Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 29.06.20

Monday 29th June 2020

lundi le 29 juin

Star of the Day: Megan

For sharing her fantastic answers about speeches.


Morning Workout

Five Minute Workout 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w

Virtual Sports Week

Middleton Technology College have very kindly sent their Virtual Sports Week Challenge for us to use in school and at home! Click below to choose today’s challenge:

Y6 Virtual Sports Week



Genre: Speeches

Starter: List all of the different reasons for writing or presenting a speech


  1. Watch the video clip to introduce speeches
  2. Watch the video again and list all of the features
  3. Watch the famous speech by Greta Thunberg:


  1. Read through the transcript of Great Thunberg’s speech and list the features: Transcript - Greta Thunberg



This week in maths, we will be using CLIC sessions to revise arithmetic skills and to help us to improve our pace and accuracy.

Monday: Monday's Maths

Maths Championships – a game to explore maths in a sport context

Complete the ‘Averages’ section:




Catch up with the latest news.




Create a timeline of memories from your time at Moston Lane. You can print out the timeline below or create on of your own. Your teachers would love to see this so please remember to email a copy to: y6@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk

Printable Timeline



This activity can be done independently or with your family. Follow the instructions on the website to listen to, understand and compose your own music.



Spend a few moments thinking about what the quote below means to you:

Have a lovely day!


Tuesday 30th June 2020

mardi le 30 juin

Star of the day: William

For a very enthusiastic first Zoom session! 


Morning Workout

Five Minute Workout 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbFqQarDM50

Virtual Sports Week

Middleton Technology College have very kindly sent their Virtual Sports Week Challenge for us to use in school and at home! Click below to choose today’s challenge:

Y6 Virtual Sports Week



Genre: Speeches

Key features of a speech


  1. Read through the acronym and examples for each.
  • A - alliteration
  • F - facts
  • O - opinion
  • R - rhetorical questions (questions without an answer)
  • E - emotive language
  • S - statistics
  • T - triples (repeating your point three times, but in different ways)
  1. Decide on something you would like to write a speech about. This should be something that you feel strongly about such as: COVID-19, animals in captivity, politics or your transition from Year 6 to Year 7.
  2. Complete the RAFT (Reason, Audience, Features, Tone) on this sheet: Speeches
  3. Create your own example for each key feature for your speech.



This week in maths, we will be using CLIC sessions to revise arithmetic skills and to help us to improve our pace and accuracy.

Tuesday's Maths

Maths Championships – a game to explore maths in a sport context

Complete the ‘Areas of triangles and parallelograms’ section:




Catch up with the latest news.




Create a short recount about your favourite memory from your time at Moston Lane.

My Favourite Memory Recount



  1. Dip,Dip,Dip – an action song
  2. Disney Quiz – 10 songs with changes to pitch, speed or both!
  3. African Drummers – Enjoy watching the first minute of featuring the Jalikunda African Drums at the Montserrat African Music Festival.



Spend a few moments thinking about what the quote below means to you:

Have a lovely day !


Wednesday 1st July 2020

mercredi le 1 juillet

Star of the Day: Lucas

For confidently performing a speech with excellent awareness of punctuation.


Morning Workout

Five Minute Workout 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnKCGY9ZocA

Virtual Sports Week

Middleton Technology College have very kindly sent their Virtual Sports Week Challenge for us to use in school and at home! Click below to choose today’s challenge:

Virtual Sports Week



Genre: Speeches

Identifying the key features in action


  1. Watch the video of Barack Obama’s speech and identify as many features as you can. You might like to tick them off on the sheet we used yesterday or make a new list.
  2. Complete the quiz.
  3. Read through the extract from John F Kennedy’s speech aloud. Decide where to emphasise, change the tone of your voice, pause and add expression.
  4. Practise reading the speech aloud to build your confidence and ability to perform a speech.



This week in maths, we will be using CLIC sessions to revise arithmetic skills and to help us to improve our pace and accuracy.

Wednesday's Maths

Maths Championships – a game to explore maths in a sport context

Complete the ‘Shapes’ section:




Catch up with the latest news.




Complete the activity which gives you the opportunity to reflect on your time at Moston Lane.

My Time at School Reflection Sheet



Follow the information and links on the website to learn about rhythm and then create your own melody:


Key vocabulary:

Rhythm - a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound

Melody – a tune/sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying


Spend a few moments thinking about what this quote means to you:


Remember to send your hoodie orders to: y6@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk

Have a lovely day!

Thursday 2nd July 2020

jeudi le 2 juillet

Star of the Day: Staz

For always working so hard! 


Morning Workout

Five Minute Workout 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAUckPMJKSY

Virtual Sports Week

Middleton Technology College have very kindly sent their Virtual Sports Week Challenge for us to use in school and at home! Click below to choose today’s challenge:

Virtual Sports Week



Genre: Speeches

Planning and Drafting

  1. Complete the planning page for your own speech: Plan
  2. Keep in mind the skills you used when reading the JFK speech, AFOREST and your planning page and draft your own speech on the subject that you decided upon on Tuesday.
  3. Remember to show off your skills – use mature vocabulary choices and a range of high-level punctuation.



This week in maths, we will be using CLIC sessions to revise arithmetic skills and to help us to improve our pace and accuracy.

Thursday's Maths



Catch up with the latest news.




Complete the questionnaire to discover how you feel about different aspects of transition.


Remember that your teacher is always available via email to discuss any worries or concerns that you may have. If you are feeling anxious in any way about high school, please talk about it.



Follow the instructions and links on the website for the ‘Virtual Percussion’ activity where you can actually play along to ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ – a song used to thank our NHS workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Spend some time thinking about what this quote means to you:

Please remember to send your hoodie order to: y6@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk

Have a lovely day!




Friday 3rd July 2020

vendredi le 3 juillet

Star of the Day: Stephanie

For another fantastic week of home learning!


Morning Workout

Five Minute Workout 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN0h6EZd6TM&t=20s

Virtual Sports Week

Middleton Technology College have very kindly sent their Virtual Sports Week Challenge for us to use in school and at home! Click below to choose today’s challenge:

Virtual Sports Week



Genre: Speeches

Record yourself delivering your speech. This can be an audio or visual recording.

Remember to include:

  • Emphasis
  • Expression
  • Tone
  • Pauses
  • Body language

Please send your speech to y6@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk



Use today’s maths session to revise key mathematical vocabulary. Use the link for the online maths dictionary and choose 10 key terms to recap:




Catch up with the latest news.




Complete the grid to help you to mentally prepare for high school. Please remember to email any questions or concerns to your teachers.

Preparing for High School Grid



Follow the instructions and links on the website to learn how to perform ‘cup patterns’ and to explore ‘typewriter music’:



Have a think about what the quote below means to you:


Have a lovely weekend!