Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 04.05.20


Monday 4th May

Star of the Day: Staz

for working exceptionally hard on My Maths!

Morning Workout

Good morning everyone and welcome to the beginning of a new week. We hope you managed to smash some of these routines last week - it’s really important to exercise regularly while we’re at home, to keep us fit, strong and healthy. Try these routines in between your other online lessons and use your one exercise allowance per day to run, walk or cycle whilst sticking to social distancing rules!

Complete Monday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks and his wife on his YouTube channel. 

Try some more of these activities by clicking on the link below; there are loads to choose from for every day! You can download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.





Genre for this week: Information Leaflet

Click on the link below to complete and follow the instructions carefully to complete the Reading Comprehension activities. There is a quiz to complete at the end of lesson so make sure you press ‘reveal’ to get your score!



Click on the link below to recap what a modal verb is then complete the activity and the quiz.


Sporty Spelling

Bronze - homophones

Silver - spellings from the year 3 and 4 spelling list

Gold - spellings from the year 5 and 6 spelling list 



This week you will be completing daily lessons using the BBC Bitesize website. Each day you will need to watch the recap video and complete the activities below. There will also be a maths starter that you can complete daily. 

Monday’s starter: Using the link below, play number fact bingo and select level 6.


Today you will learn how to order and round any number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.


Remember to log into your MyMaths and TT Rockstar accounts and complete any of the set tasks.



Geography – The World

Click on the link below to learn about the seven continents and five oceans of the world and how to map them using a globe and an atlas. When you have watched the videos and read the facts, test your knowledge by completing the quiz, then have a go at activities 2 and 3.



Remember to take time to get some fresh air and to do something creative!


Tuesday 5th May

Star of the Day: Niamh

for working hard at home cooking and baking - looks like you had lots of fun!

Morning Workout

Good morning everyone,

Complete Tuesday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel

Have a go at some of Tuesday’s activities on the grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget to download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.





Genre for this week: Information Leaflet

Click on the link below to complete and follow the instructions carefully to complete the Reading Focus activities. There are quizzes at the beginning and the end of the lesson so make sure you press ‘reveal’ to get your score!




Click on the link below to recap what a preposition is then complete the activity and the quiz.



Sporty Spelling

Bronze - homophones

Silver - year 3 and 4 spellings

Gold - year 5 and 6 spellings



Today’s starter: Using the link below play Funky Mummy your times tables and doubling. http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/funkyMummy/index.html

Today you will learn to order and round decimals to the nearest whole number. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.


Remember to log into your MyMaths and TT Rockstar accounts and complete any of the set tasks.



Science – Mixing, Dissolving and Separation

Click on the link below to recap your learning about mixing and dissolving and separation. Find out why different substances do different things when added to liquids. Watch the videos and read the information before having a go at Activity 1. Ask an adult to support you with Activity 2 – trying experiments for yourself! We would love to hear how you got on, so send us an email sharing your findings?



Have a really great day!

Wednesday 6th May

Star of the day: Taite

for completing lots of maths work on MyMaths!

Morning Workout

Good morning everyone.

Complete Wednesday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel.

Have a go at some of Wednesday’s activities on the grid by clicking on the link below. Try to build up your stamina by performing the activities more quickly, for longer, or with more repetitions.

Don’t forget to download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.





Genre for this week: Information Leaflet

Click on the link below to complete and follow the instructions carefully to complete the Identifying Features activities. There are quizzes at the beginning and the end of the lesson so make sure you press ‘reveal’ to get your score!




Click on the link below to recap what a relative clause is then complete the activity and the quiz.



Sporty Spelling

Bronze - homophones

Silver - year 3 and 4 spellings

Gold - year 5 and 6 spellings



Today’s starter: Using the link below play Hickory Dickory Clock and practise telling the time using level 3. http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/funkyMummy/index.html

Today you will learn about negative numbers. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.


Remember to log into your MyMaths and TT Rockstar accounts and complete any of the set tasks.



R.E. – The Month of Ramadan

Click on the link below to learn all about how and why Muslims participate in the month of Ramadan and how they celebrate at the end of the month with Eid ul-Fitr. Once you have watched the videos, have a go at the three activities – if you cannot print them, just bring them up on the screen and complete them in your work book.



Remember to take time to get some fresh air and to do something creative!

Thursday 7th May


Morning Workout

Good morning everyone,

Complete Thursday's live PE lesson with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel.

Have a go at some of Thursday’s activities on the grid by clicking on the link below. Try to build up your stamina by performing the activities more quickly, for longer, or with more repetitions. Don’t forget to download a tracking sheet for some of the activities to track your progress.


Challenge yourself and try some of the activities on this new grid by clicking on the link below. Don’t forget when you click on a specific day’s activity it could lead to a range of games and exercises, not just one! Between the two grids, there are potentially hundreds of things to keep you fit and strong.





Genre for this week: Information Leaflet

Click on the link below to complete and follow the instructions carefully to complete the Formality activities. There are quizzes at the beginning and the end of the lesson so make sure you press ‘reveal’ to get your score!




Click on the link below to recap what a subordinating conjunction is then complete the activity and the quiz.



Sporty Spelling

Bronze - homophones

Silver - year 3 and 4 spellings

Gold - year 5 and 6 spellings



Today’s starter: Using the link below play Capacity Countdown and practise reading scales.


Today you will recap how to add and subtract whole numbers. Using the link below, watch the recap video and complete the activities.


Remember to log into your MyMaths and TT Rockstar accounts and complete any of the set tasks.



Music – Duration, Tempo and Beethoven

Another task for the music lovers among you!

Click on the link below to Learn about duration, tempo and Beethoven. Watch the videos and read the information to find out more. Have a go at completing the ‘Music Knowledge’ quiz, then complete activities 2 and 3, finding out more about Beethoven in the process.



Have a great day everyone!


Friday 8th May is a Bank Holiday to celebrate  the 75th anniversary of

VE Day. 

To help join in the celebrations why not make some bunting, bake some cakes or write a poem? 

Please take photographs or videos of any street celebrations that you may see or anything you create and email them to us:


Have a lovely extended weekend!