Friday 10th July 2020
Good morning everyone! If you haven't already sent in your art entries, today is the last day to get them to us for this week.
Morning Activity
End the week with some relaxation by completing this yoga session.
Today we are going to be looking at comprehension based on a picture instead of a text. Click here to look at the picture and then answer the following questions:
Warm up by playing Hit the Button.
If you would like to look at solving money problems where change is needed, then click here.
Alternatively, you can look at how to translate 2D shapes across a grid by clicking here.
Click here for today's writing, where you will be writing descriptions of the seasons. Be as imaginative and creative as you can - this would be a great opportunity to use some figurative language! Why not aim high and then try one of the challenges underneath?
Head over to Spelling Frame to look at rule 56, which focuses on the Y5 word list. Play some games and then take the test!
For something a little different, we're going to look at Drama in topic today.
Click here for the lesson which explores the different genres that you can find when watching a play. Watch the videos, read the information and then complete the activities.
Have a great weekend - rest and relax so that you are ready for your final week in Year 5 next week!
Thursday 9th July 2020
Good morning everyone! Don’t forget to send in your art competition entries – tomorrow is your last day to enter!
Morning Activity
Catch up with what’s going on around the world with today’s episode of Newsround. Then, warm your body up with a Les Mills workout!
In today’s reading lesson, we are going to compare two of our favourite books. Either choose a book from home, a story that you have read in school or listen to some books on Audible by clicking here.
Warm up and get ready for Maths with the Daily 10.
For some new learning, click here to find out how to calculate the mean as an average.
Or you can learn how to reflect shapes using a mirror line by clicking here.
In writing today we are going to apply all of the skills that you have learnt this week to help you to up-level some sick sentences!
Click here for today’s lesson.
Click here to play ‘Crystal Explorers’ and test your knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling to solve problems!
In Topic today we are going to revisit our computing project! Remember, this half term we are learning all about website design using HTML as a form of coding!
You are going to use HTML to make your own webpage for your favourite recipe!
Click here to get started – follow the instructions and open Trinket to create your website.
Send us your finished webpage so that we can share your recipes with your friends!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Good morning everyone! Remember to send us your entries for this week's art competition! We saw some great work last week so we can't wait to see what you've made this time.
Morning Activity
Join Joe Wicks for his live Wednesday morning workout. If you don't fancy his live workout today, then why not scroll through his channel and find a different workout to have a go at?
Click here for today's reading lesson. You will be looking at an extract from the text 'The Extraordinary life of Katherine Johnson' - one of the most important people in the history of space. Watch the videos and read the texts to find out more information about her before answering the comprehension questions.
Warm up and get ready for Maths with the Daily 10.
If you would like to recap what to do with remainders when you are problem solving, then click here.
Or you can look at how to recognise a 3D shape from its 2D representation by clicking here.
To finish off our topic on short stories, it's now time to write our own Hercules themed myth.
Click here for the lesson. Complete the quiz and watch the video before you get writing. Remember to follow the structure and the success criteria!
Click here for a spelling quiz.
For today's topic you are going to do some music. Click here for the lesson. You must first listen to some music and answer some questions based on what you have heard and then you get to have a go at creating some of your own music!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Good morning everyone! Don’t forget to check the competitions page to find out how to answer this week’s brand-new theme for our art competition! Again, we will use today’s topic lesson to prepare our entries. You will get a certificate for entering and a prize for the winner!
The winner of the Week 1 Art Competition is...Ashton!
Ashton, your entry to the Art Competition was fantastic and we could see how hard you worked! Ashton spent time making a fantastic bird feeder. Well done!
Morning Activity
Catch up with today’s news by tuning into Newsround. Then, start your day calmly and positively with some mindful yoga.
We are continuing our learning about short stories today in reading. You will need to read the extract, watch the lesson and complete the comprehension questions at the end. Remember to think carefully about all of the skills that you have learnt and use them to answer the tricky questions!
Click here to get started.
Warm up with a game of ‘Hit the Button’ – why not challenge yourself with square numbers today?
To recap and practise your problem solving skills, click here to learn about dividing using remainders as fractions or decimals.
Or for some brand new learning, click here to learn about translation and how it can change the size and position of a shape!
Back to our work on short stories now!
In today’s writing lesson, we would like you to practise and re-cap all of the grammar that we have practised so far whilst home learning!
Click here to get started – watch the video, read the instructions and complete the activity at the end.
Back to the Spelling Frame today to continue to practise the Year 5 and 6 spelling words!
Today we would like you to practise Spelling Rule 55 – Words conv- to en-
This weeks theme for Children’s Art Week is ‘Connecting Across Generations’.
A ‘generation’ is all of the people born at about the same time. For example, you and your friends from school as well as your brothers and sisters are from the same generation as you have similar ages. Your parents and carers are from a different generation and so are your grandparents.
This week’s art project will be creating portraits of friends and family. This way, we will connect different generations together.
Click here to view the PowerPoint which will tell you exactly how to create your portrait and enter this week’s competition!
Have a great day everyone!
Monday 6th July 2020
Good morning everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are feeling ready for a new week!
Star of the day - Dominic
Dominic, you have shown fantastic interest in the books that you are reading for pleasure at the moment. Keep it up!
Morning Activity
Join Joe Wicks for his Monday morning live PE session. Click here for the link.
Over the next few days, we are going to be looking at short stories for reading and writing.
Click here for today's reading lesson. Have a go at the quizzes, watch the video and complete the comprehension questions based on the short story.
Get ready for maths today with TTRockstars - can you beat your high score?
If you would like to recap negative numbers, then click here for the lesson. The learning will be linked to golf and football scores!
Or, you might want to practise your understanding of shapes even more by looking at a lesson on regular and irregular polygons.
Back to our work on short stories now. Click here for the lesson, where you will look at identifying the key features of an example story.
Recap your knowledge of pronouns by clicking here. Watch the videos and complete the activities.
Time to finish off our French 'On the Beach' topic now. Think about the beach bag task you completed last week to draw and write about your own beach bag and the items that you would find inside it.
Challenge yourself by going for:
Bronze - write the nouns to label your pictures
Silver - write the nouns and the colours to label your pictures (remember: the adjective comes after the noun!!)
Gold - write the nouns, the colours and extend your sentences using 'et'
Once you have finished, we would love to see your French skills so email it across to us!
Have a great day everyone!