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Moston Lane Community Primary School

Be The Best You Can Be

W.B 18.05.2020

Friday 22nd May 2020


Today we would like you to read your favourite book you have at home to a grown up. Once you have read your favourite book, answer the following questions:

  1. Who is the main character?
  2. What is your favourite part of the story?
  3. What are the main events in the story?



Sporty Spelling! Use the words below to create your own workouts. Say the words, spell them and then write them down with the exercises. 







KS1 Sporty Spelling


Travellers' Times Big Creative Writing & Poetry Competition ...

It's 'Big Write' day! Today we would like you to use your picture plans to write a diary entry pretending you are Tony from the video 'Taking Flight'.

Remember to;

  • start with 'Dear Diary' and end it with 'From Tony'
  • use capital letters and full stops
  • use adjectives
  • use conjunctions to join/extend your sentences 


Don't forget to send us your writing using the email 

We love seeing your writing and will be publishing this weeks writing on Pobble!



Starter activity - Play hit the button to warm up your maths brains by practising your 2, 5 or 10 times tables. 

Main activity - In maths today, we have set you a challenge to complete on My Maths. Your challenge is all about measures you have been learning about this week. 



Complete the workouts in the links below. Think about how your breathing changes before and during exercise and why it changes.

Happy half-term! – French at Eagley


Thursday 21st May 2020


Today we would like you to listen to the author Ed Vere read his story 'How to be a Lion'. 

How to be a Lion: Vere, Ed, Vere, Ed: 9780141376363 ...

Your Task: Imagine that you are a lion. What type of lion would you be? Write some sentences to describe the type of lion you would be. 



This week we have been asking you to recap the sounds you should already know.

Mrs Shanley's & Mrs Hussain’s groups recap phase 3 -

Miss Potter's and Miss Upton’s groups recap phase 3 – 5-



This week we have asked you to watch the video 'Taking Flight' and think about your favourite adventure the little boy goes on with his Grandpa. That is because this week in your 'Big Write' we would like you to write a diary entry pretending you are the little boy on one of the adventures. If you want to, you can watch the video again by clicking on the picture below. 

Taking Flight (2015) - IMDb

Your writing task today is to read the WAGOLL diary entry and then create your own Story S plan for your favourite adventure. You can use your picture plan to help you with your diary entry on Friday.

WAGOLL Diary Entry - Taking Flight


Starter - Warm up your maths brain with some robot adding!


Main Activity - Follow the link to take you to BBC Bitesize. Watch the video before completing one of the activities. Today you will be recapping what you know about mass and weight. 

Measuring Weight - Treetop Displays - A set of 9 A4 posters that ...

Art and Design:

Click on the BBC Bitesize link which will take you to drawing activity. Watch the video and then have a go at drawing yourself. 

How to draw realistic faces (male) | Realistic drawings, Face ...

Wednesday 20th May 2020


For reading today, we would like you to visit BBC Bitesize again. Today, Dianne Buswell is reading a story called 'Funnybones'. Whilst you listen to her read the book, think about whether the skeletons are working together to solve problems! 

Funnybones: Ahlberg, Allan, Ahlberg, Janet, Ahlberg ...

Once you have finished listening to the story, complete 'Activity 3' and think about new ways that the skeletons could scare each other. 



For Phonics today, we would like you to complete another Purple Mash activity for your phonics group. Remember, you have looked at the sounds this half term and this is just a recap to show us what you have learnt. Please let us know if you are having any problems. 

Mrs Shanley's and Mrs Hussain's groups are completing Phase 3 activities.

Miss Potter's and Miss Upton's groups are completing Phase 5 activities. 



Yesterday, we asked you to describe your favourite adventure from the short film 'Taking Flight'. Today, we would like you to pretend you are the little boy and that you are on your favourite adventure. Close your eyes and imagine how he must have felt!

Watch the video again if you need a reminder of what happened. 

Taking Flight (2015) - IMDb

Once you have thought about how the boy might have been feeling on the adventure, draw a picture of him and write all of the emotions around the outside. He could be happy, scared or excited! 



Starter - Get your Maths brain warmed up by having a go at the 'Daily 10' -


Main Activity - Follow the link to take you to BBC Bitesize. Watch the video before completing one of the activities. Remember - we have looked at measuring before so this is a recap of things you should know!


For Music today, we would like you to the listen to the song 'Grasshopper Hop'  and watch the video. 

Whilst you are listening, think about these questions: 

1. Do you like it?
2. What instruments can you hear?
3. How does it make you feel? 

Tuesday 19th May 2020


Today, we would like you to follow the link to BBC Bitesize and listen to the story of 'Cyril and Pat'. Listen carefully to the story and complete Activity 1 when you have finished reading. 

Cyril and Pat: Gravett, Emily: Books


This week in Phonics, you are practising all the sounds that you have learnt so far this term. Log on to Purple Mash and have a go at completing the activity. Mrs Shanley's and Mrs Hussain's group are looking at Phase 3. Miss Potter's and Miss Upton's group are completing Phase 5 activities. 

Please let us know if you are having any problems accessing the work.



In Writing this week, we are looking a film called 'Taking Flight'. Today, we would like you to watch the short film again and think about the different places that the boy and his Grandad go to whilst on their adventures. 

Which is your favourite adventure that they went on? Draw a picture of the setting of the adventure and write lots of different adjectives around your picture to describe it. Once you have thought of lots of wonderful adjectives, try writing them in sentences. 

The dangerous jungle was noisy and hot.


Taking Flight (2015) - IMDb


Starter - Play 'Hit the Button' to practise your 2x tables. Remember - if you know your doubles, you also know your 2x tables!


Main Activity - Go to to complete the activity today. For this lesson, we are looking at measuring length. 



For R.E. this week, we would like you to listen to two stories from the Quran. Go to and listen to the story 'The Prophet and the Ants' and the story 'The Crying Camel'. Whilst you are listening to them, think about how these stories are showing us how to care for each other and the world. 

Choose one of the stories that you have listened to and retell it. This could be in sentences or you could act out the story you have chosen with a grown up. 

Religious Studies KS1: The Islamic Story of The Prophet and the ...


Remember to send us any work that you are proud of. We love reading your work!



Monday 18th May 2020


This morning we would like you to watch Ashley Roberts read the extracts from the story 'Cake' and answer the questions.

Once you have listened to the extracts being read, complete Activity 1.



This week in phonics, we would like you to show off how much you have learnt this half term. Log on to Purple Mash and complete the activity for your group. Mrs Shanley's and Mrs Hussain's groups complete the Phase 3 activity. Miss Potter's and Miss Upton's groups complete the Phase 5 activity. 



Watch the short film ‘Taking Flight’ -

Taking Flight (2015) - IMDb

Write a sentence to describe your favourite part of the film and use the conjunction ‘because’ to explain why.



Starter activity - Practise your 5 times tables. 

Main activity - - - Introduction to Height & Length. Watch the videos and complete the activities on Height and Length. This is a recap of things you should already know!



This week it is 'Mental Health Awareness Week' and the theme this year is 'Kindness'

Start by watching the video 'Colour Your World with Kindness'

Now we would like you to come up with 5 acts of kindness that you could complete this week. Write them down and tick them off as you do them. If you have access to a printer use the My Acts of Kindness Booklet.