Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 09.11.2020


This week in our writing lessons, we will be continuing writing the narrative for Leon and The Place Between.

We would like you to follow this PowerPoint and complete the tasks on the slides each day. You can see the days of the PowerPoint at the top of each slide! Each day, you will have some thinking to do, a grammar game and an activity to complete. Look below for a summary of your jobs each day.

Monday: Follow the steps to draft paragraph one and two.

Tuesday: Follow the steps to draft paragraph three and four.

Wednesday: Follow the steps to draft paragraph five and six.

Thursday: Use the editing checklist to edit and uplevel your work

Friday: Write your work up neatly and send a picture to your teacher!


In reading this week, we will be looking at ‘Streetchild’ by Berlie Doherty. Each day, you will have a new task to complete based on the story.  This story will help us understand some of the roles of children that we are studying with our Victorians topic.

Monday:  Click here for an introduction to the text and the main character.

Tuesday: Click here to make inferences about the characters.

Wednesday:  Click here to learn how to ask questions about the text to help with your comprehension.

Thursday: Click here  to help you to start to understand and consider the authors characterisation.

Friday:  Click here to reflect upon the story and Victorian society.


In maths this week, we will be continuing our learning about strategies to solve multiplication and division problems.

Monday: Click here to learn about multiplying and dividing by 10,1000, 1000

Tuesday: Click here for learning about strategies to double and halve.

Wednesday: Click here for tips about multiplying mentally

Thursday: Click here for some extra practise with calculations

Friday: Click here to learn about long multiplication



Click here and practise Spelling Rule 40. Try a different game each day and think about the strategies to help you to learn the spellings! Test yourself on Friday and see how many you get correct.

Click the links below to recap your learning on commas, hyphens and dashes





Monday: French- Click here to learn how to say the names of objects you may use in the classroom and around school.  Try to make a list of the contents of your pencil case then watch the video again to see if you had written them correctly.


Tuesday: Remembrance

Click here and watch the video about a young man (Walter Bush) who joins the army in 1914.  After watching the video, answer the questions about the story (Story questions, in the box next to the video).  


Wednesday: History- Victorian Schools

Click here  to find out what it would be like for you if you were lucky enough to go to a Victorian school. Make a list of the similarities and differences from you classroom today.

Thursday: Geography- Volcanoes

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f/articles/zd9cxyc Watch the clips on BBC Bitesize to learn all you can about volcanoes.  You can have ago at drawing and labelling a volcano. Try labelling the Ash cloud, Lava, Vents, crater and Magma.


Friday: RE- Diwali

Click here for an insight into the preparations for the annual Hindu celebration of Diwali.  After watching the clip make a list of all the things you can remember about the festival.

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 09.11.2020


This week in our writing lessons, we will be continuing writing the narrative for Leon and The Place Between.

We would like you to follow this PowerPoint and complete the tasks on the slides each day. You can see the days of the PowerPoint at the top of each slide! Each day, you will have some thinking to do, a grammar game and an activity to complete. Look below for a summary of your jobs each day.

Monday: Follow the steps to draft paragraph one and two.

Tuesday: Follow the steps to draft paragraph three and four.

Wednesday: Follow the steps to draft paragraph five and six.

Thursday: Use the editing checklist to edit and uplevel your work

Friday: Write your work up neatly and send a picture to your teacher!


In reading this week, we will be looking at ‘Streetchild’ by Berlie Doherty. Each day, you will have a new task to complete based on the story.  This story will help us understand some of the roles of children that we are studying with our Victorians topic.

Monday:  Click here for an introduction to the text and the main character.

Tuesday: Click here to make inferences about the characters.

Wednesday:  Click here to learn how to ask questions about the text to help with your comprehension.

Thursday: Click here  to help you to start to understand and consider the authors characterisation.

Friday:  Click here to reflect upon the story and Victorian society.


In maths this week, we will be continuing our learning about strategies to solve multiplication and division problems.

Monday: Click here to learn about multiplying and dividing by 10,1000, 1000

Tuesday: Click here for learning about strategies to double and halve.

Wednesday: Click here for tips about multiplying mentally

Thursday: Click here for some extra practise with calculations

Friday: Click here to learn about long multiplication



Click here and practise Spelling Rule 40. Try a different game each day and think about the strategies to help you to learn the spellings! Test yourself on Friday and see how many you get correct.

Click the links below to recap your learning on commas, hyphens and dashes





Monday: French- Click here to learn how to say the names of objects you may use in the classroom and around school.  Try to make a list of the contents of your pencil case then watch the video again to see if you had written them correctly.


Tuesday: Remembrance

Click here and watch the video about a young man (Walter Bush) who joins the army in 1914.  After watching the video, answer the questions about the story (Story questions, in the box next to the video).  


Wednesday: History- Victorian Schools

Click here  to find out what it would be like for you if you were lucky enough to go to a Victorian school. Make a list of the similarities and differences from you classroom today.

Thursday: Geography- Volcanoes

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f/articles/zd9cxyc Watch the clips on BBC Bitesize to learn all you can about volcanoes.  You can have ago at drawing and labelling a volcano. Try labelling the Ash cloud, Lava, Vents, crater and Magma.


Friday: RE- Diwali

Click here for an insight into the preparations for the annual Hindu celebration of Diwali.  After watching the clip make a list of all the things you can remember about the festival.