Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 15.06.2020

Stars of the Week!


This week our stars of the week are Olivia and Ellie.


They have both been working really hard at home! Keep up the great work girls, we are really proud of you!


Well done to all the children who have been completing their home learning activities and sending their work to us, we love seeing it. Keep working hard next week and you could be our next stars!

Mrs Rycroft & Mrs Kidd



Exciting News!!!

We would like to share some lovely, exciting news with you....

Mrs Dowling gave birth to a beautiful baby boy last week called Fred!

I am sure you would like to join us all in saying 'Congratulations' to Mrs Dowling and her husband! We can't wait for Mrs Dowling to visit us with Baby Fred when we are back in school!


Our topic this week is…

Friday 19th June

Today is our trip to the seaside. You can use your house, your garden or the park to roleplay your trip to the beach.


Use your phonics to check your list and pack your bag for the seaside. Sound out the words you wrote and check that you have everything you need.


We want you to have lots of fun going to the seaside. You could re-read the story of Lucy and Tom go to the seaside and check what fun things they do at the seaside. You could also watch this episode of ‘Our Family’ Where Noah and Isla go on a holiday to the seaside.


Carry out some of the same activities as we have found out this week. You could:

  • Build a sandcastle (a sand pit or a play tray with sand in it)
  • Paddle in the sea (a paddling pool or your bath)
  • Have a picnic
  • Go exploring in the rock pools and collect what you find in a bucket (explore in your garden or the park and collect what you find there)
  • Make a picture using the objects you have found
  • Have the ice cream you designed yesterday
  • Have some fish and chips!

Grown ups – Please feel free to carry out this activity however you feel comfortable. It could be as simple as your child acting it out with their teddies in their bedroom or you could make a whole day out of it. It would be lovely to get the family involved and make it an event but we appreciate you may have work commitments and other things that make this tricky!



We want today to be all about your trip to the seaside so you could try and bring some maths into your day. You could:

  • Create a 2D shape picture of your sandcastle
  • Count the things you are packing
  • Weigh your bag to make sure it is not too heavy
  • Count the objects you find in the rockpools – use them to do some adding – eg. 5 pebbles and 3 crabs = ____


Thursday 18th June


Yesterday we read listened to the story Lucy and Tom at the Seaside. Today we would love you to listen to it again and then complete the quiz on Espresso.




Tomorrow you are going to role play your trip to the seaside. When we go to the seaside it is lovely to have treats like ice creams! For your writing today we would like you to design your favourite ice-cream and write a sentence to explain why you love it. You could watch this episode of ‘Our Family’ for inspiration. The girls in this family go to an ice cream shop and they all order different ice creams.


Grown-ups – It would be really lovely for the children to be able to have something like an ice cream when they go on their imaginary trip to the seaside tomorrow. If you have the ingredients in, it would be great if you could make an ice cream similar to the one that they have designed!



Today we’d love you to get active and do the beach themed Yoga. It will also give you some ideas for your trip to the beach tomorrow.


Alternatively you could practise some of these yoga positions and pretend you are some of the things you would see at the beach.


Grown ups – In school we will often do activities like this to relaxing music. The first video is a fun, active yoga session but you could use the yoga position in the second video whilst listening to seaside noises or wave noises and have a bit of relaxation time.


Today we are going to get creative and use ice creams to help us with our number recognition and counting skills. Use the activity on this webpage to make your own ice creams. Make sure you have the right amount of scoops!


Grown ups – on the webpage the activity is done in order and to ten. If you want to make this simpler, start by only going to 5. If you feel like your child needs it to be trickier, then do the ice creams out of order and check they recognise the numbers. You could do their teen numbers from 10 - 20. Don’t feel like it has to be collage. If you don’t have the resources then you can just do the same activity with coloured pencils or felt tips. If you draw/make the cone and write the number on, check if they recognise it and then they can count out/draw on the correct number of ice cream scoops.


Wednesday 17th June

During the summer, lots of people go on trips to the seaside. For the next few days we are going to learn about the seaside. Then on Friday we are going to use our imaginations to take our own trip to the seaside.


Let’s start by watching a video on espresso about the seaside:


Now watch the video about Blackpool. Some of you may have visited Blackpool.


Discuss what you found out in the videos. If you have been to the seaside, talk to a grown-up about the trip. Your grown-up might have photographs of a trip to the seaside.



Today’s story is ‘Lucy and Tom at the Seaside’ by Shirley Hughes. Watch the story, read by the author herself, on Espresso. (The story is in 2 parts)


Then answer these questions:

How do Lucy and Tom get to the seaside?

What do Lucy and Tom wear at the seaside?

What activities were people enjoying at the seaside?

What activity would you like to do if you went to the seaside? Why?



Lucy and Tom helped their grown-ups pack for the trip to the seaside. If you were going to the seaside, what would you take? Rally Robin some ideas with your grown-up.

Write a list of things to take on your trip to the seaside. You could draw pictures of the items as well.

Remember to:

Say the word to your grown-up.

Sound out the word carefully.

Write the letters down in sequence.

Write each item on a new line.



Yesterday we were learning about weight. Today we would like you to play this game about weight:



Tuesday 16th June


Today we would like you to listen to the story ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ by John Birmingham


If you can’t access youtube try the following link:


  • There were 7 different animals in the story. Can you remember them all?
  • How did we know the story was set in the summer?
  • Can you retell the story to your grown-up?

The website ‘Love My Books also has some ideas of activities you could do during and after reading the story.



For your topic work today, we’d love you to get outside and go for a summer walk. Have a look around and look for things that tell you it is summertime. Can you spot any animals on your walk? We live in a city so you might not see the same animals that Mr Gumpy saw on his outing. But if you look closely you will still see lots of creatures. Look closely for bugs, birds and small animals like squirrels.



For your writing today we would like you to use your imagination! Pretend you are one of the animals on Mr Gumpy’s boat. Tell your grown-up what animal you are and what you enjoyed most about your day out.

Now we would like you to write a thank you letter to Mr Gumpy and tell him what you enjoyed.

Remember to:

  • Tell your grown-up what you want to write.
  • Sound out each word carefully.
  • Write down the sounds you can here.
  • Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.



Today we are going to think about weight.

Think about the animals in the story. Which animals do you think would be heaviest? Which animals would be lighter?

Now go on a weight hunt around your house. Choose a selection of your toys that you can pick up. Now put them in order from the lightest to the heaviest.


Monday 15th June


This week we will be thinking about summertime. To start our topic off, watch the video ‘Summer’ on Espresso.




Today we would like to to go on the Oxford Owl website and read a book with your grown up. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out or clapping the letter names for tricky words.

Now look at the non-fiction book ‘Summer’ on Espresso. Non-fiction books are books that give us information. They help us to learn new things.




Now let’s play ‘Rally Robin’ – take it in turns with your grown-up to list all the summer changes that you saw in the Espresso video and read about in the book ‘Summer’. Can you think of any more that you have spotted yourself?

Now draw a summer picture and write a list of the things that remind you of summer.

Remember to:

  • Tell your grown-up what you are going to write.
  • Write each thing on a new line.
  • Sound out the words carefully.



For today’s math’s task, explore the games in ‘Bud’s number garden’.


Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 15.06.2020

Stars of the Week!


This week our stars of the week are Olivia and Ellie.


They have both been working really hard at home! Keep up the great work girls, we are really proud of you!


Well done to all the children who have been completing their home learning activities and sending their work to us, we love seeing it. Keep working hard next week and you could be our next stars!

Mrs Rycroft & Mrs Kidd



Exciting News!!!

We would like to share some lovely, exciting news with you....

Mrs Dowling gave birth to a beautiful baby boy last week called Fred!

I am sure you would like to join us all in saying 'Congratulations' to Mrs Dowling and her husband! We can't wait for Mrs Dowling to visit us with Baby Fred when we are back in school!


Our topic this week is…

Friday 19th June

Today is our trip to the seaside. You can use your house, your garden or the park to roleplay your trip to the beach.


Use your phonics to check your list and pack your bag for the seaside. Sound out the words you wrote and check that you have everything you need.


We want you to have lots of fun going to the seaside. You could re-read the story of Lucy and Tom go to the seaside and check what fun things they do at the seaside. You could also watch this episode of ‘Our Family’ Where Noah and Isla go on a holiday to the seaside.


Carry out some of the same activities as we have found out this week. You could:

  • Build a sandcastle (a sand pit or a play tray with sand in it)
  • Paddle in the sea (a paddling pool or your bath)
  • Have a picnic
  • Go exploring in the rock pools and collect what you find in a bucket (explore in your garden or the park and collect what you find there)
  • Make a picture using the objects you have found
  • Have the ice cream you designed yesterday
  • Have some fish and chips!

Grown ups – Please feel free to carry out this activity however you feel comfortable. It could be as simple as your child acting it out with their teddies in their bedroom or you could make a whole day out of it. It would be lovely to get the family involved and make it an event but we appreciate you may have work commitments and other things that make this tricky!



We want today to be all about your trip to the seaside so you could try and bring some maths into your day. You could:

  • Create a 2D shape picture of your sandcastle
  • Count the things you are packing
  • Weigh your bag to make sure it is not too heavy
  • Count the objects you find in the rockpools – use them to do some adding – eg. 5 pebbles and 3 crabs = ____


Thursday 18th June


Yesterday we read listened to the story Lucy and Tom at the Seaside. Today we would love you to listen to it again and then complete the quiz on Espresso.




Tomorrow you are going to role play your trip to the seaside. When we go to the seaside it is lovely to have treats like ice creams! For your writing today we would like you to design your favourite ice-cream and write a sentence to explain why you love it. You could watch this episode of ‘Our Family’ for inspiration. The girls in this family go to an ice cream shop and they all order different ice creams.


Grown-ups – It would be really lovely for the children to be able to have something like an ice cream when they go on their imaginary trip to the seaside tomorrow. If you have the ingredients in, it would be great if you could make an ice cream similar to the one that they have designed!



Today we’d love you to get active and do the beach themed Yoga. It will also give you some ideas for your trip to the beach tomorrow.


Alternatively you could practise some of these yoga positions and pretend you are some of the things you would see at the beach.


Grown ups – In school we will often do activities like this to relaxing music. The first video is a fun, active yoga session but you could use the yoga position in the second video whilst listening to seaside noises or wave noises and have a bit of relaxation time.


Today we are going to get creative and use ice creams to help us with our number recognition and counting skills. Use the activity on this webpage to make your own ice creams. Make sure you have the right amount of scoops!


Grown ups – on the webpage the activity is done in order and to ten. If you want to make this simpler, start by only going to 5. If you feel like your child needs it to be trickier, then do the ice creams out of order and check they recognise the numbers. You could do their teen numbers from 10 - 20. Don’t feel like it has to be collage. If you don’t have the resources then you can just do the same activity with coloured pencils or felt tips. If you draw/make the cone and write the number on, check if they recognise it and then they can count out/draw on the correct number of ice cream scoops.


Wednesday 17th June

During the summer, lots of people go on trips to the seaside. For the next few days we are going to learn about the seaside. Then on Friday we are going to use our imaginations to take our own trip to the seaside.


Let’s start by watching a video on espresso about the seaside:


Now watch the video about Blackpool. Some of you may have visited Blackpool.


Discuss what you found out in the videos. If you have been to the seaside, talk to a grown-up about the trip. Your grown-up might have photographs of a trip to the seaside.



Today’s story is ‘Lucy and Tom at the Seaside’ by Shirley Hughes. Watch the story, read by the author herself, on Espresso. (The story is in 2 parts)


Then answer these questions:

How do Lucy and Tom get to the seaside?

What do Lucy and Tom wear at the seaside?

What activities were people enjoying at the seaside?

What activity would you like to do if you went to the seaside? Why?



Lucy and Tom helped their grown-ups pack for the trip to the seaside. If you were going to the seaside, what would you take? Rally Robin some ideas with your grown-up.

Write a list of things to take on your trip to the seaside. You could draw pictures of the items as well.

Remember to:

Say the word to your grown-up.

Sound out the word carefully.

Write the letters down in sequence.

Write each item on a new line.



Yesterday we were learning about weight. Today we would like you to play this game about weight:



Tuesday 16th June


Today we would like you to listen to the story ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ by John Birmingham


If you can’t access youtube try the following link:


  • There were 7 different animals in the story. Can you remember them all?
  • How did we know the story was set in the summer?
  • Can you retell the story to your grown-up?

The website ‘Love My Books also has some ideas of activities you could do during and after reading the story.



For your topic work today, we’d love you to get outside and go for a summer walk. Have a look around and look for things that tell you it is summertime. Can you spot any animals on your walk? We live in a city so you might not see the same animals that Mr Gumpy saw on his outing. But if you look closely you will still see lots of creatures. Look closely for bugs, birds and small animals like squirrels.



For your writing today we would like you to use your imagination! Pretend you are one of the animals on Mr Gumpy’s boat. Tell your grown-up what animal you are and what you enjoyed most about your day out.

Now we would like you to write a thank you letter to Mr Gumpy and tell him what you enjoyed.

Remember to:

  • Tell your grown-up what you want to write.
  • Sound out each word carefully.
  • Write down the sounds you can here.
  • Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.



Today we are going to think about weight.

Think about the animals in the story. Which animals do you think would be heaviest? Which animals would be lighter?

Now go on a weight hunt around your house. Choose a selection of your toys that you can pick up. Now put them in order from the lightest to the heaviest.


Monday 15th June


This week we will be thinking about summertime. To start our topic off, watch the video ‘Summer’ on Espresso.




Today we would like to to go on the Oxford Owl website and read a book with your grown up. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out or clapping the letter names for tricky words.

Now look at the non-fiction book ‘Summer’ on Espresso. Non-fiction books are books that give us information. They help us to learn new things.




Now let’s play ‘Rally Robin’ – take it in turns with your grown-up to list all the summer changes that you saw in the Espresso video and read about in the book ‘Summer’. Can you think of any more that you have spotted yourself?

Now draw a summer picture and write a list of the things that remind you of summer.

Remember to:

  • Tell your grown-up what you are going to write.
  • Write each thing on a new line.
  • Sound out the words carefully.



For today’s math’s task, explore the games in ‘Bud’s number garden’.
