on the Sandiego Zoo live cam! 







Starter - Doubling & halving - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=dartboarddoublesandhalves

Remember! If you double a number, it gets bigger. If you halve a number, it gets smaller. 


Main Activity - Go to BBC Bitesize and complete Lesson 1 - Measuring mass. Watch the video before completing Activity 1. We have looked at measuring before, this is just a recap of what you already know! 

Challenge: complete Activity 2

Measuring Mass | Maths | KS1, KS2

Design & Technology: 

It is really important that we remember how to look after ourselves and be hygienic. It is especially important that we are hygienic when we are eating and preparing food. We have looked at hygiene around food and keeping safe in the kitchen when we made our delicious pizzas but today we would like you to watch the video below to remind you of what to do.


Once you have watched the video, create a poster to tell other people how they can be clean and safe in the kitchen.