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Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 22.06.20


This week our theme is...

Great Britain

Friday 26th June – Northern Ireland


Today we are learning about Northern Ireland. Let’s start by finding Northern Ireland on the map of Great Britain.

  • The island of Ireland is split into two countries: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland forms part of the United Kingdom, along with Scotland, Wales and England.
  • To get to Northern Ireland from England, we would have to travel across the Irish Sea i
  • on a ferry boat or go on an aeroplane.
  • The capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
  • There is a special landmark called the Giant's Causeway. It is a famous rocky area of the made up of thousands of hexagonal blocks of rock, formed by ancient volcanic eruptions.


For today’s writing we would like you to write down a fact that you have learnt this week. It could be about England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. It might be about a capital city, food or a landmark in one of these countries.


Remember to:

Say your sentence to your grown-up.

Sound out each word carefully.

Write the letters down in sequence.

Put a finger space between each word.

Put a full stop at the end of your sentence.



Today we would like to go on the Oxford Owl website and read a book with your grown-up. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out or clapping the letter names for tricky words.



Today we are going to recap 3D shapes. To begin, watch the video below:



Now we are also going to start to describe them. If you still find describing 2D shapes quite tricky, practise doing this again instead.

Watch this video about the ‘faces’ that 3D shapes have.


Now look at some of the objects that you found on your 3D shape hunt yesterday and talk to your grown up about what shape faces they have.

My kitchen bin is a cylinder. It has 2 faces that are circles.


Thursday 25th June – Scotland


Today we are learning about Scotland. Let’s start by finding Scotland on the map of Great Britain.



Now look at some photographs of Scotland on espresso:



This is the Scottish flag:

Facts about Scotland:

  • The capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh.
  • The highest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis
  • Scotland has a lake called ‘Loch Ness’. Some people believe there is a monster that lives beneath the water!!
  • Shortbread biscuits come from Scotland.
  • It is a Scottish tradition to play an instrument called the bagpipes.


You may also enjoy watching an episode of Katie Morag on BBC iplayer. The stories are set on an island off the coast of Scotland.




Let’s start by recapping some of our tricky words. Watch the videos and practice writing down some of the words. Use the video for your phonics group first and then you could try some other groups.

Mrs Rycroft’s Group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOzgR1ANc4

Mrs Sharkey and Miss Thompson’s Groups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY

Mrs Dowling’s Group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0


Now it’s time for a story. Today’s story is called ‘No Such Thing as Nessie’. Some people believe that there is a monster that lives in the lake Loch Ness in Scotland! Watch this story about a little boy who wants to find out if it is true and answer the questions at the end.

  1. What country is the story set in?
  2. Who are the characters in the story?
  3. What is the name of the lake that Nessie lives in?
  4. What food did Finley take to the lake for Nessie?
  5. What things did Finley mistake to be Nessie?
  6. Do you think there is really a monster in the lake?



For today’s writing we are going to write about the story ‘No Such Thing as Nessie’. Think about your favourite part of the story and then think about a sentence that you could write. You might even want to write 2 or 3 sentences!

Remember to:

Say your sentence to your grown-up.

Sound out each word carefully.

Write the letters down in sequence.

Put a finger space between each word.

Put a full stop at the end of your sentence.



Today we are going to learn about 3D shapes. We have learnt that 2D shapes are flat shapes. 3D shapes are NOT flat, they are solid. Watch the video below to help you learn some 3D shapes.



This video shows some children going on a 3D shape hunt around a shop:



Now go on a 3D shape hunt around your house. Can you find any of these shapes?

When I walked around my house, I found:

A football that is a sphere.

My kitchen bin is a cylinder.

A toy box that is a cuboid.

The foot stool is my living room is a cube.


What shapes did you find?


Wednesday 24th June - Wales


Today we are going to learn about Wales. Let’s start by finding Wales on the map of Great Britain.

Many of you may have visited Wales for a day trip or a holiday. Wales has lots of lovely beaches, seaside resorts, castles and mountains. Watch this video on espresso to find out a little bit more:



Facts about Wales:

  • The capital city of Wales is Cardiff.
  • Wales have their own language, although a lot of people in Wales speak English.
  • The highest mountain in Wales is Mount Snowdon
  • The national sport for Wales is rugby.


This is the Welsh flag. It has a dragon in the middle of it:


The dragon on the Welsh flag is an important symbol for Welsh people. For today’s reading activities, let’s enjoy some stories about dragons.

First, have a look at the book ‘Dragon Danger’ on Oxford Owl. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/digital_books/1247.html

 Read it with your grown-up. You may recognise some words or be able to sound some out. Alternatively, your grown-up could read it to you. Talk about what is happening in the story as you read it together.


Now let’s watch the lovely Julia Donaldson Story ‘Zog’. It is about a young dragon who is learning lots of new skills!




Think about all of the dragons you saw in the ‘Zog’ story. Now, design your own dragon. Write some labels around your dragon to describe what it looks like.


Challenge: Write a sentence about your dragon.



Let’s start by recapping the names of the 2D shapes and describe them to your grown-up.

Now we would like you to make your own 2D shape picture. This could be a house, rocket, person, robot, vehicle or anything else that you can think of!

You could do this by drawing round objects. Start by finding some small objects with the shapes that you need. For example, for a circle you could draw round a tin of beans or a bottle top. When it is finished, you could colour it in. Then describe your picture to someone telling them what shapes you have used. We would love to see some of your finished pictures!

Alternatively, you could create a picture on this top marks shape game:



Tuesday 23rd June – England


Today we are learning about England! This is the country that we live in. England is the largest country in Great Britain. Let's find England on the map of Great Britain.

This is the English flag: 

We live in the city of Manchester in England. Look at these landmarks that are in Manchester. Do you recognise any of them? What might you do at these landmarks? Click on the photos to make them bigger.


The capital city of England is London. If we wanted to visit London, we could travel by car. This would take about 4 hours. You could also travel to London by train or aeroplane. Watch this video to find out more about London:




In England, people like to have afternoon tea. This is when you sit with friends or relatives and enjoy food such as sandwiches and cakes and drink tea or other drinks.

Today we would like you to listen to the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Sophie and her Mummy are enjoying afternoon tea until a greedy tiger comes to visit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXgW9UCgpc8


  • Can you remember all of the food that the tiger ate?
  • How do you think Sophie and her Mummy felt?
  • What food would you have ordered at the café for your tea?


Today, you are going to write your own menu for an afternoon tea party. Your grown-up might even let you have afternoon tea one day this week!

Here is an example:

Afternoon Tea Menu

Cheese sandwiches

Ham Sandwiches


Carrot sticks


Scones with jam and cream

Fairy cakes





Extra videos about food that you might enjoy:

This video shows a cbeebies presenter making some delicious British scones. Many people enjoy eating scones with jam and cream on as part of their afternoon tea!



You might also enjoy this episode of ‘My World Kitchen’. The little boy is from England and makes an English dessert called ‘Bakewell Tart’.




Let’s start by recapping the names of 2D shapes. Watch the video on espresso:



Now that you are good at naming the shapes, let’s try describing them. To describe the shapes you need to say how many sides they have and how many corners they have. You also need to use vocabulary such as ‘flat’, ‘straight’, ‘curved’ and ‘round’.


I am going to describe a shape for you to guess:

  • I am a flat shape.
  • I have 4 corners
  • I have 4 sides.
  • My sides are all the same length.


What shape am I?


Now see if you can describe a shape to a grown-up for them to guess. Use the following link to display shapes on your screen while you describe them:



Monday 22nd June – Great Britain


This is a map of Great Britain also known as the United Kingdom. It is made up of the countries England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This week, we will find out more about each of these countries.

This is the flag for Great Britain. It is often called the ‘Union Jack’. 

In Great Britain, we have a Royal Family. Watch this video to find out more about the Royal family.



Have a chat with your grown-up about places that you may have visited in Great Britain. You may have visited somewhere in Wales. You may have visited other parts of England such as Blackpool, London or Chester. If you can think of a special memory, draw a picture and then write a label or a caption to go with it. If you are unsure, you could research some places on the internet and draw a picture of somewhere that you would like to visit.



Today we would like you to go on the Oxford Owl website and read a book with your grown-up. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out words or clapping the letter names for tricky words.


This week we are going to be learning to recognise, name and describe 2D and 3D shapes. Today we will start with 2D shapes. Watch the song on the link below to remind you of the shape names:



Now have a look at the pictures below. What shapes have been used to create the pictures? You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.


Now, go on a shape walk around your house. What shapes can you see?

Finally, you might enjoy this episode of ‘Hey Duggee’ about shapes:
