Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 08.06.20

Friday 12th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Well done for working hard with this week's home learning! 

Star of the Day -  Rhyland

Rhyland, you have adapted so well to being back in school and it is clear that you have been working really hard. Well done!

Morning Activity

Finish the week with some relaxation with this rainbow yoga


Head over to Education City, log on and complete the reading tasks called 'On the Home Front'

There is an activity for you to complete as well as a worksheet. 


Have a go at this Maths Invaders game to warm up. Choose a topic of your choice and challenge yourself!

If you would like to look at using a range of multiplication strategies, then click here

Or, with the return of the Premier League upon us, you might prefer to look at calculating the time in football. If so, then click here


For writing today, we would like you to write a speech about an environmental issue. 

Watch this video for some inspiration - you might decide to do some more independent research into the issue of your choice! 

Once you have decided on your issue, use this writing prompt to help you to write your speech. 


 Head back to Education City to complete your SPAG work on different types of nouns.

There is a lesson and an activity for you to complete. 


 Continuing with our new computing topic, today you are going to look at writing a story.

Click the link and follow the instructions. 

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thursday 11th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Remember to keep sending us your questions about high school. 

Star of the Day – Chikae

Chikae, you continue to work extremely hard at school and have produced some outstanding work this week. Well done!

Morning Activity

Start your morning with Joe Wickes today – have you improved since we first started PE with Joe? Why not also watch Newsround and find out what’s going on in the world?


For reading today we would like you to read the comprehension text ‘City Life, Countryside Living’. Click here to open the text. Make sure that you underline any tricky words and try to use the context to work out what they mean.

Once you have read the text, click here to answer a range of retrieval, inference and comprehension questions.


Warm up with a fun interactive game by Natwest! Click here to play ‘Saving the Day’ – a game where you will have to use your budgeting skills carefully!

We have done lots of work on decimals this week and again, you have the choice of which task to complete. If you would like to complete both tasks – even better!

If you would like to recap your knowledge of comparing and ordering decimals (we have done this in maths already), then click here.

If you would like to challenge yourself with some new learning on multiplying decimals using a formal written method, then click here.


Today you are going to apply everything that you have learnt this week and last week into writing your own non-chronological report. On Friday, you had a go at creating a report on whatever you liked. We particularly loved reading Promise’s report on Roblox. This week, we would like you to compare your reports and see how much you have improved.

Click here for the lesson – complete the quiz, watch the videos and try the activities. Remember to send us any completed work!


In SPaG today, we are going to re-cap our knowledge of apostrophes.

Click here to remind yourself about how apostrophes are used to show possession (when something belongs to someone else).

Click here to remind yourself about how apostrophes are used in contracted forms of words.

When you have watched the videos and read the information, we would like you to write 6 sentences. 3 of your sentences should include a possessive apostrophe and 3 of your sentences should include a contraction with an apostrophe.

Topic - Art

Today we are going to look at 3 famous artists, Andy Warhol, Wassily Kandinsky and Jan Van Eyk.

When painting, it can be difficult to imagine how your work can stand out from others. It can be useful to look at famous artists and get inspiration from how they achieved it. Today, we are going to look at topic, technique and style to understand how artists incorporate their personal touch within their art.

Click here to get started – watch the videos, read the information and choose one activity to complete. We would love to see your finished art work!


Have a fantastic day everyone!

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Remember to keep sending us your questions about high school. 

Star of the Day - Jacob

Jacob, you're doing a great job with the home learning. Keep it up!

Morning Activity

Start the day with this energetic dance workout which is sure to get your heart racing!


 Click on the link to read the first chapter of 'Sky Chasers' by Emma Carroll.

Once you have read the text, complete the following questions:

  1. Why does the author write 'FIVE!'? What does this suggest about the money?
  2. Using information from the text, identify whether the following statements are true or false
    Madame Delacroix has brown eyes.
    Magpie usually works for herself.
  3. Do you think Magpie is a criminal? Yes/No
    Explain your answer, referring to the text. (3 marks)
  4. In this text, the word 'roped' is closest in meaning to:
    tied up
    in trouble 


Practise your times tables on TTRockstars

If you would like to look at rounding decimals, then click here

If you would prefer to multiply decimals by whole numbers, then click here


Continuing with your work on non-chronological reports, today you will be looking at modal verbs.

Click here to go to the lesson. Complete the quizzes and have a go at the activities. 


Head to the Spelling Frame to take a look at rule 46 today - words containing 'ough'

Practise the spelling rule and then take the test. 


Continuing with science, you are going to have a look at reversible and irreversible changes.

Click here to go to the lesson. Watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities. 

Have a great day everyone!


Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Don’t forget to read our notice at the top of the page and send your questions in about high school!

Star of the Day - Promise

Promise, we absolutely loved reading your non-chronological report about Roblox! It is lovely to see how committed you are to your home learning. Keep up the hard work!

Morning Activity

Let’s have a relaxed and mindful start to our day with some Cosmic Kids Yoga! Click here to get started.


Following on from yesterday’s learning about non-chronological reports, today we are going to explore word meaning and fact retrieval questions.

Click here for the lesson – complete the quiz, watch the lesson video and try the activities at the end.


Warm up with ‘Snowboard Slalom’ – a game to practise your times tables recall!

If you would like to recap your knowledge of ‘thousandths’ and how to recognise and use them,  then click here for the lesson.

If you would like to challenge yourself with some new learning and learn how to multiple decimals then click here for the lesson.


Following on from your reading this week, we would like you to think carefully about non-chronological reports.

In today’s lesson, you will be reading a WAGOLL and identifying the features of a good non-chronological report. Remember, we have written reports about The Victorians and Early Islamic Civilisation at school so you can do this already!

Click here to get started – complete the quiz, watch the lesson video and complete the activities.


Today we are going to re-cap our learning of relative clauses. We have done this lots in class already! Try to challenge yourself by using brackets and dashes around your relative clause too!

Click here to get started!

Topic – PSHE

In today's lesson, you continue to lead the country as the Deputy Prime Minister. Your challenge is to be able to respond to tough questions from the media! 

Click here to get started!

Have a great day everyone!


Monday 8th June 

Good morning everyone! We hope you have had a wonderful weekend. It was lovely to speak to so many of you last week - we are so impressed with all the hard work you are doing at home. Keep it up and you will be in a great position to learn when we all return to school!

Take a look at the notice at the top of our learning page about Co-op Academy - they would love to hear some questions from you!

Star of the Day - Faisel

Faisel, it was amazing to speak to you on Friday. I was so impressed with all the information you found out about elephants for your non-chronological report!

Morning Activity

A new week of home learning also means a new week of PE with Joe Wicks. Click here to join him for today's session. 


 Today you are going to be looking at non-chronological reports in reading.

Click here for the lesson - try out the quizzes and complete the activities. 


Warm up with the 'Daily 10'

If you would like to look at how to write decimals as fractions then click here for the lesson. 

If you would like to solve addition problems involving decimals then click here for the lesson. 


Have a go at creating an advert for a holiday destination. This may be based on somewhere you have been, somewhere you would like to go or somewhere completely fictional! 

Click here to complete the activity. This will make you think about the features you should include in your advert. Once you have completed this, have a go at your own. 


 We are going to be looking at direct and indirect speech. Think back to when we wrote our newspaper reports about the mysterious frogs to help you. 

Click here for the lesson - watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities. 


 Back to our French 'at the Seaside' topic.

Click the link for a Powerpoint on different beach phrases. 

When you have completed the powerpoint, click here to access a read and draw activity. 

Did you notice any phrases you had already found last week? 

Have a great day everyone!

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 08.06.20

Friday 12th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Well done for working hard with this week's home learning! 

Star of the Day -  Rhyland

Rhyland, you have adapted so well to being back in school and it is clear that you have been working really hard. Well done!

Morning Activity

Finish the week with some relaxation with this rainbow yoga


Head over to Education City, log on and complete the reading tasks called 'On the Home Front'

There is an activity for you to complete as well as a worksheet. 


Have a go at this Maths Invaders game to warm up. Choose a topic of your choice and challenge yourself!

If you would like to look at using a range of multiplication strategies, then click here

Or, with the return of the Premier League upon us, you might prefer to look at calculating the time in football. If so, then click here


For writing today, we would like you to write a speech about an environmental issue. 

Watch this video for some inspiration - you might decide to do some more independent research into the issue of your choice! 

Once you have decided on your issue, use this writing prompt to help you to write your speech. 


 Head back to Education City to complete your SPAG work on different types of nouns.

There is a lesson and an activity for you to complete. 


 Continuing with our new computing topic, today you are going to look at writing a story.

Click the link and follow the instructions. 

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thursday 11th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Remember to keep sending us your questions about high school. 

Star of the Day – Chikae

Chikae, you continue to work extremely hard at school and have produced some outstanding work this week. Well done!

Morning Activity

Start your morning with Joe Wickes today – have you improved since we first started PE with Joe? Why not also watch Newsround and find out what’s going on in the world?


For reading today we would like you to read the comprehension text ‘City Life, Countryside Living’. Click here to open the text. Make sure that you underline any tricky words and try to use the context to work out what they mean.

Once you have read the text, click here to answer a range of retrieval, inference and comprehension questions.


Warm up with a fun interactive game by Natwest! Click here to play ‘Saving the Day’ – a game where you will have to use your budgeting skills carefully!

We have done lots of work on decimals this week and again, you have the choice of which task to complete. If you would like to complete both tasks – even better!

If you would like to recap your knowledge of comparing and ordering decimals (we have done this in maths already), then click here.

If you would like to challenge yourself with some new learning on multiplying decimals using a formal written method, then click here.


Today you are going to apply everything that you have learnt this week and last week into writing your own non-chronological report. On Friday, you had a go at creating a report on whatever you liked. We particularly loved reading Promise’s report on Roblox. This week, we would like you to compare your reports and see how much you have improved.

Click here for the lesson – complete the quiz, watch the videos and try the activities. Remember to send us any completed work!


In SPaG today, we are going to re-cap our knowledge of apostrophes.

Click here to remind yourself about how apostrophes are used to show possession (when something belongs to someone else).

Click here to remind yourself about how apostrophes are used in contracted forms of words.

When you have watched the videos and read the information, we would like you to write 6 sentences. 3 of your sentences should include a possessive apostrophe and 3 of your sentences should include a contraction with an apostrophe.

Topic - Art

Today we are going to look at 3 famous artists, Andy Warhol, Wassily Kandinsky and Jan Van Eyk.

When painting, it can be difficult to imagine how your work can stand out from others. It can be useful to look at famous artists and get inspiration from how they achieved it. Today, we are going to look at topic, technique and style to understand how artists incorporate their personal touch within their art.

Click here to get started – watch the videos, read the information and choose one activity to complete. We would love to see your finished art work!


Have a fantastic day everyone!

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Remember to keep sending us your questions about high school. 

Star of the Day - Jacob

Jacob, you're doing a great job with the home learning. Keep it up!

Morning Activity

Start the day with this energetic dance workout which is sure to get your heart racing!


 Click on the link to read the first chapter of 'Sky Chasers' by Emma Carroll.

Once you have read the text, complete the following questions:

  1. Why does the author write 'FIVE!'? What does this suggest about the money?
  2. Using information from the text, identify whether the following statements are true or false
    Madame Delacroix has brown eyes.
    Magpie usually works for herself.
  3. Do you think Magpie is a criminal? Yes/No
    Explain your answer, referring to the text. (3 marks)
  4. In this text, the word 'roped' is closest in meaning to:
    tied up
    in trouble 


Practise your times tables on TTRockstars

If you would like to look at rounding decimals, then click here

If you would prefer to multiply decimals by whole numbers, then click here


Continuing with your work on non-chronological reports, today you will be looking at modal verbs.

Click here to go to the lesson. Complete the quizzes and have a go at the activities. 


Head to the Spelling Frame to take a look at rule 46 today - words containing 'ough'

Practise the spelling rule and then take the test. 


Continuing with science, you are going to have a look at reversible and irreversible changes.

Click here to go to the lesson. Watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities. 

Have a great day everyone!


Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Don’t forget to read our notice at the top of the page and send your questions in about high school!

Star of the Day - Promise

Promise, we absolutely loved reading your non-chronological report about Roblox! It is lovely to see how committed you are to your home learning. Keep up the hard work!

Morning Activity

Let’s have a relaxed and mindful start to our day with some Cosmic Kids Yoga! Click here to get started.


Following on from yesterday’s learning about non-chronological reports, today we are going to explore word meaning and fact retrieval questions.

Click here for the lesson – complete the quiz, watch the lesson video and try the activities at the end.


Warm up with ‘Snowboard Slalom’ – a game to practise your times tables recall!

If you would like to recap your knowledge of ‘thousandths’ and how to recognise and use them,  then click here for the lesson.

If you would like to challenge yourself with some new learning and learn how to multiple decimals then click here for the lesson.


Following on from your reading this week, we would like you to think carefully about non-chronological reports.

In today’s lesson, you will be reading a WAGOLL and identifying the features of a good non-chronological report. Remember, we have written reports about The Victorians and Early Islamic Civilisation at school so you can do this already!

Click here to get started – complete the quiz, watch the lesson video and complete the activities.


Today we are going to re-cap our learning of relative clauses. We have done this lots in class already! Try to challenge yourself by using brackets and dashes around your relative clause too!

Click here to get started!

Topic – PSHE

In today's lesson, you continue to lead the country as the Deputy Prime Minister. Your challenge is to be able to respond to tough questions from the media! 

Click here to get started!

Have a great day everyone!


Monday 8th June 

Good morning everyone! We hope you have had a wonderful weekend. It was lovely to speak to so many of you last week - we are so impressed with all the hard work you are doing at home. Keep it up and you will be in a great position to learn when we all return to school!

Take a look at the notice at the top of our learning page about Co-op Academy - they would love to hear some questions from you!

Star of the Day - Faisel

Faisel, it was amazing to speak to you on Friday. I was so impressed with all the information you found out about elephants for your non-chronological report!

Morning Activity

A new week of home learning also means a new week of PE with Joe Wicks. Click here to join him for today's session. 


 Today you are going to be looking at non-chronological reports in reading.

Click here for the lesson - try out the quizzes and complete the activities. 


Warm up with the 'Daily 10'

If you would like to look at how to write decimals as fractions then click here for the lesson. 

If you would like to solve addition problems involving decimals then click here for the lesson. 


Have a go at creating an advert for a holiday destination. This may be based on somewhere you have been, somewhere you would like to go or somewhere completely fictional! 

Click here to complete the activity. This will make you think about the features you should include in your advert. Once you have completed this, have a go at your own. 


 We are going to be looking at direct and indirect speech. Think back to when we wrote our newspaper reports about the mysterious frogs to help you. 

Click here for the lesson - watch the videos, read the information and complete the activities. 


 Back to our French 'at the Seaside' topic.

Click the link for a Powerpoint on different beach phrases. 

When you have completed the powerpoint, click here to access a read and draw activity. 

Did you notice any phrases you had already found last week? 

Have a great day everyone!