Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 04.05.20


Thursday 7th May


Tomorrow is VE Day!


VE day stands for Victory in Europe! It is a special day where we celebrate the end of World War 2. It is a special one this year as it is the 75th anniversary VE Day and is on Friday 8th May 2020, which is a bank holiday!

To celebrate this day for your topic work today, you can choose one of the following activities...

  • make flags or bunting to decorate your house for VE day tomorrow
  • have a go at making your own bravery medals for the soldiers 
  • make a paper chain to decorate your house
  • have a celebratory dinner that is British such as an afternoon tea - you could even ask your grown up if you can bake something delicious for the afternoon tea like fairy cakes!


Today we are going to read the story ‘Barry the Fish with Fingers’

Before you read the story, make some predictions about the story…

What do you think it will be about?

Do fish normally have fingers?

What do you think a fish with fingers would be able to do?

Read the story - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn1FBkrHNKg

After listening to the story answer these questions…

Did you like the story?

Can you remember two of the characters from the story?

What was your favourite bit?

Where was the story set? (For example - on a farm)


To remind ourselves where we are up to with our story, read the beginning and middle that you have already written back to your grown up.

Today, let us think about the end of the story! You might want to watch the story again here to refresh your memory - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzZuS3ze-Ho

Thank about…

Does the Rainbow Fish listen to the octopus?

Does he share his scales at the end?

How does this make him and all his friends feel?

Now write the end to your story.

Grown ups - To help your child

  •  get them to say their sentence out loud first and count how many words it is
  •  encourage them to listen for the sounds they can hear in each word and write them down (don’t worry if the spelling is not correct)
  •  remind them to leave a finger space in-between each word
  •  Then prompt them to put a full stop at the end of their sentence

Challenge: Try to use ‘adjectives’ (describing words) and connectives (and or because) in your writing.



Today we are going to practise sharing given amounts into 2 or 3 groups.

You will need 20 objects, these can be anything you want you just need to be able to share them out so something smaller would be easier such as pieces of pasta, stones, lego pieces, blocks etc.


Once you have your objects put them in a line and count them to check you have 20.

Now the first challenge is to work out what is 10 shared into 2 groups?

To work this out you will need to follow this procedure…


  •  Count 10 out to start with
  •  Share the 10 into two piles, one at a time (one for you, one for me)
  •  Count how many you have in each group and check they are the same/equal

Now following the same procedure as above each time, work out these…

  1.  8 shared into 2 groups
  2.  6 shared into 2 groups
  3.  14 shared into 2 groups
  4.  9 shared into 3 groups
  5. 12 shared into 3 groups

Challenge: Work out 18 shared into 2 groups and 20 shared into 4 groups.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend everyone! Don't forget to look on the

website at all your friends Rainbow Fish stories and to look for your own!

Wednesday 6th May


Today for our topic lesson let’s do some art work! We have been learning all about The Rainbow Fish this week and you have been writing your own story. Today I want you to do some illustration for your writing, so you are going to create your own Rainbow Fish. You can use whatever you would like for your art work such as paint, crayons, pencils, felt tips, collage, chalk or anything else you may have. Try to make your fish look as colourful and as beautiful as the Rainbow Fish in the story! Don’t forget to take a picture of your art work and send it in with your finished story tomorrow!


Today for our reading practise, play on the games on phonicsplay.com - practising your phonics now, will help you with your writing later!


To remind ourselves where we are up to with our story, read the beginning that you wrote yesterday back to your grown up.

Today, let us think about the middle of the story!


Thank about…

Does the Rainbow Fish share his scales at first?

Is he kind to the other fish?

Do the other fish want to play with the Rainbow Fish anymore?

How does this make the Rainbow Fish feel?

What does the octopus tell him to do?

The middle of the story is the longest bit, so try to write a couple of sentences about what happens in the middle section.

Grown ups - To help your child

  •  get them to say their sentence out loud first and count how many words it is
  •  encourage them to listen for the sounds they can hear in each word and write them down (don’t worry if the spelling is not correct)
  •  remind them to leave a finger space in-between each word
  •  Then prompt them to put a full stop at the end of their sentence

Challenge: Try to use ‘adjectives’ (describing words) and connectives (and or because) in your writing.


Yesterday we started learning about sharing and things being fair and equal. For your task today, while you are out on your daily walk or from the back garden try to collect some items to share, such as stones, sticks or leaves.

When you get back in practise sharing the items fairly between two people. Remember to follow these steps…

  •  Count how many you have to begin with
  •  Share them out one at a time (one for you, one for me)
  •  Count how many each person has
  •  Are the amounts equal?


Challenge: Try sharing your objects now between three people, use plates or bowls to help you visualise if there is not three people there.

Tuesday 5th May


Science task - Last week we learnt all about animals that live on land and this week we are learning about creatures that live in water. Here is a table of animals… can you sort them into which ones you would find on land and which ones you would find in the water.



















This week we are going to be focussing on the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’. You may already know this story as we have read it before, try and remember what happens in the story and tell your grown up a bit about the story before you listen to it.

Here is the story - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzZuS3ze-Ho


Our task for this week is to write the story of The Rainbow Fish! We are going to do a bit of the story each day and then when it is finished by Thursday, I am going to ask your grown ups to email me your stories and then I will put them on the website for all of your friends to look at over the weekend! This will be so much fun to look at all your friends stories and to display your amazing work for everyone to see! It would be a good idea to maybe write your story on a larger piece of paper or leave room in your book so you can keep adding to it each day, so it is altogether for the picture!

So today let us think about the beginning of the story!


What does he look like?

Is he kind to the other fish when they ask him to play?

What does the little blue fish ask the Rainbow fish to do?

Think of how you would like to start your story, here are some story starters…

One day…

Once upon a time…

Now write a sentence or two about what the Rainbow Fish is like at the beginning of the story.


Grown ups - To help your child...

  •  get them to say their sentence out loud first and count how many words it is
  •  encourage them to listen for the sounds they can hear in each word and write them down (don’t worry if the spelling is not correct)
  •  remind them to leave a finger space in-between each word
  •  Then prompt them to put a full stop at the end of their sentence

Challenge: Try to use ‘adjectives’ (describing words) and connectives (and or because) in your writing.


For our maths this week we are going to look at ‘sharing’ and things being fair and equal.


Here is a video of Elmo and The Cookie Monster learning about sharing to watch as a starter…


As you can see they had 2 cookies and then shared them so they both had 1 each, which is fair.

Here is another video about sharing equally



Challenge: If you are having any delicious snacks today that could be shared such as orange segments, grapes, apple slices, raisins or sweets, have a practise at sharing them equally with your grown up. Remember to do one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me and so on… this way by only doing one at a time you will make sure it is equal and fair!


Monday 4th May


This week our new topic is ‘Water Wonders’!

Under the Sea Wallpaper | Kids' Sea Life Design | MuralsWallpaper

To get us started for the week ahead have a go at one of the cosmic kids yoga sessions to do with ‘under the sea’! Here are a few to choose from…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhYtcadR9nw - Squish the fish

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR1OxBk8BF4 - Popcorn the Dolphin

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUBRoLRioiY - Nibs the Octopus



Have a look at all the books you have at home and see if you have any about any fish or something to do with the water! Read the story with your grown up!

Also try reading these words (use your phonics to help you)…

f i sh

f i n

c o d

p o n d

d u ck

sh e ll

Challenge: Try these tricky ones…

ee l

s ea

d o l ph i n


As we are starting a new topic we have a new pobble picture to look at!

Have a look at the picture with your child...


Ask your child…

What can you see?

What do you wonder?

What do you think?

… about this picture.

Get your children to write a sentence that begins with -

I can see…

Challenge: Use the other sentence starters for a more extended writing piece -

I wonder…

I think that…


For our maths today let’s play a game! Ask your grown up to time you doing some different tasks and see which one you can do the quickest! Your grown up can time you using a stop watch on their phones of maybe just count out loud in seconds. Once you have timed each task write down how many seconds it took you! Here are the tasks we want you to time your self doing…


Writing your name

Putting your coat on and zipping it up

Take your shoes off and then put them back on again

Writing your numbers to 10 in order


Which task was the quickest?

Which task was the shortest?

Challenge: Set your grown up a task and you count for them or time them and then tell them if they did your task slowly or quickly!