Monday 1st June
Star of the day: Kelisha
for working really hard at home - thank you for sharing your amazing learning with us!
Morning Workout
Good morning everyone, hope you had a great half term! Welcome to the beginning of a new week and a new month! It’s still really important while we’re at home to exercise regularly to keep us fit, strong and healthy. Try these routines in between your other online lessons and use your exercise allowances to run, walk or cycle every day, whilst sticking to social distancing rules!
Complete Monday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel.
Have a go at some of Monday’s activities on the grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget to download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.
Challenge yourself and try some of the activities on this new grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget when you click on a specific day’s activity it could lead to a range of games and exercises, not just one! Between the two grids there are potentially hundreds of things to keep you fit and strong.
Have a great week, stay safe and stay active!
Genre for this week: Diary
Watch the video to recap fact retrieval, inference and language question types. Read the extract carefully from Skellig by David Almond and complete the independent comprehension activity. Remember to complete the quiz at the end of the session.
Click on the link below to revise how to use apostrophes in contractions then complete the quiz.
Today’s starter: Using the link below play number fact bingo and select level 6.
Today you will learn how to add and subtract fractions. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.
Remember to log into your MyMaths and TT Rockstar accounts and complete any of the set tasks.
History – Henry VIII
Click on the link below to learn about the life of Henry VIII and how he changed England forever. Watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities.
Remember to take time to get some fresh air and to do something creative!
Tuesday 2nd June
Star of the day: Eliesa
for a really positive attitude when speaking to her teacher on the phone!
Morning Workout
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Complete Tuesday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel.
Have a go at some of Tuesday’s activities on the grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget to download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.
Challenge yourself and try some more of the activities on this new grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget when you click on a specific day’s activity it could lead to a range of games and exercises, not just one! Between the two grids there are potentially hundreds of things to keep you fit and strong.
Genre for this week: Diary
Start today’s lesson with the introductory quiz and watch the video. Read the next extracts carefully from Skellig by David Almond and complete the independent comprehension activity.Remember to complete the exit quiz at the end of the session to check what you have learnt today.
Click on the link below to revise how to use possessive apostrophes then complete the quiz.
Today’s starter: Using the link below play Funky Mummy to practise your times tables and doubling.
Today you will learn how to add and subtract mixed numbers. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.
Rockstar accounts and complete any of the set tasks.
Geography – Natural Resources
Click on the link below to learn about natural resources, including agricultural and geological resources. Read the information and watch the videos to find out about natural resources in the UK and China. Have a go at the activities that follow!
Have a really great day!
Wednesday 3rd June
Star of the Day: Kelisha
for super writing about Alma!
Morning Workout
Happy Wednesday everyone! If you haven’t yet had a go at any of the new routines below try them out today.
Complete Wednesday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel.
Click on the link below and try the Jumping Jax Gym workout.
Click on the link below to try some alternative activities.
Try some of these new activities by clicking on the link below; there are loads to choose from for every day! You can download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.
Also use your daily allowance to run, walk or cycle whilst sticking to social distancing rules!
Genre for this week: Diary
Start today’s lesson with the introductory quiz and watch the video. Next identify the features of a diary in the WAGOLL. Complete the exit quiz to check what you have remembered.
Click on the link below to revise how to use semi colons then complete the quiz.
Today’s starter: Using the link below play ‘Play Your Cards Right’ and practise your number skills.
Today you will learn how to multiply fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.
Remember to log into your MyMaths and complete any of the set activities.
Science – Magnets
Click on the link below to learn all about magnets. Use the information to help you to complete the activities that follow. Don’t forget to try the quiz too!
Remember to take time to get some fresh air and to do something creative!
Thursday 4th June
Star of the Day: Stephanie
for super online Maths learning - well done!
Morning Workout
Good morning everyone,
Complete Thursday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel.
Have a go at some of Thursday’s activities on the grid by clicking on the link below. Try to build up your stamina by performing the activities quicker, for longer or with more repetitions. Don’t forget to download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.
Challenge yourself and try some of the activities on this new grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget when you click on a specific day’s activity it could lead to a range of games and exercises, not just one! Between the two grids there are potentially hundreds of things to keep you fit and strong.
Genre for this week: Diary
Start today’s lesson with the introductory quiz and watch the video. Complete the informal language tasks in preparation for writing a diary.Complete the exit quiz to check which skills you can remember.
Click on the link below to revise how to use commas in a sentence then complete the quiz.
Today’s starter: Using the link below play Capacity Countdown and practise reading scales.
Today you will recap how to multiply fractions by fractions. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.
Remember to log into your MyMaths and TT Rockstar accounts and complete any of the set tasks.
Computing – Computer Games
Click on the link below to learn what goes into making a good computer game and try making your own simple game. Once you have watched the videos, have a go at creating your own character and applying what you have learnt to crack the Barefoot activity code – good luck!
Remember to take time to get some fresh air and to do something creative
Friday 5th June
Morning Workout
Good morning everyone, let’s get active for the last day of the week!
Complete Friday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel.
Have a go at some of Friday’s activities on the grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget to download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.
Challenge yourself and try some of the activities on this new grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget when you click on a specific day’s activity it could lead to a range of games and exercises, not just one! Between the two grids there are potentially hundreds of things to keep you fit and strong.
Over the weekend build on your hard work indoors this week by using your one exercise allowance per day to run, walk or cycle whilst sticking to social distancing rules!
Have you tried some of these alternative activities? If not have a go today!
Genre for this week: Diary
Option 1 - Start today’s lesson with the introductory quiz and watch the video. Today you will be writing a diary entry in the role of Michael heading back into the garage to see the man. The extracts from Skellig by David Almond are included if you would like to read back over them.
Option 2 - Write a diary entry of your choice. Remember to include the skills you have learnt this week. Here are some suggestions to help you decide:
Please email your diary entry to and we will display some of your work on our year 6 page next week.
Click on the link below to revise how to use hyphens and dashes then complete the quiz.
Today’s starter: Using the link below play ‘Play Your Cards Right’ and practise your number skills.
Today you will learn how to divide fractions by whole numbers. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.
Remember to log into your MyMaths and TT Rockstar accounts and complete any of the set tasks.
Music – Composing using Found Sounds
Click on the link below to learn about composing music using found sounds and music technology. Watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities that follow. One activity may involve downloading free software, so make sure you check with your adult that they are happy for you to download it first!
If you fancy learning more about music, why not click the additional links that follow the activities on the webpage
Happy learning and have a great weekend!