Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 16.11.2020


This week in our writing lessons, we will be using our History knowledge to writea non-chronological report about the Victorians. Click the link to watch a video to recap your learning before you begin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gKGybl071I When you have watched the video, click here for this weeks PowerPoint which will have a different activity for you to complete each day.

Monday: Follow the slow write instructions to slow write an introduction paragraph

Tuesday: Practise using the range of sentence types – use the examples to help you.

Wednesday: Use the slow write structure to practise writing your ‘jobs’ paragraph – see if an adult will be your sage and scribe partner!

Thursday: Draft your introduction and jobs paragraph using the WAGOLL to help you.

Friday: Draft your ‘dangers’ paragraph using the WAGOLL to help you.


This week we are going to read a non-fiction text about Mary Anning, a famous archaeologist. 

Monday: Click here to be introduced to the context and genre of the text.

Tuesday:  Click here to focus on developing your retrieval skills.  

Wednesday: Click here to answer questions on the author’s choice of language.

Thursday:  Click here to consider synonyms to answer ‘find and copy’ style questions.

Friday:  Click here to make inferences based on the text.



In maths this week, we will be continuing our learning of multiplication and divison. Don’t forget that you can use TT Rockstars and My Maths for extra maths practise!

Monday: Click here to learn how to use factors to multiply.

Tuesday: Click here for learning about how to use multiples to divide.

Wednesday: Click here to learn how to use short division.

Thursday: Click here to learn about division with remainders.

Friday: Click here to practise applying your new learning!


You can also click here to consolidate your learning of squared and cube numbers!



Click here and practise Spelling Rule 41. Try a different game each day and think about the strategies to help you to learn the spellings! Test yourself on Friday and see how many you get correct.

Click the link to re-cap learning on subordinating conjunctions



Monday:  French- Click here to watch this video to learn to find your way around town in French.

Tuesday: Music- Click here to learn about Grazyana Bacewicz and listen to her music.

Wednesday: History-  Click here to learn about the jobs children may have undertaken during Victorian times.

Thursday:  Geography- Click here to learn more about volcanoes and how they work.

Friday: Science:  Click here to learn about contact and non-contact forces.