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Moston Lane Community Primary School

WB. 27.04.20


Friday 1st May


Today is ‘International Space Day’. Let’s start by finding out some information about space. Follow the link to watch a video on espresso.



Next have a look at the information in this e-book all about the different planets in our solar system. https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/book/item919076/gradef/module861998/index.html



Today’s book is called ‘The Way Back Home’ by an author called Oliver Jeffers. It is about a boy that gets stuck on the moon. Watch the video and then answer the questions about the story.


Where did the boy find his aeroplane?

Why did the boy land on the moon?

How did the boy feel when his plane landed on the moon?

Who did the boy meet on the moon?

How did the boy and the martian help each other?

Would you like to go on a trip to the moon?



As today is ‘International Space Day’, have a look at the picture and discuss it with a grown up.


What can you see?

What do you wonder?

What do you think?


Now write a sentence that begins with I can see…

Challenge: Use the other sentence starters for a more extended writing piece -

I wonder…

I think that…


For today’s maths activity, you are going to draw an alien by following the instructions below. We would love you to email pictures of your aliens!



  1.   Draw a large oval shape.
  2.   Draw 3 eyes coming out of the top.
  3.   Draw 6 arms. 3 on each side.
  4.   Draw 4 legs.
  5.   Next draw some patterns on his body.
  6.   Finally add any extra bits that you would like and colour it in. Maybe you could give your alien a name!


Finally you could finish our space activities by being space cadets and joining in with some cosmic kids yoga!



Have a lovely weekend!


Thursday 30th April


Today, we will continue to find out information about animals that live in the wild. Andy from CBeebies has been on lots of safari adventures. Click on the link and choose an activity to do. You could do a quiz, make a safari picture; make some safari music or watch an episode of one of Andy’s adventures.



For today’s reading task, log on to www.oxfordowl.co.uk.

Choose any book to read from the book shelf. Have a go at reading the words yourself by sounding them out or clap them if they are tricky words.

Grown ups - look at the front page and back page and there will be pointers on there for you to ask/do while reading the book.


Today you are going to use the adjectives that you wrote down yesterday to help you to write a sentence about your favourite zoo animal. It is important that you remember all of the things that make a great sentence:

  • A capital letter at the beginning of your sentence.
  • Finger spaces.
  • A full stop at the end of your sentence.

Maybe you could write 2 or 3 sentences!

Challenge: Use the connective ‘and’ to make your sentence longer.


Today is the last day of April. Let’s recap the months of the year! Have a go at singing the months of the year song and to make it extra fun see if your grown up will teach you the actions to the macarena to do at the same time!


What month are we in now?

Which month was before April?

Which month will come after April?

What month is your birthday in?

What months are your family members birthdays in?


What comes before September?

What comes after October?

What comes after July?


Wednesday 29th April


Today, we will continue to find out information about animals that live in the wild. Watch this video about many different animals and see what interesting facts you find out!



Today, listen to Julia Donaldson's - Monkey Puzzles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxpJnk3QO-8

Answer these questions...

Who is the monkey looking for?

What animals were in the story? 

How do you think the monkey feels when he finds his Mum and Dad?

Why do the butterfly’s babies not look like her?


Find the rhyming words in these sentences from the story:

“My mum isn’t a great grey hunk. She hasn’t got tusks or a curly trunk.”

“She doesn’t curl round a nest of eggs. And anyway my mum’s got more legs.”

“She’d rather eat fruit than swallow a fly. And she lives in the treetops, way up high.”


In your home learning books, we would like you to draw a picture of your favourite zoo animal. Next, think of some words to describe your animal. These words are called adjectives. Write these words underneath your animal. Try hard to listen for the sounds in order and form your letters correctly. 


Today we are going to use the number cards you made yesterday to practise ordering numbers. Once you have put them in order, ask your grown up to set a timer and see if you can order them in 30 seconds!

Now that they are in order, use your number line to answer these questions.

What is 1 more than 3? What is 1 less than 3?

What is 1 more than 6? What is 1 less than 6?

What is 1 more than 9? What is 1 less than 9?


What is 1 more than 12? What is 1 less than 12?

What is 1 more than 15? What is 1 less than 15?

What is 1 more than 19? What is 1 less than 19?

Tuesday 27th April



This week we are continuing with our topic ‘Fur and Feathers’. We will be learning about animals that live in the wild and animals that we can visit at the zoo. 

Let’s start by finding out about zoo animals. Follow the links below to watch videos; look at photos and play some activities.




For today’s reading activity, explore the games on phonics play.



In your home learning books, make a list of animals that you could visit at the zoo. Try hard to listen for the sounds in order and form your letters correctly. 

Challenge: Write a sentence about one of the zoo animals.


Today, we would like you to make some of your own number cards. Ask a grown up to cut some paper up for you. Write the number on each card from 1-10. You could draw things on each card to represent that number. 

Numbers 1-10 Flashcards (Welsh) – Little Boo Learning

Challenge: Make flashcards for numbers up to 20.

Monday 27th April

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend :)


RE - Last Thursday was the start of Ramadan. This is a very important time of the year for Muslims. Click on the link below to take you to espresso where you can watch videos, look at photographs and complete activities to help us find out all about Ramadan and Eid. 



For today’s reading task, log on to www.oxfordowl.co.uk.

Choose any book to read from the book shelf. Have a go at reading the words yourself by sounding them out or clap them if they are tricky words.

Grown ups - look at the front page and back page and there will be pointers on there for you to ask/do while reading the book.


Today we are going to practise writing some tricky words. First of all, watch the video for your phonics group. Then ask a grown-up to tell you which words to write down. Remember tricky words are words that we cannot sound out, so we have to remember how to spell them. It might help to clap the letters like we do in school.

Mrs Rycroft’s Group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOzgR1ANc4

Mrs Sharkey and Miss Thompson’s Groups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY

Mrs Dowling’s Group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0

Challenge: Can you write a sentence with one of your tricky words in?


Let’s start with some counting. Can you teach a grown up how to do a rally robin count? So you say 1, your grown up says 2, you say 3, your grown up says 4 and so on. See how high you can count up to!

This week, we will be learning to recognise, write and order numerals. Today, have a go at playing ‘Bud’s Number Garden’ on BBC bitesize:

Challenge: Count in 10s up to 100.