Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 28.09.2020

Monday 28th  September 2020



Today, we would like you to log on to Oxford Owl and choose a book of your choice. Have a go at reading it on your own or with your grown up. Remember to sound out any words that you don't know and keep your eyes out for any tricky words! 

When you have finished reading, tell your grown up what happened in the story. Make it exciting! 



Today we would like you to join in with the phonics video below. You will learn and practise the sounds j, v, r, y and w.





This week, our writing is going to be based on Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. Listen and watch the story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GUQt4VJ5DI .

 Meerkat Mail | Book by Emily Gravett | Official Publisher Page | Simon &  Schuster


Discuss these questions with your adult:

What does Sunny realise about his family?

What does he like about where he lives?

What does he not like about where he lives?


What do you like about your local area?

What do you not like?

Use the pictures below to help.


Play this game. Make sure you select 1-10 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/gingerbread-man-game .

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/recognising-number-bonds-to-nine-and-ten-c8v3ec 


Science & PSHE:

Go through the 'Healthy Eating' powerpoint below. Think of as many healthy foods as you can and draw them on a plate. 

Healthy Eating - 28th September 2020


Tuesday 29th September 2020


What is your favourite book? Today we would like you to read your favourite book that you have at home to a grown up. After you have read it, tell them what your favourite part was and why? Once you have told your grown up your favourite part we would like you to redesign the front cover of the book. Remember to include the title, author and illustrator on your front cover.



Well done for completing the phonics task that we set you yesterday! Today we would like you to listen to the 'Tricky Word Song' and join in. Remember, you can't sound tricky words out!




You won’t believe it! We have a visitor in Moston.

Meerkat Mail 

Discuss these questions with your adult:

Where could Sunny visit in Moston?

What would he like about Moston?

What might he not like about Moston?


Write a sentence that Sunny might say about Moston.

I like ________.

I don’t like_________.

I visited _________.



Play this game. Make sure you select 1-10 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/gingerbread-man-game .

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/finding-one-more-and-one-less-of-a-number-within-10-cnh62r .



Practise your dance moves and join in with this dance to 'Can't Stop the Feeling'. 


Sponsored Events - Children Dancing Cartoon , Free Transparent Clipart -  ClipartKey


Wednesday 30th September 2020


Today we would like you to login to Oxford Owl. Choose a book according to your reading age and book band. Then answer the following questions about the book. 

  • Who is the main character? What are they like?
  • What happened in the story?
  • How did the story make you feel?
  • Did it remind you of any other stories that you have read? 



Visit 'Phonics Play' and practise reading real and nonsense words with the sounds that you have learnt so far this half term. 


Buried Treasure


Have a look at Moston through Sunny’s eyes. Click the pictures to make them bigger. How would he describe it? Make a list of words with your adult.

How would Sunny describe Moston. Write a sentence that he might say. Include some of the words that you have just come up with.

Use the sentence stems below.

Moston is_________.

Moston has _________.

I love the ____________.


For example:

Moston has lots of wonderful buildings.

Moston has lots of noisy cars.

I love the beautiful parks.


Play this game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/teddy-numbers . Select ‘numbers to 10’ .

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/comparing-numbers-within-10-c8vp4d .




Complete this Oak Academy Lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/one-big-family-cthp2c


Thursday 1st October 2020


You have read lots of books for home learning so today we are going to ask you to read and listen to something different. 

We would like you to listen to the poem 'Lizzie's Lion'. You can read along if you want to! 

Did you enjoy listening to the poem?

Could you hear any rhyming words? Write them down if you did.



Write down as many words as you can that start with the letter 'm', 'a' or 's'. Ask your adult to set a two minute timer as a challenge. 



What would Sunny need to pack if he came to Moston. Draw and label some items.  Think about the weather! He is used to living in a very hot desert!

What would Sunny say about the weather? Write a sentence that he might say.


Moston is_________.

The weather is _________.

I have had to buy a _______ because_______.


For example:

Moston is freezing cold.

The weather is cold and wet.

I wish I had packed a woolly jumper because it is cold.


Play this game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/underwater-counting .

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/ordering-two-or-more-numbers-within-10-ccr32c



Click on the powerpoint below to read the story of 'The Dot' and to give you some ideas to create your own dot. A dot can become anything. What will your dot become?

The Dot - Thursday 1st October


Friday 2nd October 2020


For reading today, we would like you to listen to a David Walliams story. Once you have listened to it, talk about with your grown up and tell them what you liked and did not like about the story. 

Follow the link below to choose a story.




It's Big Write Friday!

This week you have been looking at your local area, thinking about what our visitor Sunny would think about it. Today, you are going to write a postcard from Sunny to his family to tell them all about Moston like the one below.

Before you start, watch this video about postcards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSgq4cQU-eY 

Remember to: 

  • use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops
  • sound out your words carefully
  • include adjectives to describe Moston 


Play this game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/underwater-counting .


Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/finding-half-of-a-number-within-10-6gtkjc .



Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/creating-simple-patterns-6rwk8d .