Week 6 - 5th October - 9th October
This week in our writing lessons, we will be writing a news bulletin all about the moon landing. Think back to our topic lesson to remember the key facts or click here to search Kiddle to remind yourself about it!
Before you get started, click here to watch a video that will teach you all about news scripts and how to write one!
We would like you to follow this PowerPoint and complete the tasks on the slides each day. You can see the days of the PowerPoint at the top of each slide! Each day, you will have some thinking to do, a grammar game and an activity to complete. Look below for a summary of your jobs each day.
Monday: Watch the videos and think about what a good news bulletin should include. Read the WAGOLL from Pobble and highlight the key skills and features that you can see!
Tuesday: Complete the grammar game and practise writing sentences with fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses and relative clauses.
Wednesday: Complete the slow write by following the instructions for each sentence.
Thursday: Use the WAGOLL to help you to draft your paragraphs!
Friday: Use the editing checklist to edit your work and write it up neatly. Remember to email us any work that you are proud of!
In reading this week, we will be focusing on the poem ‘The British’ by Benjamin Zephaniah. Each day, you will have a new task to complete based on the poem and its historical context.
Monday: Click here for today’s lesson where you will learn all about the poet and historical context.
Tuesday: Click here to practise reading and analysing the poem.
Wednesday: Click here for today’s lesson where you will think about the author and his language choices.
Thursday: Click here to answer questions about the poem.
Friday: Click here for today’s lesson on reading for pleasure.
In maths this week, we are continuing to use our addition and subtraction skills to solve problems using rounding to estimate and to solve multi-step problems.
If you would like to refresh your memory, click here to watch videos that will give you time to practise and re-cap your learning.
Monday: Click here for today’s lesson on rounding to estimate.
Tuesday: Click here to learn about strategies for problem solving.
Wednesday: Click here to learn about problem solving using the column method.
Thursday: Click here to solve multi-step addition and subtraction problems.
Friday: Log into MyMaths today and complete the arithmetic practise questions that you have been set.
Click here and practise Spelling Rule 37. Try a different game each day and think about the strategies to help you to learn the spellings! Test yourself on Friday and see how many you get correct.
Click the links below to recap your learning on suffixes and prefixes
Monday: French
Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnrTrbJ6mYs
The video is split into four sections, numbers 0-20, numbers 20-50, numbers 50-70 and 70-100. You can set yourself your own personal challenge and decide how much of the video you want to watch and learn.
Tuesday: PSHE
Wednesday: Science
How do the planets in the solar system differ? https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/how-do-the-planets-in-the-solar-system-differ-69k6ar
Thursday: Science
What are the stars and constellations?
Friday: Computing – E safety