Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 02.11.2020

Week 1 – 2nd November – 6th November

 Welcome back!


This week we will be writing our own narrative for the story ‘Leon and The Place Between’. Click here to watch the video of the story. Then, click here to download this weeks Powerpoint – each day will have a different set of jobs and activities to complete.

Tuesday: Watch the video of the story, complete the grammar games and list verbs, adjectives and feelings to describe the different tasks.

Wednesday: Complete the ‘direct speech’ activity on the PowerPoint.

Thursday: Complete the activities to write a range of sentence structures.

Friday: Up-level the sentences using your skills from yesterday!


In reading this week, we will be looking at ‘The Mirror by Jeannie Baker. Each day, you will have a new task to complete based on the story.

Tuesday:  Click here for an introduction to the text and find out about the author.

Wednesday: Click here  to make inferences about the text and make comparisons about the two families in the story.

Thursday: Click here to make more comparisons and predictions about the characters. Click here to continue the story and make more comparisons.

Friday: Click here to identify the themes and messages in the story.



In maths this week, we will be learning about multiplication and division. Each day has a video lesson for you to complete and a worksheet and activity for each day.

Tuesday:  Click here to learn about multiples and factors.

Wednesday: Click here to learn about factor pairs.

Thursday: Click here to learn about prime numbers.

Friday: Click here to learn about factor and multiple chains.



Tuesday: Music-

Click here to listen to Johannes Brahms - Hungarian dance no. 5.  This is a piece of music we will be basing our music lessons around this half term. Now read these facts about the famous composer:


Johannes Brahms

  • Born: 1833
  • Died: 1897
  • Nationality: German

Why is he a Trailblazer?

For many years the sound of the Hungarian Gypsy travelling bands could be heard in the countryside and cities of Europe. Trailblazer Johannes Brahms was fascinated by the bands’ whirling melodies and dramatic rhythms. He introduced this music to a whole new audience when he wrote Gypsy-inspired dances for the piano – and then began super-sizing them for an entire orchestra.

  • Born in Hamburg in Germany, Johannes Brahms quickly became a very talented pianist and would go on to premiere many of his own works at the piano.
  • A complete perfectionist, Brahms burnt lots of the music he’d written when he was young and, throughout his life, kept on destroying works he didn’t think were good enough.
  • Brahms could often be found walking in the mountains and exploring the countryside as he felt it helped him think through his musical ideas.
  • Beethoven’s music was a big influence on Brahms. Later in life Brahms lived in Vienna, the home of his favourite restaurant, “The Red Hedgehog”, and the city where his musical hero, Beethoven, had also lived.

Hungarian Dance No. 5

While playing music in a tavern one evening Brahms met Eduard Remenyi, a famous Hungarian Gypsy violinist. Remenyi taught Brahms all about Gypsy music and Hungarian dances called czardas.  Brahms was enthralled and used the rhythms and melodies of this music as his inspiration for his 21 Hungarian Dances, which he originally wrote for the piano.  He loved performing them for his friends and would later orchestrate three of the dances himself, with other composers arranging the remaining pieces.  The Hungarian Dance No.5 transforms the intimate drama of the Gypsy band into a big orchestral party – with wild string melodies and brassy foot-stomping rhythms.


Wednesday: French-

Get ahead for next weeks French lesson by learning the words to help you get around town Click here.

Thursday: History- The Victorians-

  This half term we will be learning about the Victorians. Click here to find out how this era got its name.  AS your watching write down some interesting facts under each of these headings: Childhood, How she became queen, Family and interesting Facts.


Friday: RE- Christianity

Click here to watch a video about the teachings of Jesus, as you are watching make a list of some of the lessons Jesus tried to tech the people and explain how these messages might help people in their everyday lives.