Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 08.06.20

Friday 12th June



 Today we would love you to explore the Oxford Owl website. With your grown-up find a book on the bookshelf that looks interesting and try to sound out the words and read the tricky words.


Now, with a grown up look at this book about dinosaurs. It will give you lots of facts. Try to remember them for later!




Watch some of Andy’s Dinosaur Facts videos and learn about the different dinosaurs. Discuss with your grown-up what you have found out



Can you write another fact that you have learnt?

Remember to:

  • Decide what you want to write.
  • Speak your sentence to your grown-up.
  • Sound out each word.
  • Use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.



Today we would love you to make a model of the dinosaur you designed earlier in the week. You can make this model however you like. In school we often use salt dough for activities like this so we have added a recipe below. Alternatively, there are many other resources you could use such as playdough, lego, other construction toys or recycling such as boxes and kitchen roll tubes!


Saltdough Recipe:

Makes 1 ball
Prep 10 minutes
Cook 3 hours

  • 1 cupful of plain flour (about 250g)
  • half a cupful of table salt (about 125g)
  • half a cupful of water (about 125ml)


  1. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting.
    2. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Add the water and stir until it comes together into a ball.
    3. Transfer the dough to a floured work surface and shape into your chosen model.
  2. Put your finished items on your baking tray and bake for 3 hrs or until solid.
  3. Leave to cool and then you could paint it!



For your maths today we are going to practise using directional language. We would like you to make an obstacle course for your dinosaur model or a teddy to use. Think about your dinosaur having to do different activities. For example: climbing up something, jumping down, walking around, under, over, along. As you take your dinosaur around the obstacles tell your grown up what he is doing using the directional language.

Thursday 11th June


Today’s story is ‘Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp’.



You could also go onto phonics play and play some of the games. Remember to practise the sounds you are finding tricky.



Writing and Topic

Watch the video on Espresso ‘How do we know about dinosaurs?’ after watching the video talk to your grown-up about what you found out.



Now watch this video about making your own fossil:



There is also a lovely Bing episode on CBeebies where Bing finds a fossil:



Grown-ups: If possible it would be lovely to make their own fossils by using the instructions in the CBeebies video, if this is not possible then they could go on a fossil hunt and try and find some interesting stones.


Now you’ve found out lots of facts about dinosaurs and fossils, think of something interesting that you have learnt and write a sentence in your book.

Remember to:

  • Decide what you want to write
  • Speak your sentence to your grown-up
  • Sound out each word
  • Use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.



Today we are going to follow instructions to draw your own dinosaur. The instructions will use lots of the different things we have learnt in maths so you will have to think carefully about what you are being asked to draw.

  1. First draw an oval body.
  2. Now draw a long neck.
  3. Now draw 6 triangular spikes on its neck.
  4. Draw a head at the top of the neck.
  5. Next draw 4 rectangular legs.
  6. After that draw 7 circular spots on its body.
  7. Now draw a long tail.
  8. Finally, add any extra features that you would like!

Wednesday 10th June


Today we would like you to listen to the story ‘Tyrannosaurus Drip’ by Julia Donaldson. It is all about a dinosaur that ends up in the wrong herd.



Grown-ups: You could ask your child the following questions:

  • What is the title of the story?
  • Who is the author?
  • What has happened to the dinosaur egg?
  • What do you think could happen to the duckbill dinosaur?
  • How does the duckbill dinosaur feel?



Today we will continue to think about your dinosaur that you drew on Monday. In the story the dinosaurs were different. They ate different food and they lived in different habitats. Today we would like you to draw where your dinosaur lives. Think carefully about the kind of environment it likes and what food it would want to be nearby for it to eat. Then write a sentence underneath to tell us about where it lives.

Remember to:

  • Decide what you want to write
  • Speak your sentence to your grown-up
  • Sound out each word
  • Use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.



Today we’d like you to play the Andy’s Dinosaur Adventure Game on the CBeebies website. Navigate round the different habitats to find different dinosaurs. If you click the blue box at the bottom it will tell you about each dinosaur.




Today we would like you to solve some subtraction word problems. Then write it as a number sentence. Use objects or your fingers to find the answer.

  1. There were 6 dinosaurs, 2 went for a swim. How many were left?
  2. There were 5 dinosaurs stomping through the jungle. 3 slipped down a big hill! How many were left?
  3. There were 8 dinosaur’s eggs  in a nest. 6 hatched. How many eggs were there left in the nest?
  4. There were 10 dinosaurs in a herd. A tyrannosaurus rex came and scared 4 away. How many were left?
  5. There were 12 pterodactyls flying in the sky. 5 got tired and decided to land in a tree. How many were still flying?

Tuesday 9th June


Today we would like you to practise your phonics. Go onto Espresso and look at either Scrap’s phonics or Polly’s phonics.




Grown ups: Check which of the sounds your child already knows and for the ones that they struggle with click on the videos. Then click on the ‘Activity’ section on the left hand side and carry out some of the activities for some of the sounds that they need to practice.



Today we would like you to look at the dinosaur you drew yesterday. Tell your grown-up what it looks like. Think about your dinosaurs:

  • Colour
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Features e.g. teeth, tail, spikes, claws

Write a sentence or two to describe what your dinosaur looks like.

Challenge: Use the connective ‘and’ to use two describing words in one sentence.



For your maths today go on a dinosaur hunt around the house. If you have any dinosaur toys, or any other good toys to count with, collect them together. First of all count how many you have to practise your counting skills.

Now use them to help you solve these number sentences:

5 – 3 = (Choose 5 and put them in a line, now take away 3 of them. How many are left?)

6 – 2 =

8 – 4 =

7 – 3 =

10 – 6 =

9 – 5 =


Challenge: Write the number sentences down in your work book. Your grown-up could challenge you to do some trickier ones.



Today we would love you to get creative. Watch the video on Cbeebies where Andy shows you how to make a dinosaur sock puppet. If a grown up says it’s ok and you have a spare sock to use, we would love you to make your own dinosaur sock puppet! The video can give you ideas but you can make it however you like!



Grown-ups: This is just an idea. There are lots of videos with creative and fun ideas that you may choose to do instead.

Monday 8th June


To start our dinosaur topic, watch today’s story ‘If I Had a Dinosaur’ by the author Gabby Dawnay



Grown ups: This is a rhyming book. Ask your child to tell you when they hear some rhyming words. If they don’t hear them, point them out to them and explain to them why they rhyme. It might be better to listen to the story once and then do this the second time they listen to the story.

After they have listened to the story, you could ask the following questions:

  • What was your favourite part?
  • Would you like a pet dinosaur?
  • If you had a pet dinosaur, what would you want it to look like? What would you want it to do?



For today’s writing activity we would like you to think about the story and then design your own dinosaur. Write some adjectives to describe your dinosaur. Adjectives are describing words!


Remember to:

  • Talk to a grown-up about your dinosaur.
  • Draw your dinosaur carefully.
  • Think of some words to describe it.
  • Listen carefully for the sounds in each word and write them down.



To help you start to learn some facts about dinosaurs watch the video ‘What are dinosaurs?’ on Espresso. When you have finished you could explore the dinosaur resources. On the left hand side there are games, activities and stories to take a look at.




Last week we learnt about addition. This week we are going to think about subtraction. Subtraction is when you take away an amount from a bigger number. Today we would like you to complete the subtraction game on Top Marks.


Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 08.06.20

Friday 12th June



 Today we would love you to explore the Oxford Owl website. With your grown-up find a book on the bookshelf that looks interesting and try to sound out the words and read the tricky words.


Now, with a grown up look at this book about dinosaurs. It will give you lots of facts. Try to remember them for later!




Watch some of Andy’s Dinosaur Facts videos and learn about the different dinosaurs. Discuss with your grown-up what you have found out



Can you write another fact that you have learnt?

Remember to:

  • Decide what you want to write.
  • Speak your sentence to your grown-up.
  • Sound out each word.
  • Use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.



Today we would love you to make a model of the dinosaur you designed earlier in the week. You can make this model however you like. In school we often use salt dough for activities like this so we have added a recipe below. Alternatively, there are many other resources you could use such as playdough, lego, other construction toys or recycling such as boxes and kitchen roll tubes!


Saltdough Recipe:

Makes 1 ball
Prep 10 minutes
Cook 3 hours

  • 1 cupful of plain flour (about 250g)
  • half a cupful of table salt (about 125g)
  • half a cupful of water (about 125ml)


  1. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting.
    2. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Add the water and stir until it comes together into a ball.
    3. Transfer the dough to a floured work surface and shape into your chosen model.
  2. Put your finished items on your baking tray and bake for 3 hrs or until solid.
  3. Leave to cool and then you could paint it!



For your maths today we are going to practise using directional language. We would like you to make an obstacle course for your dinosaur model or a teddy to use. Think about your dinosaur having to do different activities. For example: climbing up something, jumping down, walking around, under, over, along. As you take your dinosaur around the obstacles tell your grown up what he is doing using the directional language.

Thursday 11th June


Today’s story is ‘Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp’.



You could also go onto phonics play and play some of the games. Remember to practise the sounds you are finding tricky.



Writing and Topic

Watch the video on Espresso ‘How do we know about dinosaurs?’ after watching the video talk to your grown-up about what you found out.



Now watch this video about making your own fossil:



There is also a lovely Bing episode on CBeebies where Bing finds a fossil:



Grown-ups: If possible it would be lovely to make their own fossils by using the instructions in the CBeebies video, if this is not possible then they could go on a fossil hunt and try and find some interesting stones.


Now you’ve found out lots of facts about dinosaurs and fossils, think of something interesting that you have learnt and write a sentence in your book.

Remember to:

  • Decide what you want to write
  • Speak your sentence to your grown-up
  • Sound out each word
  • Use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.



Today we are going to follow instructions to draw your own dinosaur. The instructions will use lots of the different things we have learnt in maths so you will have to think carefully about what you are being asked to draw.

  1. First draw an oval body.
  2. Now draw a long neck.
  3. Now draw 6 triangular spikes on its neck.
  4. Draw a head at the top of the neck.
  5. Next draw 4 rectangular legs.
  6. After that draw 7 circular spots on its body.
  7. Now draw a long tail.
  8. Finally, add any extra features that you would like!

Wednesday 10th June


Today we would like you to listen to the story ‘Tyrannosaurus Drip’ by Julia Donaldson. It is all about a dinosaur that ends up in the wrong herd.



Grown-ups: You could ask your child the following questions:

  • What is the title of the story?
  • Who is the author?
  • What has happened to the dinosaur egg?
  • What do you think could happen to the duckbill dinosaur?
  • How does the duckbill dinosaur feel?



Today we will continue to think about your dinosaur that you drew on Monday. In the story the dinosaurs were different. They ate different food and they lived in different habitats. Today we would like you to draw where your dinosaur lives. Think carefully about the kind of environment it likes and what food it would want to be nearby for it to eat. Then write a sentence underneath to tell us about where it lives.

Remember to:

  • Decide what you want to write
  • Speak your sentence to your grown-up
  • Sound out each word
  • Use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.



Today we’d like you to play the Andy’s Dinosaur Adventure Game on the CBeebies website. Navigate round the different habitats to find different dinosaurs. If you click the blue box at the bottom it will tell you about each dinosaur.




Today we would like you to solve some subtraction word problems. Then write it as a number sentence. Use objects or your fingers to find the answer.

  1. There were 6 dinosaurs, 2 went for a swim. How many were left?
  2. There were 5 dinosaurs stomping through the jungle. 3 slipped down a big hill! How many were left?
  3. There were 8 dinosaur’s eggs  in a nest. 6 hatched. How many eggs were there left in the nest?
  4. There were 10 dinosaurs in a herd. A tyrannosaurus rex came and scared 4 away. How many were left?
  5. There were 12 pterodactyls flying in the sky. 5 got tired and decided to land in a tree. How many were still flying?

Tuesday 9th June


Today we would like you to practise your phonics. Go onto Espresso and look at either Scrap’s phonics or Polly’s phonics.




Grown ups: Check which of the sounds your child already knows and for the ones that they struggle with click on the videos. Then click on the ‘Activity’ section on the left hand side and carry out some of the activities for some of the sounds that they need to practice.



Today we would like you to look at the dinosaur you drew yesterday. Tell your grown-up what it looks like. Think about your dinosaurs:

  • Colour
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Features e.g. teeth, tail, spikes, claws

Write a sentence or two to describe what your dinosaur looks like.

Challenge: Use the connective ‘and’ to use two describing words in one sentence.



For your maths today go on a dinosaur hunt around the house. If you have any dinosaur toys, or any other good toys to count with, collect them together. First of all count how many you have to practise your counting skills.

Now use them to help you solve these number sentences:

5 – 3 = (Choose 5 and put them in a line, now take away 3 of them. How many are left?)

6 – 2 =

8 – 4 =

7 – 3 =

10 – 6 =

9 – 5 =


Challenge: Write the number sentences down in your work book. Your grown-up could challenge you to do some trickier ones.



Today we would love you to get creative. Watch the video on Cbeebies where Andy shows you how to make a dinosaur sock puppet. If a grown up says it’s ok and you have a spare sock to use, we would love you to make your own dinosaur sock puppet! The video can give you ideas but you can make it however you like!



Grown-ups: This is just an idea. There are lots of videos with creative and fun ideas that you may choose to do instead.

Monday 8th June


To start our dinosaur topic, watch today’s story ‘If I Had a Dinosaur’ by the author Gabby Dawnay



Grown ups: This is a rhyming book. Ask your child to tell you when they hear some rhyming words. If they don’t hear them, point them out to them and explain to them why they rhyme. It might be better to listen to the story once and then do this the second time they listen to the story.

After they have listened to the story, you could ask the following questions:

  • What was your favourite part?
  • Would you like a pet dinosaur?
  • If you had a pet dinosaur, what would you want it to look like? What would you want it to do?



For today’s writing activity we would like you to think about the story and then design your own dinosaur. Write some adjectives to describe your dinosaur. Adjectives are describing words!


Remember to:

  • Talk to a grown-up about your dinosaur.
  • Draw your dinosaur carefully.
  • Think of some words to describe it.
  • Listen carefully for the sounds in each word and write them down.



To help you start to learn some facts about dinosaurs watch the video ‘What are dinosaurs?’ on Espresso. When you have finished you could explore the dinosaur resources. On the left hand side there are games, activities and stories to take a look at.




Last week we learnt about addition. This week we are going to think about subtraction. Subtraction is when you take away an amount from a bigger number. Today we would like you to complete the subtraction game on Top Marks.
