Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 19.10.2020

This is the last week of this half term. School will close the half term holiday on Friday 23rd October 2020. 


This week in our writing lessons, we will be continuing with our adverts to advertise our yummy rocky road!  To get some ideas for writing persuasive advertisements Click here .

We would like you to follow this PowerPoint and complete the tasks on the slides each day. You can see the days of the PowerPoint at the top of each slide! Each day, you will have some thinking to do, a grammar game and an activity to complete. Look below for a summary of your jobs each day.

Monday: Follow the steps to draft paragraph 2.

Tuesday: Follow the steps and draft paragraph 3.

Wednesday: Edit your work using the editing checklist – ask an adult to help you!

Thursday: Write your work up neatly and evaluate using the checklist!

Friday: Write an acrostic poem all about Harvest festival. 


In reading this week, we will be looking at ‘The Giant’s Necklace’ by Michael Morpurgo. Each day, you will have a new task to complete based on the story.

Monday:  Click here to listen to and read the text.

Tuesday:  Click here to practise your inference skills.

Wednesday: Click here to continue practising your inference skills with some trickier questions.

Thursday: Click here to learn about analysing a setting.

FridayClick here to learn about the climax of a story.



In maths this week, we will be learning about reading timetables and answering questions about them.

Monday: Click here to learn about reading timetables.

Tuesday: Click here for learning about calculating time intervals on timetables.

Wednesday: Click here for questions all about timetables.

Thursday: Click here for some extra practise to consolidate your skills!

Friday: Click here to learn about conversion graphs.



Click here and practise Spelling Rule 39. Try a different game each day and think about the strategies to help you to learn the spellings! Test yourself on Friday and see how many you get correct.

Click the links below to recap your learning on past, present and future tense:






Monday: French

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtoXzwmp2qw  Watch this video to help you learn how to talk about school subjects and give your opinion on them. How to say if you like them or not.

Tuesday: Music

https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/understanding-pulse-and-rhythm-chj3cr Watch this interactive video to explore rhythm and discover the pulse in music.

Wednesday: Computing

E-safety- This video will give you some top tips to help keep you and your computer hardware safe when spending time online.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrln8nyVBLU  After watching, make a poster to show all the tips you would now give to help someone else stay safe online

Thursday: Art

Peter Thorpe is an artist famous for his space paintings.  He has designed the book covers for many authors using his artistic techniques.  Watch the video below to learn how you can make a picture in a similar style.  Remember if you don’t have paints you can colour using crayons or felt tip pens.




Friday: RE- Harvest Festival

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7q6JZkb8L8 Watch the video to understand why we celebrate the harvest festival in the UK. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeZVCW20Lx8 Now have a look at the acrostic poem read by school children before having a go at your own acrostic poem, using the word HARVEST.