Autumn Term
Week 4 – w/b 21.09.2020
In writing this week, we are going to be focusing on writing character descriptions for characters from The Day The Crayons Quit. Each day, there is a different activity for you to complete on the PowerPoint. You will need to read the WAGOLL for each character and then draft, edit and write up your independent composition for the Red, White and Peach crayon. You can work through the PowerPoint daily. CLICK HERE FOR THE WEEKLY POWERPOINT.
If you would like some further practise, click here to visit the Oak National Academy website where you can learn all about narrative writing.
In Maths this week, we will be focusing on recapping our knowledge and understanding of Place Value. Click here to visit BBC Bitesize where you will have 7 lessons to complete over the week. Each lesson has a video and a worksheet for you to complete.
For further practise, click here to visit the Oak National Academy page where you will have 10 lessons focusing on writing numbers, rounding and ordering and comparing.
Don’t forget to keep up with your times tables by visiting TT Rockstars and MyMaths where you will have activities to complete.
Click here for this week’s reading lessons. Watch the videos, read the extracts and complete the activities. Remember to choose a book that you enjoy reading and spend some time reading for pleasure.
Click here to visit BBC Bitesize where you will find grammar lessons to complete this week. Try the relative clause, fronted adverbials and using prepositions lessons.
French – Click here to visit French Games – this week you should practise reading and writing the numbers 1-20 in French.
Science – Click here to continue our learning about Earth and Space. Use the links and information to find out Why do we have night and day? What is the difference between rotation and revolution? What are the different phases of the moon?
Computing – Refresh your online safety knowledge with band runner! Click here to get started.
Art – Look at the work of Roy Lichtenstein - use his work to create your own pop art portrait! Click here for insipiration!