Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 06.07.20


This week our theme is...

‘Fairy Tales and Traditional Stories’


Friday 10th July

Today we are going to continue with the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.



First, listen to the story again.



Now retell the story to a grown-up. Try to think about what the characters said in the story.


Now read a book on the Oxford Owl website. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out words or clapping the letter names for tricky words.



Today we are going to think of the some adjectives to describe the wolf and some adjectives to describe Little Red Riding Hood. Adjectives are describing words.


Draw a picture of both of the characters and then write the adjectives under the pictures.


Remember to:

  • Think of an adjective.
  • Say the sounds that you can hear.
  • Write the letters down in sequence.
  • Read your words to your grown-up.



Last week, we were learning to read o’clock times. We are going to practise this again today.

Watch this video to help you read some o’clock times:



Now play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ If you don’t know how to play it, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWKzqn7PFcw

Make sure you count your steps carefully and run when it is dinnertime!



To finish our week of fairy tales, let’s do some Little Red Riding Hood yoga.



Grown-Ups: Next week we will be making gingerbread men. If you would like your child to complete this activity, you will need the following ingredients:


  • 225g plain flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp of ground ginger
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 100g soft brown sugar
  • 50g unsalted butter
  • 100g golden syrup


Thursday 9th July


Today’s story is ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Listen to the story and then answer the questions.


  1. Who are the characters in the story?
  2. What did Little Red Riding Hood’s Mum ask her to take to Grandma?
  3. What did Little Red Riding Hood collect for her Grandma in the woods?
  4. Do you think Little Red Riding Hood should have stopped in the woods when her mum told her not to?
  5. What did the wolf to do Grandma?
  6. Who rescued Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandma?

Now practise reading phase 2, 3 and 4 tricky words. (You can watch these on ‘YouTube’ by searching tricky word songs). Your grown-up could make you flashcards with the tricky word on.

Phase 2: I, no, go, to the, and, into

Phase 3: he, she, we, me, be, was, all, you, are, my, her, are, they

Phase 4: said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, one, were, there, want, when, out 


Topic – Healthy Eating

Today we are going to think about why it is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Talk to your grown-up about what foods you think are healthy and then watch the video: 



Now complete the activity, sorting foods into the groups ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’.




Draw a picture of Little Red Riding Hood’s basket with some food in it for Grandma. Write a list of the items that are in the basket. Try to include some healthy food items.


Remember to:

  • Say the word that you are going to write.
  • Say the sounds that you can hear.
  • Write the letters down in sequence.
  • Read your words to your grown-up.



Today we are going to solve some addition word problems. You might need some counting resources to help you do this such as counters, coins or cubes.


  1. Little Red Riding Hood put some fruit in her basket. She put in 4 apples and 3 oranges. How many pieces of fruit were there altogether?
  2. Little Red Riding Hood put some cakes in her basket. She put in 5 chocolate cakes and 5 lemon cakes. How many cakes were there altogether?
  3. Little Red Riding Hood collected some flowers for her Grandma. She picked 3 pink flowers and 3 yellow flowers. How many flowers were there altogether?
  4. On her way to Grandma’s house Little Red Riding was looking for birds. She saw 6 sparrow and 2 blackbirds. How many birds did she see altogether?


Challenge: Write these word problems as number sentences in your work books.

___ + ____ =


Wednesday 8th July


Today’s story is ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. Listen to the story and then answer the questions.



  1. Why did the billy goats want to cross the bridge?
  2. Who lived under the bridge?
  3. What did the troll say when he heard the goats coming over the bridge?
  4. Who crossed the bridge first?
  5. What did the biggest billy goat gruff do to the troll?
  6. Would you cross the bridge with the troll under it?

Now read a book on the Oxford Owl website. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out words or clapping the letter names for tricky words.



Act out the story of ‘The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff’. Maybe you could find some props to use.


For today’s writing activity, we would like you to draw picture of the troll and the write some adjectives to describe him.


Remember to:

  • Think of a word.
  • Say the sounds that you can hear.
  • Write the letters down in sequence.
  • Read your words to your grown-up.



For today’s maths task, explore the games in ‘Bud’s number garden’.



Tuesday 7th July


Today’s story is ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Listen to the story and then answer the questions.



  1. Who are the characters in the story?
  2. What materials do the pigs use to build their houses?
  3. What did the wolf say when he knocked on the pig’s doors?
  4. What did the pigs reply to the wolf?
  5. What was the strongest material to build a house with?
  6. How did the pigs get rid of the wolf?


Now explore the games on phonics play to practice your reading.




Today we would like you to make a speech bubble for the big, bad wolf.

Here is an example of a speech bubble for a little pig:

Now think about something that the wolf says in the story and tell your grown-up.

Remember to:

  • Say your sentence to your grown-up.
  • Sound out each word carefully.
  • Write the letters down in sequence.
  • Put a finger space between each word.
  • Put a full stop at the end of your sentence.


Today we would like you to design and make your own house or den. This might be out of some construction toys such as mega blocks or lego. You could use some cushions and blankets and make a den in your living room or garden! I hope the big bad wolf doesn’t come to blow it down! We would love to see some pictures of your dens!


Today we would like you to play some maths games on espresso. The first game is to practise counting objects and then selecting the correct numeral.



The second game is to practise counting sounds that you hear and then select the correct numeral. Make sure you listen carefully!



Monday 6th July


Today’s story is ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Listen to the story and then answer the questions.


  1. Who are the 4 characters in the story?
  2. What words does Goldilocks use to describe the porridge?
  3. What words does Goldilocks use to describe the chairs?
  4. What words does Goldilocks use to describe the beds?
  5. What does Goldilocks do to Baby Bear’s chair?
  6. How do you think the bears felt when they get home?
  7. Do you think Goldilocks should have gone into the bear’s house?


Now read a book on the Oxford Owl website. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out words or clapping the letter names for tricky words.



For today’s writing activity, we would like you to pretend to be Goldilocks. Talk to your grown-up about what you should say to the 3 bears. Now you are going to write a letter to the 3 bears.

Remember to:

  • Start your letter with ‘To’ or ‘Dear’
  • Write your message to the bears.
  • Finish your letter with ‘From Goldilocks’
  • Use finger spaces.
  • Put a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Put a full stop at the end of the sentence.



For today’s maths activity, we would like you to make a ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ picture. Your picture needs to include:

  • 3 bears
  • 3 bowls
  • 3 chairs
  • 3 beds
  • Goldilocks

When you are drawing your pictures, you need to think about the size of the items. Watch this song to remind you about the different sizes.




Well done to the children who completed last week's art activity! Today we would like you to have a look at this week's art competition. Don't forget to e-mail us a picture of your work so that we can show it to Miss Fuentes.

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 06.07.20


This week our theme is...

‘Fairy Tales and Traditional Stories’


Friday 10th July

Today we are going to continue with the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.



First, listen to the story again.



Now retell the story to a grown-up. Try to think about what the characters said in the story.


Now read a book on the Oxford Owl website. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out words or clapping the letter names for tricky words.



Today we are going to think of the some adjectives to describe the wolf and some adjectives to describe Little Red Riding Hood. Adjectives are describing words.


Draw a picture of both of the characters and then write the adjectives under the pictures.


Remember to:

  • Think of an adjective.
  • Say the sounds that you can hear.
  • Write the letters down in sequence.
  • Read your words to your grown-up.



Last week, we were learning to read o’clock times. We are going to practise this again today.

Watch this video to help you read some o’clock times:



Now play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ If you don’t know how to play it, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWKzqn7PFcw

Make sure you count your steps carefully and run when it is dinnertime!



To finish our week of fairy tales, let’s do some Little Red Riding Hood yoga.



Grown-Ups: Next week we will be making gingerbread men. If you would like your child to complete this activity, you will need the following ingredients:


  • 225g plain flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp of ground ginger
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 100g soft brown sugar
  • 50g unsalted butter
  • 100g golden syrup


Thursday 9th July


Today’s story is ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Listen to the story and then answer the questions.


  1. Who are the characters in the story?
  2. What did Little Red Riding Hood’s Mum ask her to take to Grandma?
  3. What did Little Red Riding Hood collect for her Grandma in the woods?
  4. Do you think Little Red Riding Hood should have stopped in the woods when her mum told her not to?
  5. What did the wolf to do Grandma?
  6. Who rescued Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandma?

Now practise reading phase 2, 3 and 4 tricky words. (You can watch these on ‘YouTube’ by searching tricky word songs). Your grown-up could make you flashcards with the tricky word on.

Phase 2: I, no, go, to the, and, into

Phase 3: he, she, we, me, be, was, all, you, are, my, her, are, they

Phase 4: said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, one, were, there, want, when, out 


Topic – Healthy Eating

Today we are going to think about why it is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Talk to your grown-up about what foods you think are healthy and then watch the video: 



Now complete the activity, sorting foods into the groups ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’.




Draw a picture of Little Red Riding Hood’s basket with some food in it for Grandma. Write a list of the items that are in the basket. Try to include some healthy food items.


Remember to:

  • Say the word that you are going to write.
  • Say the sounds that you can hear.
  • Write the letters down in sequence.
  • Read your words to your grown-up.



Today we are going to solve some addition word problems. You might need some counting resources to help you do this such as counters, coins or cubes.


  1. Little Red Riding Hood put some fruit in her basket. She put in 4 apples and 3 oranges. How many pieces of fruit were there altogether?
  2. Little Red Riding Hood put some cakes in her basket. She put in 5 chocolate cakes and 5 lemon cakes. How many cakes were there altogether?
  3. Little Red Riding Hood collected some flowers for her Grandma. She picked 3 pink flowers and 3 yellow flowers. How many flowers were there altogether?
  4. On her way to Grandma’s house Little Red Riding was looking for birds. She saw 6 sparrow and 2 blackbirds. How many birds did she see altogether?


Challenge: Write these word problems as number sentences in your work books.

___ + ____ =


Wednesday 8th July


Today’s story is ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. Listen to the story and then answer the questions.



  1. Why did the billy goats want to cross the bridge?
  2. Who lived under the bridge?
  3. What did the troll say when he heard the goats coming over the bridge?
  4. Who crossed the bridge first?
  5. What did the biggest billy goat gruff do to the troll?
  6. Would you cross the bridge with the troll under it?

Now read a book on the Oxford Owl website. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out words or clapping the letter names for tricky words.



Act out the story of ‘The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff’. Maybe you could find some props to use.


For today’s writing activity, we would like you to draw picture of the troll and the write some adjectives to describe him.


Remember to:

  • Think of a word.
  • Say the sounds that you can hear.
  • Write the letters down in sequence.
  • Read your words to your grown-up.



For today’s maths task, explore the games in ‘Bud’s number garden’.



Tuesday 7th July


Today’s story is ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Listen to the story and then answer the questions.



  1. Who are the characters in the story?
  2. What materials do the pigs use to build their houses?
  3. What did the wolf say when he knocked on the pig’s doors?
  4. What did the pigs reply to the wolf?
  5. What was the strongest material to build a house with?
  6. How did the pigs get rid of the wolf?


Now explore the games on phonics play to practice your reading.




Today we would like you to make a speech bubble for the big, bad wolf.

Here is an example of a speech bubble for a little pig:

Now think about something that the wolf says in the story and tell your grown-up.

Remember to:

  • Say your sentence to your grown-up.
  • Sound out each word carefully.
  • Write the letters down in sequence.
  • Put a finger space between each word.
  • Put a full stop at the end of your sentence.


Today we would like you to design and make your own house or den. This might be out of some construction toys such as mega blocks or lego. You could use some cushions and blankets and make a den in your living room or garden! I hope the big bad wolf doesn’t come to blow it down! We would love to see some pictures of your dens!


Today we would like you to play some maths games on espresso. The first game is to practise counting objects and then selecting the correct numeral.



The second game is to practise counting sounds that you hear and then select the correct numeral. Make sure you listen carefully!



Monday 6th July


Today’s story is ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Listen to the story and then answer the questions.


  1. Who are the 4 characters in the story?
  2. What words does Goldilocks use to describe the porridge?
  3. What words does Goldilocks use to describe the chairs?
  4. What words does Goldilocks use to describe the beds?
  5. What does Goldilocks do to Baby Bear’s chair?
  6. How do you think the bears felt when they get home?
  7. Do you think Goldilocks should have gone into the bear’s house?


Now read a book on the Oxford Owl website. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out words or clapping the letter names for tricky words.



For today’s writing activity, we would like you to pretend to be Goldilocks. Talk to your grown-up about what you should say to the 3 bears. Now you are going to write a letter to the 3 bears.

Remember to:

  • Start your letter with ‘To’ or ‘Dear’
  • Write your message to the bears.
  • Finish your letter with ‘From Goldilocks’
  • Use finger spaces.
  • Put a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Put a full stop at the end of the sentence.



For today’s maths activity, we would like you to make a ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ picture. Your picture needs to include:

  • 3 bears
  • 3 bowls
  • 3 chairs
  • 3 beds
  • Goldilocks

When you are drawing your pictures, you need to think about the size of the items. Watch this song to remind you about the different sizes.




Well done to the children who completed last week's art activity! Today we would like you to have a look at this week's art competition. Don't forget to e-mail us a picture of your work so that we can show it to Miss Fuentes.