Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 30.11.2020


 Follow this weeks PowerPoint and complete the tasks set each day. Click here for this week's PowerPoint.

'Monday: Create a plan for your writing.

Tuesday: Draft your writing using the WAGOLL.

Wednesday: Edit your writing using the checklist.

Thursday: Perform your speech to an adult at home and evaluate your writing.

Friday:  Create a poster to advertise the item you want to put into Room 101. 



This week in our reading lessons we will look at the story of Mary Anning by Kay Barnham.  This book is a biography which explores the life of Mary Anning, an amazing lady who discovered fossils and became a dinosaur expert.

Monday:  Click here for an introduction to the context and genre of the text.

Tuesday: Click here to answer retrieval questions about the text.

Wednesday:  Click here to answer questions about the authors use of language.

Thursday:  Click here to think about synonyms which will help us to answer ‘Find and copy the word or phrase’ type questions.

Friday:  Click here to make inferences based on the text.


In maths this week, we will be learning how to work out the are of a shape or surface.

Monday: Click on the following link to access the PowerPoint. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/  Once open click on the Year 5 tab, then current week to access the ‘Counting Squares’ PowerPoint.


Tuesday: Todays learning is on finding the area of a rectangle. Click on the following link to access the PowerPoint. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/  Once open click on the Year 5 tab, then current week to access the ‘Area of rectangles’ PowerPoint.

Wednesday: Today we will look at finding the area of compound shapes.  Click on the following link to access the PowerPoint. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/  Once open click on the Year 5 tab, then current week to access the ‘Area of Compound shapes’ PowerPoint.

Thursday: Todays learning progresses on yesterday by looking at finding the area of irregular shapes.  Click on the following link to access the PowerPoint. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/  Once open click on the Year 5 tab, then current week to access the ‘Area of irregular shapes’ PowerPoint.

Friday:  Click here to play an online game to help you improve your speed with arithmetic questions.   






Monday: Geography- Volcanoes

Click here to watch a video about volcanoes.  As your watching, make a list of the name of the volcanoes you hear and record the country you would find them in.



Tuesday: Science- Forces

click here to continue learning about forces. In this lesson, we will learn about contact forces. We will discuss air and water resistance and examine what balance and unbalanced forces are. We will also investigate friction. Based on our investigation we will make conclusions about the causes and characteristics of friction.


Wednesday: Music- Pulse and rhythm  Click here  To understand how to maintain the pulse using the voice and body. This lesson will include a fun warm-up and learning a song from Brazil through performing rhythm and pulse simultaneously, with an added challenge at the end!


Thursday: PHSE- Community care

Click here to  understand what a community is, explore the different types of communities (place, interest, action and practice) and consider the benefits of being a part of one.


Friday: French- Directions

This week we have been learning to give directions in French. Click here to watch this video and practice saying the phrases, then see if you can write out the directions from your house to the local shop or to school.