Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 01.06.20


This week’s theme is 'Teddy Bear’s Picnic'


Good morning everyone! Today is the day of your teddy bear’s picnic!

Before you enjoy your picnic, you need to make sure that all of your favourite teddy bear’s and soft toys have a name tag.


Create a name tag for yourself and for each of your teddy bears. Write your name, and the names of your teddy bears, on a piece of paper. Cut them out and stick them to your clothes and your teddies using sellotape.

When the time comes (the time that you wrote on your invitation), you are ready to enjoy your picnic! If you have a picnic blanket (or any type of blanket) at home, lay it out in your garden or wherever you would like to have your picnic. Sit your teddy bears and soft toys on the picnic blanket.


Whilst you enjoy your picnic today, we would like you to think about sharing. Sharing is when we make things fair and equal.

Here is a video of Elmo and The Cookie Monster learning about sharing to watch as a starter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTFJ9gjfAXg

As you can see they had 2 cookies and then shared them so they both had 1 each, which is fair.

Whilst you are enjoying your delicious picnic today, if you have any delicious snacks such as orange segments, grapes, apple slices, raisins or sweets, practise sharing them equally with one of your teddies. Remember to do one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me and so on… this way by only doing one at a time you will make sure it is equal and fair!

Challenge – Talk to your grownup about what half looks like. This is when we share between 2 people and they have exactly the same amount. After this, talk to your grownup about what quarters look like. This is when you share between 4 people and they have exactly the same amount.


 Whilst you are enjoying your picnic today, you may want to sing a few songs about teddy bears. Here are some below:

  • Teddy Bear’s Picnic
  • Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around
  • Round and Round the Garden, Like a Teddy Bear
  • We’re Going on a Bear Hunt


We hope you enjoy your picnic today! Don’t forget to send us some pictures!

Parents/Carers – If you email a picture of your child having their picnic, please let us know on the email if you are happy for these pictures to go on the website or not.




Today we are going to practise adding with your teddies or any other toys you would like to use to help you count. Use them to help you solve some number sentences. Here are some that you can try:

2 + 3 =

3 + 4 =

5 + 2 =

5 + 3 =

7 + 3 =

8 + 4 =

9 + 3 =

Challenge – Now try to write the completed number sentences down in you book.



‘Whatever Next’

Today we are going to read the story, ‘Whatever Next.’ This is a story about a teddy bear who goes on an adventure to the moon! Follow the link below to listen to the story:



In the story, the teddy bear has a picnic on the moon with his new friend, Owl!

  • What foods did they eat at their picnic?
  • What did they have to drink at their picnic?
  • What has Bear used as a helmet?
  • What do you think the moon is like?

(Use this picture below to help you).


Activity – Now, we would like you to have a go at acting out the story using props / resources you might have at your house. Here are some things you will need:

  • Cardboard box (or a plastic box / toy box)
  • Colander (or hat / helmet / large bowl)
  • Wellies
  • Teddy bear
  • Some food for your picnic



Write an invitation to your teddy bear’s picnic for someone in your house.

  • Remember to write the name of the person you are inviting to your picnic.
  • Remember to write what day your picnic is going to be on.
  • Remember to write where your picnic is going to be.
  • Remember to write what time your picnic is going to start.
  • Remember to write your name so that the person knows who the invitation is from.

For example:

To: Mrs Rycroft

You and your favourite teddy bear are invited to my teddy bear’s picnic!

Where: In the garden

Date: Friday 5th June

Time: 12 O’Clock

From: Mrs Kidd




Today we would like you to go on the Oxford Owl website and read a book with your grown up. Try to find a book where you can read most of the words yourself by sounding out or clapping the letter names for tricky words. See if you can find a book about teddies to read together.

Here are some examples you might want to read:




‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’

Today we are going to read the story, ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Follow this link to listen to the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oUP2PFeOi8

Now answer the following questions about the story:

  1. How many bears were there altogether?
  2. What did Mummy bear make for breakfast?
  3. What did Goldilocks think of Daddy bear’s porridge?
  4. What did Goldilocks think of Mummy bear’s chair?
  5. What did Goldilocks think of Baby bear’s bed?
  6. Why were the bears angry with Goldilocks?
  7. Do you think Goldilocks should have gone into the bear’s house? Why?


Watch one of the Old Bear stories on Espresso. Write a sentence and draw a picture of something you think your teddies get up to when you aren’t there.


The three bears in the story were all different sizes.

Daddy bear was big.

Mummy bear was medium size.

Baby bear was small.

Now, get the teddies you found on your bear hunt on Monday. Sort them into big, medium and small. Try to put them in order from the smallest up to the biggest.

Challenge – Try to measure your teddies. You could do this using blocks, lego or try to use a ruler.

Remember to:

  • Start at the bottom
  • Don’t leave any gaps
  • Measure all the way to the top




We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’

Today we are going to read the story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. We love reading this story at school!

Follow this link to listen to the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Waoa3iG3bZ4



Now let’s enjoy some yoga. This one is called ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlMK6iscmfo



To get ready for our teddy bear’s picnic on Friday, we need to write a shopping list so that we know what yummy foods to buy!

  • Think of 5 foods that you would like to eat at your picnic. Try and include some healthy choices too such as fruit or vegetables!
  • In your exercise books or on a piece of paper, write down the foods that you have chosen.

Remember to:

  • Think of the food
  • Speak the word carefully
  • Listen for the sounds you can hear

Write the sounds down carefully

Make sure you write your items down one below the other as a list. You may want to number each item for example:

  1. Crisps
  2. Strawberries

Now keep your shopping list safe until you go shopping!



Have a go at this ‘Teddy Numbers’ game on the Topmarks website.

This game will help your child practise recognising numbers and counting objects up to 15 - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/teddy-numbers



This week, our theme is ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’. Throughout the week, we are going to enjoy lots of teddy bear activities, read lots of teddy bear stories and on Friday, we want you to have your own teddy bear’s picnic!

  1. What is a picnic?
  2. Have you ever been for a picnic?
  3. Do you have a special teddy bear or cuddly toy?
  4. What does it look like?



Teddy Bear’s Picnic’.

Follow the link below to listen to the song, ‘The Teddy Bear’s Picnic’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxFIGWm9M6w

Try and learn the words to the song by clicking on the link below.



Topic and Writing

Have a look at the photos of the teacher’s teddy bears.

Mrs Kidd’s favourite cuddly toy is called Bongo

Mrs Rycroft’s favourite teddy bear is called Harry

Mrs Sharkey’s favourite teddy bear is called Freddie

Miss Harrison’s favourite teddy bear is called Sugar Plum


Now, choose your favourite teddy bear or cuddly toy! Draw a picture of your bear. Think about what colours you will need to use and the different body parts it has. What is your teddy bear’s name? Write the name carefully under you picture. We would love you to email your pictures of your bears to us!


Challenge – Write a sentence about your teddy bear and tells us what you love about it.


Go on a teddy hunt around your house. Find as many teddies as you can and count them as you go. How many can you find?