Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 21.09.2020

Monday 21st September 2020



This week we are going to have a Julia Donaldson themed week in reading.

The Snail and the Whale By Julia Donaldson


Click on the link and watch the video for the story 'The Snail and the Whale'. If you have the book at home, have a go at reading the story to a grown up. Once you have watched/read the story, discuss the questions below.

  1. What does the Snail want to do?
  2. What does the message say that the Snail leaves on the rock?
  3. Where did the Snail and the Whale go first on their adventure?
  4. What happened to the Whale on the beach? How do you think the Snail felt and why?
  5. What does the Snail do to help save the Whale?



Today we would like you to join in with the phonics video below.



This week, we are going to be completing a description of ourselves! Today, we would like you to think about all your body parts. Join in with the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkHQ0CYwjaI .

List all the body parts that you can remember.

Draw a picture of yourself and label all your body parts.

 A4 POSTER SIGN Parts Of Body Educational EYFS SEN Children Kids  Childminders (2) - £2.95 | PicClick UK


Join in with this counting video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJoxXWyg7hE.

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/counting-sets-within-10-c4w30t.



We are learning about the human body this week. Complete this sense lesson https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9yycdm/articles/zxy987h .

 Can Using Multiple Senses Detect Viral Threats Like COVID-19? | Psychology  Today


Tuesday 22nd September 2020



Carrying on our Julia Donaldson week, we would like you to read 'Zog'.

Zog: Amazon.co.uk: Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books



If you have the book, have a go at reading the story with your grown up. If you do not, please watch the video before answering the questions below.

  1. Who was Madame Dragon?
  2. Who was the biggest dragon?
  3. What did Zog want to win?
  4. What will the dragons be when they are fully grown?



Well done for completing the phonics task that we set you yesterday! Today we would like you to write as many words as you can that start with 'i', 'n', 'p', 'o' or 'g'. Remember to sound the words out to help you spell them.



Listen to the story. What do you like about it?



Get your labelled drawing of yourself that you completed yesterday.

Add some adjectives in a different colour if you have one. For example, next to your eyes write the colour of your eyes. Next to your hair, write the colour of your hair and whether it is long, short, curly or straight!



Join in with the counting video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGL7xYEVeaY.

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/representing-numbers-within-10-71jkec .




Follow the link and complete a relaxing yoga session. This one is all about being back at school!



This half term we are designing and making our own healthy pizzas! Draw a pizza base and think carefully about what healthy ingredients you could put on it- draw them on to your base. When you have finished, challenged yourself to label all the ingredients.


Wednesday 23rd September 2020


We hope you have enjoyed reading and listening to 'Snail and the Whale' and 'Zog'! Today we would like you to listen to 'The Highway Rat'. 

 The Highway Rat: Amazon.co.uk: Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler: Books


Once you have watched the video or read the story, draw a wanted poster for the Highway Rat. 

Think about what he had done to all the other animals and why he might be 'Wanted'. Draw a picture of the Highway Rat and write some sentences about him. 



Watch the video and practise your sounds.




Watch and listen to this story about families https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIm_H01Z6Ss&list=PLehjLaDFf5Xg_AZWxrWNbuDsNbSJkhD7V&index=2 . Who is in your family?

Get your labelled picture and use it to write some sentences about yourself. Use the sentence stems below.

I am ______.

My eyes are ________.

My hair is _________.



Join in with the counting video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGL7xYEVeaY.

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/recognising-number-bonds-to-five-and-six-cmw3jt



Complete this Oak Academy Lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/all-about-me-c5h68d .



In history, we are exploring the differences between school now and in the past. Open up the power point and complete the lesson. 

History - 23rd September 2020


Thursday 24th September 2020


We hope you have enjoyed the Julia Donaldson books so far this week. Which one has been your favourite? Today we would like you to listen to 'The Gruffalo's Child'. Remember, if you have that book at home, have a go at reading it to a grown up. 

The Gruffalo's Child: Amazon.co.uk: Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books



Once you have listened to or read the story, have a go at creating your own book review. Think about the following questions:

  • In your own words, what was the book about?
  • Who is the main character? What is he/she like?
  • Did you like the book? Why?
  • Would you tell other people to read it?



Watch the video to recap the sounds you practised yesterday. Write down as many words as you can think of that start with the sounds. 




What do you like doing after school or at the weekends? Act it out and get your adult to guess.

Hobbies for Kids in Brisbane | Brisbane Kids

Rewrite my silly sentences so that they make sense.

I have long eyes.

I am curly.

My hair is 5.



Take it in turns with your adult to count forwards and backwards to ten. At school we call this a Rally Robin! Teach your adult how to do it if you can remember!

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/recognising-number-bonds-to-seven-and-eight-60r6cc .



This half term we are looking at the religion Islam. Open up the power point and complete the lesson. 

RE - 24th September 2020


Friday 25th September 2020


The final Julia Donaldson book we would like you to listen to or read this week is one of Miss Potter's and Miss Youldon’s favourite books.

Today we would like you to listen to or read...

Room on the Broom: Amazon.co.uk: Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books




Practise saying these sounds with your adult. Watch the video to help you. 




It's Big Write Friday! This week you have been describing yourself. Today, we would like you to have a go at writing your own description of your self.

Remember to;

  • use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops
  • sound out your words carefully
  • include adjectives to describe yourself



Have another go at a Rally Robin. Count forwards and backwards to 10 with your adult.

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/recognising-number-bonds-to-nine-and-ten-c8v3ec

 Number Song | Numbers Counting 1 to 10 | Ten Little Numbers | Numbers -  YouTube



Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/understanding-pulse-cdk38c.



Discuss these questions with your adult:

  1. Where do we live?
  2. What is our local area called?
  3. What is our city called?
  4. What do you know about our city?

Watch this video about our city https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_TKIM1vUEs .

What do you notice about Manchester? What have you learnt?

Explore our local area and Manchester on Google Earth https://earth.google.com/web 

Manchester city centre tops table for jobs and population growth Prolific  North


Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 21.09.2020

Monday 21st September 2020



This week we are going to have a Julia Donaldson themed week in reading.

The Snail and the Whale By Julia Donaldson


Click on the link and watch the video for the story 'The Snail and the Whale'. If you have the book at home, have a go at reading the story to a grown up. Once you have watched/read the story, discuss the questions below.

  1. What does the Snail want to do?
  2. What does the message say that the Snail leaves on the rock?
  3. Where did the Snail and the Whale go first on their adventure?
  4. What happened to the Whale on the beach? How do you think the Snail felt and why?
  5. What does the Snail do to help save the Whale?



Today we would like you to join in with the phonics video below.



This week, we are going to be completing a description of ourselves! Today, we would like you to think about all your body parts. Join in with the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkHQ0CYwjaI .

List all the body parts that you can remember.

Draw a picture of yourself and label all your body parts.

 A4 POSTER SIGN Parts Of Body Educational EYFS SEN Children Kids  Childminders (2) - £2.95 | PicClick UK


Join in with this counting video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJoxXWyg7hE.

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/counting-sets-within-10-c4w30t.



We are learning about the human body this week. Complete this sense lesson https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9yycdm/articles/zxy987h .

 Can Using Multiple Senses Detect Viral Threats Like COVID-19? | Psychology  Today


Tuesday 22nd September 2020



Carrying on our Julia Donaldson week, we would like you to read 'Zog'.

Zog: Amazon.co.uk: Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books



If you have the book, have a go at reading the story with your grown up. If you do not, please watch the video before answering the questions below.

  1. Who was Madame Dragon?
  2. Who was the biggest dragon?
  3. What did Zog want to win?
  4. What will the dragons be when they are fully grown?



Well done for completing the phonics task that we set you yesterday! Today we would like you to write as many words as you can that start with 'i', 'n', 'p', 'o' or 'g'. Remember to sound the words out to help you spell them.



Listen to the story. What do you like about it?



Get your labelled drawing of yourself that you completed yesterday.

Add some adjectives in a different colour if you have one. For example, next to your eyes write the colour of your eyes. Next to your hair, write the colour of your hair and whether it is long, short, curly or straight!



Join in with the counting video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGL7xYEVeaY.

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/representing-numbers-within-10-71jkec .




Follow the link and complete a relaxing yoga session. This one is all about being back at school!



This half term we are designing and making our own healthy pizzas! Draw a pizza base and think carefully about what healthy ingredients you could put on it- draw them on to your base. When you have finished, challenged yourself to label all the ingredients.


Wednesday 23rd September 2020


We hope you have enjoyed reading and listening to 'Snail and the Whale' and 'Zog'! Today we would like you to listen to 'The Highway Rat'. 

 The Highway Rat: Amazon.co.uk: Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler: Books


Once you have watched the video or read the story, draw a wanted poster for the Highway Rat. 

Think about what he had done to all the other animals and why he might be 'Wanted'. Draw a picture of the Highway Rat and write some sentences about him. 



Watch the video and practise your sounds.




Watch and listen to this story about families https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIm_H01Z6Ss&list=PLehjLaDFf5Xg_AZWxrWNbuDsNbSJkhD7V&index=2 . Who is in your family?

Get your labelled picture and use it to write some sentences about yourself. Use the sentence stems below.

I am ______.

My eyes are ________.

My hair is _________.



Join in with the counting video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGL7xYEVeaY.

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/recognising-number-bonds-to-five-and-six-cmw3jt



Complete this Oak Academy Lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/all-about-me-c5h68d .



In history, we are exploring the differences between school now and in the past. Open up the power point and complete the lesson. 

History - 23rd September 2020


Thursday 24th September 2020


We hope you have enjoyed the Julia Donaldson books so far this week. Which one has been your favourite? Today we would like you to listen to 'The Gruffalo's Child'. Remember, if you have that book at home, have a go at reading it to a grown up. 

The Gruffalo's Child: Amazon.co.uk: Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books



Once you have listened to or read the story, have a go at creating your own book review. Think about the following questions:

  • In your own words, what was the book about?
  • Who is the main character? What is he/she like?
  • Did you like the book? Why?
  • Would you tell other people to read it?



Watch the video to recap the sounds you practised yesterday. Write down as many words as you can think of that start with the sounds. 




What do you like doing after school or at the weekends? Act it out and get your adult to guess.

Hobbies for Kids in Brisbane | Brisbane Kids

Rewrite my silly sentences so that they make sense.

I have long eyes.

I am curly.

My hair is 5.



Take it in turns with your adult to count forwards and backwards to ten. At school we call this a Rally Robin! Teach your adult how to do it if you can remember!

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/recognising-number-bonds-to-seven-and-eight-60r6cc .



This half term we are looking at the religion Islam. Open up the power point and complete the lesson. 

RE - 24th September 2020


Friday 25th September 2020


The final Julia Donaldson book we would like you to listen to or read this week is one of Miss Potter's and Miss Youldon’s favourite books.

Today we would like you to listen to or read...

Room on the Broom: Amazon.co.uk: Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books




Practise saying these sounds with your adult. Watch the video to help you. 




It's Big Write Friday! This week you have been describing yourself. Today, we would like you to have a go at writing your own description of your self.

Remember to;

  • use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops
  • sound out your words carefully
  • include adjectives to describe yourself



Have another go at a Rally Robin. Count forwards and backwards to 10 with your adult.

Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/recognising-number-bonds-to-nine-and-ten-c8v3ec

 Number Song | Numbers Counting 1 to 10 | Ten Little Numbers | Numbers -  YouTube



Complete the Oak Academy lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/understanding-pulse-cdk38c.



Discuss these questions with your adult:

  1. Where do we live?
  2. What is our local area called?
  3. What is our city called?
  4. What do you know about our city?

Watch this video about our city https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_TKIM1vUEs .

What do you notice about Manchester? What have you learnt?

Explore our local area and Manchester on Google Earth https://earth.google.com/web 

Manchester city centre tops table for jobs and population growth Prolific  North