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Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 02.11.2020

Autumn 2, Week 1 - Week Beginning 2nd November 2020

 Name Writing

  • Practise writing your name everyday.



The home learning letter we sent out before the holidays will tell you what group your child is in for phonics. Please let us know if you need a new letter.

We are learning to read and write a different letter each day:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Group A c k u b
Group B v y w z
Group C v y w z

Watch the video on espresso about the letter.


Now tell your grown-up some words that start with today's sound. Finally have a go at writing the letter a few times.

Grown-ups: Every day, revisit the previous sounds that they have learnt.



This week our theme is 'Seasons'. We will explore the seasonal changes from summer to autumn. Some of the key points that we discuss with the children are:

  • There are four seasons in the year.
  • The seasons are autumn, winter, spring and summer.
  • The weather changes in each season.
  • In autumn the weather starts to get cooler.
  • Plants and trees change in autumn.
  • People and animals make changes in autumn.
  • Bread comes from wheat that is harvested.
  • Fruit grows on trees or bushes and is picked before it comes to the shops.
  • Vegetables grow underground and are harvested when they are ready.


  • Explore the 'Autumn and Harvest' module on espresso. There are videos, photographs, stories, games and activities all about this time of year.


  • Look in your garden or out of your window. What is the weather like? How have the plants and trees changed in the last few weeks?  


  • This week is 'Bonfire Night'. Explore the 'Bonfire Night' module on espresso.


On Thursday, it will be Bonfire Night. Spend some time stood in your garden or looking out of your bedroom window at fireworks that people are letting off. Talk about the colours and patterns that you see and the sounds that you can hear.

Can you create a firework picture using lots of different colours?



This week's story is...

Pumpkin Soup






Listen to the story and then answer the questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leNn-R7iKD8

  • Who were the characters in the story?
  • Where do they live?
  • What do the animals like to eat?
  • What job does the duck decide that he wants to do?
  • How do you think the duck felt when his friends said that it wasn't his job?
  • How did the squirrel and cat feel when duck didn't come home?



This week's writing activities are about the story 'Pumpkin Soup'.

  • Draw and label the characters from the story.
  • Write a recipe for pumpkin soup. You could include any ingredients you like!

Remember to:

  • Say the word that you are going to write.
  • Listen for the sounds in order.
  • Write down the sounds that you can hear.


Counting Activities (Please do at least one counting activity every day)

  • I can count to 20 song with actions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VLxWIHRD4E
  • Rally Robin counting to 20. (Adult and child face each other. Adult says 1, child says 2, adult says 3, child says 4 and so on until you get to 20)
  • Every time you go upstairs, count the steps. Remember to say 1 number name for each step.
  • Counting actions. Jump 10 times and count as you do it. 

This week, we are learning to 

  • Recognise some coins and say the amount that they are worth.

Ask your grown-up to show you some different coins. Have a look at the colour and the shape of each coin.

If your grown-up has a few 1 pence coins, put them in a line and practise counting them. Remember to say how much money there is. For example, "I have 6 pence".

You could make your own little shop with some of your toys and ask a grown-up to come and buy something from your shop!